When did they start calling this the Brasher warning? Who is Brasher? I heard someone use this term in discussion a year or so ago and I had no idea what they were talking about. "Call this number" has been around as long as I can remember. I've also heard "possible pilot deviation" long before I knew it was called a Brasher warning.
Mari, you can google the following phrase
7210.632.pdf document library site:faa.gov
to obtain an FAA "order" document with the following page:
Chapter 3. Notifications
3-1. Flight Crew Notification of Suspected Pilot Deviations (PD).
a. When the employee providing air traffic services determines that pilot actions affected the safety
of operations, the employee must report through the MOR process and notify the flight crew as soon as
operationally practical using the following phraseology:
(Aircraft identification) POSSIBLE PILOT DEVIATION, ADVISE YOU CONTACT (facility) AT (telephone
b. The employee reporting the occurrence should notify the front-line manager (or controller-incharge),
operations manager, as appropriate, of the circumstances involved so that they may be
communicated to the pilot upon contacting the facility.
This notification, known as the “Brasher Notification,” is intended to provide the involved flight crew with an
opportunity to make note of the occurrence and collect their thoughts for future coordination with Flight
Standards regarding enforcement actions or operator training.