Cleared for Takeoff
Yes, it is sad that his brother didn't come home... I'm still torn. On one hand, I'd like to think we help our heroes. On the other hand, that doesn't mean "I'm a vet so my every desire is free." (Hyperbole just to make the point.) I'm still not sure what I'd do in Jesse's situation. The first thing, of course, would be to verify the story. If the guy lied, he gets nothing. Period. Beyond that, I'm not sure...It's the losing a brother thing that pulled my heart string. If he is legit I stand by my offer to help out. I know we can't help every single vet out there...but Jesse has spoken on this guys behalf here and I'd say that's worth something.
Maybe a match of some sort? He gets his PPL at half price (sorta fitting given the story) and the GI Bill can pick up the rest?
Just spit ballin here.