Too Much YouTube

Controllers don't need to hear "position checks" after we give you your position. What you DON"T hear after pilots say "position checks" is the controller saying either under his breath, thinking to himself, or to nobody in particular without keying the transmit switch is:

"I KNOW the position checks you dumbass. Other than turning on your transponder or pushing the ident button, I don't need your help in radar identification."

I vote for controllers clicking the mic and verbalizing it for all on frequency to hear. Sometimes you just gotta let a dumbass know he's a dumbass.
That kind of happened last night. A KC-10 was cleared to land and performed a touch and go. This was at 10 pm last night (for the Air Force) 0500Z, 2200 for the Army and Mickey's little hand was on the 10 and his big hand was on the 12 for the Marines. Anyway, when asked why he went around his answer was "training in progress." He was handed off to approach for another try. We we got him back on frequency my local controller asked, "Are you planning on landing for real this time? You woke up the whole town and we have a lot of people waiting on you."
Bingo. I quit worrying about that stuff when on here I saw @Radar Contact and his fiancée say 'with you' when flying his plane and they're controllers themselves. That made me realize most controllers don't even care and don't think a thing about it. It's all us pilots that are anal about this stuff.

The one thing that does really bug me though is not a phrase but when somebody is making a position report in the pattern or the like and they take a minute to give it. They need to make it short and sweet. I've had that happen a lot lately, especially with some certain students at a certain flight school around the FFC and CCO area here in Atlanta. :)

I'm "with you" Brian. I've been controlling for about 18 years and most my friends are controllers (weird schedule people tend to hang out) and I rarely, if ever, hear controllers complaining about pilot phraseology. I've said my piece on it here and to not sound like a broken record just avoid commenting on these post as they continue to come up.

While I'm here, I feel @Kritchlow on some of the ridiculous/dated things we have to tell pilots. I think it's funny to tell a well equipped pilot "7 miles from xxxxx maintain 5000 till established...." They know better than we do how far they are from the fix I just sent them direct to 3 min ago. :)
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The youtube guys and gals are probably the greatest ambassadors for general aviation there are, we as pilots shouldn't crap on them.

I agree. I went back and edited out a somewhat anti YouTube sounding punchline out of one my posts