Camping toilets work well for the ladies. Hopefully they have the good sense to not defecate because female shyte smells (almost) as bad as male shyte. Why some people feel the need to ease out a loaf during a flight of only a couple of hours is beyond me... A flight of 8-10 hours, I get that, but for small twins what are we talking about for legs? 2-4 hours max? Tell your passengers to have a crap back at the FBO before getting on the plane!
All the talk about emergency turdbags does remind me of an early conversation I had with my sons when on a trip not with my wife and daughter
Me: Okay boys, it's just us guys so if you need to use the bathroom let me know. We're going to try make the trip in one shot.
Them: Okay Dad.
One of them (later): Dad, I need to go.
Me: Okay take this gatorade bottle. Make sure you put your nozzle inside. Don't spill! Don't overfill! I have another one too. Close the lid when done.
One of them: No, Dad, I need a bag.
Me (dumb): Why?
One of them: Number 2...
Me: HELL NO! Hold it in we're landing in 20...
I'm raising savages, I tell you!