Filing Flight Plan
Hello Everyone,
Looking to get some unbiased feedback from those whom have transitioned and/or became professional pilot from some other profession.
My Summary
I’ve talked with my CFI and other ATP pilots all whom are within the first 5 years of their career and I have yet to hear someone say it’s a definitive good path. I recognized the upfront
expense(s) and the not so gratifying pay.
I make great money, but hate what I do. Financially I’m somewhat confident we can handle the pay reduction with a small lifestyle adjustment. I love to fly and learning that I love to teach. So my thought was to become a CFI and see where that takes me. I think there’s a good road to get brought on as a CFI and possibly a corporate pilot at the place I training now.
My plan would be to complete my CFI at my local airport, pay as I go, and once complete leave the corporate world and do this full or part time. I know the grass is not always greener on the other side and this is a huge commitment for me. So was reaching out to get some input.
For those of you who survived reading this and take the time to respond it’s very much appreciated.
Looking to get some unbiased feedback from those whom have transitioned and/or became professional pilot from some other profession.
My Summary
- 29 w/wife and 2 kids (2 & 4)
- Work in the Diagnostic Imaging MFG industry as Operations Manager (8 years)
- Degrees in ENG and Business Management
- Have small real estate businesses to offset most bills (Rentals, Property Management, and Sales)
- Pilot Experience
- Finishing Private Pilot license and considering IFR, commercial, CFI.
I’ve talked with my CFI and other ATP pilots all whom are within the first 5 years of their career and I have yet to hear someone say it’s a definitive good path. I recognized the upfront
expense(s) and the not so gratifying pay.
I make great money, but hate what I do. Financially I’m somewhat confident we can handle the pay reduction with a small lifestyle adjustment. I love to fly and learning that I love to teach. So my thought was to become a CFI and see where that takes me. I think there’s a good road to get brought on as a CFI and possibly a corporate pilot at the place I training now.
My plan would be to complete my CFI at my local airport, pay as I go, and once complete leave the corporate world and do this full or part time. I know the grass is not always greener on the other side and this is a huge commitment for me. So was reaching out to get some input.
- Anyone left a high paying job to peruse what he or she wants to do vs. what pays the most? Regrets? Recommend it?
- Anyone actually enjoy just being a CFI? Most I’ve talked to are treading water to get to or back to the airlines.
- I’m estimating about $25K - $30K to get me to CFI going through my current flight school. Other option is club and hire CFI to train me, about $8K cheaper. Not as good of plane, iffy on instructor availability, and loose my “in” with CFI job and corporate pilot opportunities potentially. Thoughts?
For those of you who survived reading this and take the time to respond it’s very much appreciated.