Time change....


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 13, 2014
high desert NM
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I changed all my clocks tonight, Friday instead of waiting until Sunday night.

I Just wanted to get a head start on the rest of the country, except for Arizona.

edit: I meant Sunday morning.
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Another reason Arizona is the place for me.
I changed all my clocks tonight, Friday instead of waiting until Sunday night.

I Just wanted to get a head start on the rest of the country, except for Arizona.

edit: I meant Sunday morning.

Why would you care about that extra hour of sleep? We are all envious that all you creatures up there in Alaska were already in deep hibernation. :D

[I really dislike this time of year with the short days, and cold, dark mornings]
Arizonie is a smart state for not following it. Only plus side is it makes it easier to get more night flying in!
Isn't there a portion of Indiana that doesn't have it, or some other Midwest state?
Isn't there a portion of Indiana that doesn't have it, or some other Midwest state?

It use to be up to the individual counties in Indiana. My cousin said it sucked to work in one county and live in another. At one point the difference was TWO hours between his counties....
It use to be up to the individual counties in Indiana. My cousin said it sucked to work in one county and live in another. At one point the difference was TWO hours between his counties....

LOL. And people wonder why some want curbs on the power of goverment...
It use to be up to the individual counties in Indiana. My cousin said it sucked to work in one county and live in another. At one point the difference was TWO hours between his counties....

No doubt that caused problems, and tardiness lol.
Why would you care about that extra hour of sleep? We are all envious that all you creatures up there in Alaska were already in deep hibernation. :D

[I really dislike this time of year with the short days, and cold, dark mornings]

I never understood why Alaska follows the time change. I mean it really doesn't make any difference in the middle of summer or winter.
I never understood why Alaska follows the time change. I mean it really doesn't make any difference in the middle of summer or winter.

I wonder if it has to do with business interaction? I haven't looked into it but we already have minor issues in the middle of the country, trying to connect in that window available with Fl. or Ca. Maybe it would further reduce their window with eastern USA if they did not sync with the time change?
Hey! We can be accommodating to all! We could do half hour time zones to make everyone happy!
And if you think 0:30 is weird, did you know there are 0:45 offsets in the world?!
I wonder if it has to do with business interaction? I haven't looked into it but we already have minor issues in the middle of the country, trying to connect in that window available with Fl. or Ca. Maybe it would further reduce their window with eastern USA if they did not sync with the time change?

Yikes..!!! Alaska used to have 4 time zones.

On September 15, 1983, Secretary Elizabeth Dole signed a plan to reduce the number of time zones in Alaska from four to two; two weeks later, the plan became effective. Since that date, 90 percent of Alaska residents set their clocks to Alaska Standard Time (same as Yukon), only one hour behind the West Coast. The far reaches of the Aleutian Islands and St. Lawrence Island are in the next zone, Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time. Alaska does participate in the Daylight Savings program from April to October along with most other states in the US.

Before this change, Alaska's time zones were Pacific time (southeastern Alaska), Yukon time (Yakutat), Alaska time (from just east of Cold Bay and west of Yakutat northward, including Nome), and Bering time (the north coast of Alaska and the Aleutian chain).

The shift was made to facilitate doing business in Alaska, improve communications, and unify residents.

So ,I can't figure out what the big deal is. Wake up ,check the time and set your clock .
IIRC, back then, the western most part of Alaska was actually a day ahead of the rest of the state/country.

A bunch of years ago I did some trips from Dutch Harbor to Nilkolski (a bit farther down the chain). We kept screwing up our ETAs because they were in two different time zones. We would arrive at Nikolski near or before the time we left Dutch Harbor. Getting to Dutch Harbor took two hours. We couldn't get the folks we were dealing with to work in Zulu time. :sigh:
Tangentially related, last year this time there was an interesting article advocating the CONUS consolidate into two zones. Eastern and Central combined, and Mountain and Pacific. The change would be implemented on this day (the first Sunday in Nov) by Eastern and Mountain zones turning their clocks back, and Central and Pacific not changing. Advocates claimed in this day and age of speed of light communications and near-sonic transportation, we didn't need four time zones anymore, and that it would make commerce between the east and west coasts easier.
IIRC, back then, the western most part of Alaska was actually a day ahead of the rest of the state/country.

A bunch of years ago I did some trips from Dutch Harbor to Nilkolski (a bit farther down the chain). We kept screwing up our ETAs because they were in two different time zones. We would arrive at Nikolski near or before the time we left Dutch Harbor. Getting to Dutch Harbor took two hours. We couldn't get the folks we were dealing with to work in Zulu time. :sigh:

I have to deal with time zone changes flying from New Mexico to Arizona and the Navajo reservation, so I just say I will be there in 2 hours.
I have to deal with time zone changes flying from New Mexico to Arizona and the Navajo reservation, so I just say I will be there in 2 hours.
I lived on the Hopi reservation and it was a mess trying to decide what time it was at a given point.
Oh goodie. Driving home in the dark on county roads, even if you leave the office at 16:30, because some morons wanted the clocks moved is always a seasonal treat.
Colorado tried DLS year round. People don't want their kids walking to school in the dark was the reason they stopped.
Oh goodie. Driving home in the dark on county roads, even if you leave the office at 16:30, because some morons wanted the clocks moved is always a seasonal treat.

If you are doing that on standard time, what does the change to/from DST have to do with it?
It use to be up to the individual counties in Indiana. My cousin said it sucked to work in one county and live in another. At one point the difference was TWO hours between his counties....

That sounds very poorly thought out, statewide, OK, but county to county, what a mess
I think we have some counties in Michigan's upper peninsula that are on central time. That puts them more in step with Wisconsin.
Colorado tried DLS year round. People don't want their kids walking to school in the dark was the reason they stopped.
There are no kids walking to school,anymore. Don't you know that the boogeyman might could possibly snatch the precious children? Parents have been prosecuted for making their kids walk to and from school, almost a mile !
If you are doing that on standard time, what does the change to/from DST have to do with it?

If you've noticed, standard time gets shorter every year. Ideally we would have permanent DST.
There are no kids walking to school,anymore. Don't you know that the boogeyman might could possibly snatch the precious children? Parents have been prosecuted for making their kids walk to and from school, almost a mile !

Most parents would be surprised to find most people not only have zero interest in stealing their children, but actually find them quite abnoxiois, even more then a small yappy dog.

And looking at kids nowadays most could use the walk
Aww man, it's ****ing dark outside already! :eek:
I forgot to bring a flashlight, how will I find my way out of the woods? :D
Someone do a search. I swear we have discussed this every fall for the last 10 years!
Belay that search. mscard may need help before dawn. :D
if I send the night.

Damn it's getting chilly. I fond a book of matches from a strip, uh, a store, but we're under a drought here in Alabama, but man I need to make a fire later if I spend the night. Whoaaaaa what was that :eek:
I think we have some counties in Michigan's upper peninsula that are on central time. That puts them more in step with Wisconsin.
Yes. In fact I noticed years ago that there were one or two places in the UP where one could drive EAST from an eastern time county into a central time county. Don't know if that's still the case however.
Oh goodie. Driving home in the dark on county roads, even if you leave the office at 16:30, because some morons wanted the clocks moved is always a seasonal treat.
Ditto here in New England. One of my pet peeves about the region is the early sunsets. Sun sets about 1630 now in VT, so I'll definitely be walking home from work after dark this evening. In NH and ME, of course, it sets even earlier. If a proposal to move the whole region to Atlantic time came up on the ballot, I would vote yes.

Naturally it's a tradeoff. Last week it was rising around 0730 so I can understand parents' concerns about children walking to school in the dark. Personally though, I would much prefer more daylight after work
Try working in a bunker! No windows, so the only time I see the sun is on the weekends.
I wish we'd stay on this and never go back on DST. My bio clock syncs up with this sooo much better.
I wish we'd stay on this and never go back on DST. My bio clock syncs up with this sooo much better.
I'd rather move the other way, give me DST, then DST+1, then back to DST
So ,I can't figure out what the big deal is. Wake up ,check the time and set your clock .

I don't even do that. All my clocks are self-setting either through NTP, GPS or WWVB.

Well except those on the kitchen appliances. However, the microwave has a nice feature that if you don't set the time then it stays blank rather than blinking "12:00". The built-in oven is the one remaining thorn in my side.