This is a shocker: ADS-B program cancelled.


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
"In a surprise announcement late on Sunday the FAA revealed, in press conference from their Washington headquarters, that they will be reversing position on their roll-out of the ADS-B portion of NextGen; a process which has been over a decade in the coming.

Those invested heavily in the technology expressed consternation at the announcement, saying this about-face is a huge step backwards, and will cost their companies significantly. Word from those developing and marketing ADS-B devices mirrored this thought, stating this has the potential to seriously harm their company's financial situation.

AOPA has talked to end-users of the devices and 'the only ones happy right now are those who put off installing the ADS-B units'; those who already installed them are left with an expensive and much-vaunted technology that will have no network to communicate with, and no purpose in their aircraft.

In other news, the FCC has announced long-hoped for plans to re-establish the LORAN-C chains within the U.S, bringing back a standalone navigation technology which was heavily utilized, and much appreciated by many aviators."

This article brought to you by the AOPA (American Onion & Pilots Association)
Wonder what today’s date is.

Still March 31 where I am. :D

But I like the direction this is going. And I think it's time we lobby the FAA to remind all pilots and aircraft owners the whisky (or is it whiskey?) compass is still the primary navigation device (I'll drink to that).

Magenta lines...them's for Millennials.
Of the few April Fools jokes I have seen today, I have been very disappointed in the lack of creativity, and humor... That is all you can do! Oh Man.
Can I send $3.99 and 3 Wheaties box tops to get my Real Pilot Sextant?
Jet-powered Fly Baby landing, piloted by POA administrator:

Ron Wanttaja
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