There's a party going on in chat

Is there a way to turn off chat alltogether ?

I also wondered. Annoying to see the number of missed chat items. I have enough chat things related to work. Why have one more?

No chat in Tapatalk. Or, I'm to dumb to find it.
I also wondered. Annoying to see the number of missed chat items. I have enough chat things related to work. Why have one more?

Funny, I was just going to ask that same question. I accidentally clicked on chat about an hour ago and now the number in the little red flag keeps climbing.
Am I in the chat room now???
Yeah, it's annoying and to be honest I don't see the point.
Yea - was interesting for a minute - but hard to code a web site and chat on another website...

... now it's past my bedtime ....
Yeah, it's annoying and to be honest I don't see the point.
Yea. No need for notifications, if we want to read the chat we can simply click and go into it. Liked the old chat room setup better, but it'll do.
Lol. Drive the OCDs nutz with the notifications. It's all good as they say.
I also wondered. Annoying to see the number of missed chat items. I have enough chat things related to work. Why have one more?

I'm pretty sure the number is how many are logged in and not how many messages you've missed.
What's this Chat thing of which you speak and how am I assured to stay out of it?
I just pulled it up, glanced through the cache of discussions on the self diagnoses and treatments of various scabs, sores, and assorted STDs on intimate body parts, and decided to quietly close the browser... :oops:
A bit of background here (and this probably should have a separate thread, but since Bryan started this one...)

The chat room goes back 10+ years in PoA's history. Back in the early days it was "FlashChat", which eventually had some problems and was replaced with "LiveChat." After a while that had some problems and was removed from the website.

Some of us (myself included) were active chat participants back in the day. Really, it was where a lot of friendships were forged and many of us spent most of our evenings talking. Back when I was first learning to fly I would study for whatever written I was taking next while being in chat (this was also when I was single). I also met and started talking to my wife @Laurie through FlashChat.

The chat room was generally a positive addition to PoA, and so we've been talking about getting one back for a while. This particular chat software is compatible with Xenforo (the PoA forum software) and integrates nicely. The MC played with it for a while, but undoubtedly there will be other changes to make. For one, it seems many aren't a fan of the ability to tag people in chat, and personally I agree.

The red number next to chat is the number of users in the room. This does NOT mean the number of unanswered notifications. It just tells you people are in the room. I agree it's a little confusing, but if you don't want to use the chat function, you can just ignore it.

Like anything else, if chat proves problematic then we'll have to reevaluate it. However it is a feature that wasn't problematic in the past and was only removed because of technical issues, rather than because of issues with participants.

In the past, we had some people who loved participating in chat, and some who didn't. I expect the same now, and that's fine.

We hope that everyone enjoys the chat functionality. Please feel free to make any suggestions.
One suggestion to make - remove the /giphy command if possible. I kept playing with it last night and it's a bit distracting and doesn't offer much value really
The chat room was generally a positive addition to PoA, and so we've been talking about getting one back for a while. This particular chat software is compatible with Xenforo (the PoA forum software) and integrates nicely. The MC played with it for a while, but undoubtedly there will be other changes to make. For one, it seems many aren't a fan of the ability to tag people in chat, and personally I agree.

The red number next to chat is the number of users in the room. This does NOT mean the number of unanswered notifications. It just tells you people are in the room. I agree it's a little confusing, but if you don't want to use the chat function, you can just ignore it.

Nice history. Suggestions:
1. Make Chat optional on the display (go ahead and default it to on).
2. Make active count on chat optional if you cannot remove the menu/link completely
3. Change the notification from red to white on blue.

The point is, those who are interested in it can look. For those not interested, the red number is very disconcerting. The red highlight is associated mentally with "alerts" and "notifications".

Good suggestions, @tspear

I'll ask Jason to make some changes. My thought is to remove the red number entirely since the main page has a list of active users chatting, and then also disable the ability to tag people in chat. We'll try to get some changes implemented here soon.
Good suggestions, @tspear

I'll ask Jason to make some changes. My thought is to remove the red number entirely since the main page has a list of active users chatting, and then also disable the ability to tag people in chat. We'll try to get some changes implemented here soon.
What is tagging people on chat mean? I was frantically pressing stuff last night trying to get rid of those red numbers.

Hope I didn't inadvertently tag anyone... whatever that means.
You can tag someone in the chat to bring their attention to a post. For example I will tag @Kritchlow here to make the point. You get a notification in your "alerts." This is similar to if someone quotes a message you write.

The point is just to bring someone's attention to a post. This is helpful if someone isn't reading a thread but could contribute. So for example, sometimes I get tagged in twin threads or engine threads. I tagged AggieMike in my F-350 thread because I might need an engine (still might, but don't know yet).

In chat this seems to make less sense. You can use it to try to call someone into chat, but I don't think that's really in the spirit. Theoretically everyone in there is actively participating, so really all you're doing is trying to get someone else to join in.
On the tagging, I used it last night, but didn't find it too useful other than to create notifications.
. My thought is to remove the red number entirely since the main page has a list of active users chatting, .
It would be nice if you could get the chat user list from a mouse over instead of having to go to the main page or clicking/tapping into chat.
How can I opt out and get rid of the annoying icon and red alerts box?
So many people pooping on the party!