The two facts, one lie game

You guessed it - I just wish I could fly right seat in a Citation. :)

ETA: I wasn't caffeinated enough for that, @NealRomeoGolf !

That would be pretty cool!

Ok, here's mine:

1. Flew to a checkride in a cub over the Berkshires while it was snowing.
2. Landed an aircraft in a cherry tree in CT, and walked away.
3. Jumped a mine car over a switch in WV.
Well to keep things moving:

1. I led an Infantry battalion to victory in a field exercise.

2. I speak fluent Estonian.

3. I steered an aircraft carrier.
Admittedly, I didn’t know there was a language called ‘Estonian’. #1 and #3 sound plausible…Hmm… I’m gonna go with #2 being the BS.

EDIT: I see you already answered it now, but I was correct! Wooo :)
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I really figured that would be harder....

2 is false. My flight instructor did that, 2 hours before I was supposed to go flying with him, in the same plane. Totaled the aircraft, but he was fine. Flywheel sheered off the crankshaft in flight. It was assembled incorrectly at last overhaul.
This was harder than I thought it would be.

1. I attempted a time-to-climb record in a Bonanza
2. I FODed the cockpit of a tactical jet trainer with a letter opener
3. I have done a 10+ turn spin in a C152

and the stories he doesn't tell
I'll guess #1 is the lie, 2 and 3 are true.
Correct - I have never flown a Bonanza, much less tried to set a record in one.

Your turn.

who needs to fill the gap
1) On my PPL check ride, last landing of the day, I had to go around once for a deer on the runway, and again on the next attempt for wild turkeys on the runway.
2) I appeared on CNN in 1993 to demonstrate the world's first web browser.
3) I set or tied what may be a record (3 times, over 12 years) for most times advancing to the final round of the US Olympic Team selection finals without ever making the team.
1) On my PPL check ride, last landing of the day, I had to go around once for a deer on the runway, and again on the next attempt for wild turkeys on the runway.
2) I appeared on CNN in 1993 to demonstrate the world's first web browser.
3) I set or tied what may be a record (3 times, over 12 years) for most times advancing to the final round of the US Olympic Team selection finals without ever making the team.

Gotta be #1. #2 and #3 are so wild as to not be true, or you are amazingly creative.
Gotta be #1. #2 and #3 are so wild as to not be true, or you are amazingly creative.

GaryM said:
1) On my PPL check ride, last landing of the day, I had to go around once for a deer on the runway, and again on the next attempt for wild turkeys on the runway.
2) I appeared on CNN in 1993 to demonstrate the world's first web browser.
3) I set or tied what may be a record (3 times, over 12 years) for most times advancing to the final round of the US Olympic Team selection finals without ever making the team.​

Judy was first with the right answer, and is up next.

#1 is plausible in this area, but it didn't happen. #2 was my Forest Gump moment, I had nothing to do with developing the Mosaic browser (it was renamed Netscape soon thereafter), but I was in the right place at the right time to get tapped to demo it on CNN. #3 is also painfully true. I was a three-time also-ran for the Olympics (in shooting, rifle once, pistol twice). I did eventually make the US team, but not in an Olympic Year.
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OK, here I go:

1) I once ate elephant seal pup tongue.
2) I took off from the Colville River in Alaska in a Supercub on floats.
3) I ate dinner with a KGB agent in China.
I think I know which one it is, but I'm going to stand aside. I -think- she's playing my game.
OK, here I go:

1) I once ate elephant seal pup tongue.
2) I took off from the Colville River in Alaska in a Supercub on floats.
3) I ate dinner with a KGB agent in China.
Gotta be 2. That sounds like something they’d have on the Menu in China.
Aaaaannd we have a winner! Luvflyin is right. You're up next.

The back stories:

1) I once ate elephant seal pup tongue. I was doing research on elephant seals, and one of my colleagues cut out the tongue of an elephant seal pup that had been crushed during a fight between two male elephant seals (who outweigh the pups by orders of magnitude). He cooked it up and I ate some. It tastes like beef tongue.
2) I took off from the Colville River in Alaska in a Supercub on floats. This was the falsehood. It was a C185 on floats, not a Supercub.
3) I ate dinner with a KGB agent in China. I was at a geology conference in China in the mid-1980s. One of the Russian attendees was always extremely nattily dressed and never went on any of the field trips. He and I did share a table, with a few others, and he was erudite and charming. However, (a) Geologists don't dress nattily. (b) Geologists live for field trips. I was working for the US government at the time and when I got home, I was debriefed by the CIA. I mentioned this guy, and they told me he was probably KGB there to keep an eye on the other Russians and gather intel on the Chinese and whoever else might attend. I can't imagine he learned anything useful, but oh well.
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#2 was my Forest Gump moment, I had nothing to do with developing the Mosaic browser (soon to be renamed Netscape), but I was in the right place at the right time to get tapped to demo it on CNN. #3 is also painfully true. I was a three-time also-ran for the Olympics (in shooting, rifle once, pistol twice). I did eventually make the US team, but not in an Olympic Year.

Both of those are very cool stories. I was on sabbatical at Stanford in 1994 and remember going to a talk about this new thing called the world wide web. It was pretty amazing, and I think I actually used Netscape while I was there. Within a few months, the ads in the Wall Street Journal included URLs and within a year, even country radio stations were touting their websites.

Remind me never to get into a shooting contest with you, even though I actually do have a shooting trophy.
Aaaaannd we have a winner! Luvflyin is right. You're up next.

The back stories:

1) I once ate elephant seal pup tongue. I was doing research on elephant seals, and one of my colleagues cut out the tongue of an elephant seal pup that had been crushed during a fight between two male elephant seals (who outweigh the pups by orders of magnitude). He cooked it up and I ate some. It tastes like beef tongue.
2) I took off from the Colville River in Alaska in a Supercub on floats. This was the falsehood. It was a C185 on floats, not a Supercub.
3) I ate dinner with a KGB agent in China. I was at a geology conference in China in the mid-1980s. One of the Russian attendees was always extremely nattily dressed and never went on any of the field trips. He and I did share a table, with a few others, and he was erudite and charming. However, (a) Geologists don't dress nattily. (b) Geologists live for field trips. I was working for the US government at the time and when I got home, I was debriefed by the CIA. I mentioned this guy, and they told me he was probably KGB there to keep an eye on the other Russians and gather intel on the Chinese and whoever else might attend. I can't imagine he learned anything useful, but oh well.

Hah! I knew it! Throw in the most credible story as the falsehood!
Aaaaannd we have a winner! Luvflyin is right. You're up next.

The back stories:

1) I once ate elephant seal pup tongue. I was doing research on elephant seals, and one of my colleagues cut out the tongue of an elephant seal pup that had been crushed during a fight between two male elephant seals (who outweigh the pups by orders of magnitude). He cooked it up and I ate some. It tastes like beef tongue.
2) I took off from the Colville River in Alaska in a Supercub on floats. This was the falsehood. It was a C185 on floats, not a Supercub.
3) I ate dinner with a KGB agent in China. I was at a geology conference in China in the mid-1980s. One of the Russian attendees was always extremely nattily dressed and never went on any of the field trips. He and I did share a table, with a few others, and he was erudite and charming. However, (a) Geologists don't dress nattily. (b) Geologists live for field trips. I was working for the US government at the time and when I got home, I was debriefed by the CIA. I mentioned this guy, and they told me he was probably KGB there to keep an eye on the other Russians and gather intel on the Chinese and whoever else might attend. I can't imagine he learned anything useful, but oh well.
I already done it once. I waive the one day time limit per rule #4. Someone jump right on in.
1) I put ketchup on hotdogs, slip with full flaps, and like redheads
2) I put mustard on hotdogs, sometimes call 'clear of the runway' before reaching the hold short line, and like blondes
3) number 2 is false
1) I put ketchup on hotdogs, slip with full flaps, and like redheads
2) I put mustard on hotdogs, sometimes call 'clear of the runway' before reaching the hold short line, and like blondes
3) number 2 is false

Nah, #3 is false
can't sneak anything by you! you're up!


We do NOT put ketchup on hot dogs!

Okay well there was that time when we were at Kesslers drinking cheap bourbon. I'm assuming that is what you were talking about.
we took one for the team that nite.....
Yeah as I recall you were the one that impregnated the Rescuci-Anni CPR training doll.
1) I put ketchup on hotdogs, slip with full flaps, and like redheads
2) I put mustard on hotdogs, sometimes call 'clear of the runway' before reaching the hold short line, and like blondes
3) number 2 is false

This is just too important to not comment, er ramble on.
1a) if you don't have any hotdog sauce
1b) yes!
1c) redheads be crazy
can't sneak anything by you! you're up!

OK, here we go:

1.) I once spend a weekend at a nudist gather.
2.) I've pulled a 6g turn in a GA aircraft.
3.) I got luggied on by Iggy Pop in concert.
OK, here we go:

1.) I once spend a weekend at a nudist gather.
2.) I've pulled a 6g turn in a GA aircraft.
3.) I got luggied on by Iggy Pop in concert.
True (hope you remembered sunscreen)
False < --- (being an aviation forum this is obviously the lie)
True (and you paid handsomely for those front row seats)
#1, ain't nobody want to see that.