The time change

I say abolish time zones! They are just a remnant from when people used sundials. The whole world should be on Zulu time. It would make it much easier for pilots and other travelers.
I've been advocating this for years. It would make it much easier for everybody once humanity gets used to the idea (and no, I don't live anywhere near the prime meridian).
No, I have lived in SE Michigan for the past 23 years. Long ago I lived in Lewes, Sussex which is right on the Prime Meridian.

If the world all went to Zulu time, I would then go to work at 1300Z, have lunch at 1700Z and go home at 2200Z. Would that be so hard to accept?
I'm with you sac arrow!
it's completely idiotic... zero benefit to flipping back and forth. nuthin but down sides.....

I'm in the camp, just pick one...I almost don't care which.....
Personally I think we got it right down here in Florida a couple years ago though....locking into DST, that's the better choice for if they could ever get any traction with the morons up in DC to let it through!
That is true. What I don't get is the time change back in the fall. It feels counter productive to me.
That is true. What I don't get is the time change back in the fall. It feels counter productive to me.
Standard time is generally based on local solar time. You can use your watch hands to find north for the next few months. ;)

And if GMT switched to daylight savings, the formula for the true bearing to the Sun would be thrown off by 15 degrees.
Standard time is generally based on local solar time. You can use your watch hands to find north for the next few months. ;)

And if GMT switched to daylight savings, the formula for the true bearing to the Sun would be thrown off by 15 degrees.

It's the difference between Kts and mph
I think instead of changing time, they should change distance. For 3 months of the year, make a nautical mile 20% longer. Don't change kilometers or statute miles...that would just confuse the general public. Then all of our speeds will go up PLUS better range and mileage, too. We can go back in the spring.

Once that works, we can try adjusting mass and gravity by legislation, too.

As sad as it sounds, someone is probably working on this.
I love my work hours... 3PM-11PM
No matter what time of the year I wake up at 6am and have 9 hours of beautiful daylight to fly, ride motorcycles or just goof around before I have to be at work... I love it :-)
No complaints here....
I love my work hours... 3PM-11PM
No matter what time of the year I wake up at 6am and have 9 hours of beautiful daylight to fly, ride motorcycles or just goof around before I have to be at work... I love it :)
No complaints here....
I'm gonna assume this ain't one of your favorite songs
