The testing center has accused me of cheating on my IR written.

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Bryan, if you actually typed this while driving on the highway you are indeed frightening.

We have a rule at home.
If any of the children see an adult using a cell phone in the car, they can call us out and we give them a dollar.
^^^ That is 100% true.

I was not on the highway. <-- Also 100% true.
We have a rule at home.
If any of the children see an adult using a cell phone in the car, they can call us out and we give them a dollar.
^^^ That is 100% true.

I was not on the highway. <-- Also 100% true.
Just responding to what you wrote dude.
Just responding to what you wrote dude.
And I fully support him or anyone else joking in this way. Read any of Nate's responses earlier in this thread, they cover this with insane detail (and his comments actually apply in this case ;) )
If you find yourself out this way I'll pretend fly the L8A with you. Must be less than 180#.
If you find yourself out this way I'll pretend fly the L8A with you. Must be less than 180#.

I really really need to get down to less than 180. Can I pretend to be less than 180?
Aviation related joke. Not actually flying

your 41 years as a cfi doesn’t make your opinion any more valid.

I’ve been a cfi for 21 years and an instructor at an air carrier and I think you are full of crap.

I bet you still disagree with me... my credentials don’t make my opinion any more valid. But you are still wrong. in my opinion.

much as you said regarding me calling you out... my opinion was noted. Yours has been as well. Drop it.
I think folks need to calm down a bit.

Class-clown has been sent to the principals office for doing his class-clown thing. Doesn't mean he is an axe-murderer.
Doesn’t mean he isn’t.
I really really need to get down to less than 180. Can I pretend to be less than 180?
I just got down below 180 for the first time in several decades!
I really really need to get down to less than 180. Can I pretend to be less than 180?

I do have a pax useful load improvement program in the works. Not sure how fast it will work. A return to my ideal weight would give you another 30#.
Bryan, I have the answer that could have prevented all of this. Just go into your FB profile and change your middle name(or I think they used to allow you a nickname as well) to "a satire". Then your name will show up in FB as Bryan "a satire" and this whole thing could have been avoided.
Aviation related joke. Not actually flying

your 41 years as a cfi doesn’t make your opinion any more valid.

I’ve been a cfi for 21 years and an instructor at an air carrier and I think you are full of crap.

I bet you still disagree with me... my credentials don’t make my opinion any more valid. But you are still wrong. in my opinion.

much as you said regarding me calling you out... my opinion was noted. Yours has been as well. Drop it.

You know what is notable. Every airline captain who has crashed was passed by an instructor and a check airman.

Airline instructors are management stooges. You pass guys when management wants you to get them back on the line and you bust them when management tells you to. I've defended plenty of good pilots who were burned by vindictive management backed up by spineless instructors. The only people who respect airline instructors are airline instructors, and unfortunately, arbitrators.
You know what is notable. Every airline captain who has crashed was passed by an instructor and a check airman.

Airline instructors are management stooges. You pass guys when management wants you to get them back on the line and you bust them when management tells you to. I've defended plenty of good pilots who were burned by vindictive management backed up by spineless instructors. The only people who respect airline instructors are airline instructors, and unfortunately, arbitrators.
Wow. That’s amazing. To have zero knowledge of me and say those things as a direct personal attack.

Your true colors are shining through now. I don’t know what kind of dumpster airline you worked at but I have never encountered what you are talking about at any airline. Furthermore... I’m not a management pilot. I’m a dues paying line captain first. Teacher second.

keep on spouting about things you have zero knowledge of man.
The hubris continues.
Haven’t all pilots, GA/airline/military/et al, been passed by an instructor or check airman/DPE/etc?
Are you familiar with the term situational awareness or SA? It is more than "where am I and what's going on around me" it is also "how will my next action effect me? How will it effect others?" This is aviation, the minute you stop thinking is the minute you execute a career or life limiting maneuver. My unsolicited advice, get it together or get out of aviation. You are one truly scary pilot.

I made none of those assertion. All those questions are irrelevant. You know you are playing weak hand. You are setting up straw men.

For me the issue is you didn't think more than two seconds ahead. In aviation that is scary.

Let's review:

You posted on facebook stating explicitly that you were cheating on an exam, and you made sure the testing center knew you had done so.
You were then quick to post here that someone in authority is investigating.
This is not the first time.
You have admitted to being "stupid" your word not mine.
You misrepresented the phone call between you and the testing center misstating that they wanted to "punish" you when in fact, you later admitted they never said that. So you are a liar as well.

Your actions are those of an immature, self centered, attention seeking narcissist. I'm not sure you are one, but that is your behavior here. That is a combination that has proven to be deadly in aviation.

So yes. I find it scary that you may be anywhere near the same airspace I am in. Others might not. I do.

On a different note:

As an IT guy I would have though you could make a more logical argument.

Your argument is either: I'm not a scary father therefore I'm not a scary pilot. or You don't know if I am a scary father so you can't know if I'm a scary pilot.

Either one is a fallacy. Being a scary father and being a scary pilot are unrelated. Knowing if you are a scary father and knowing if you are a scary pilot are similarly unrelated.

I would never make the assertion that in all aspects of your life you are scary. I am making the assertion, based on the evidence you provided, that sharing the sky with you scares me.

You missed the point: It is not about his humor. It is about his decision making. And the only area of his life I care even a little bit about is his flying.

I don't get it. This guy exhibits numerous indicia of a dangerous pilot and half this board thinks the only thing wrong was the joke wasn't funny. I've been a CFII for 41 years. I've been party to accident investigations. I've seen the outcome. I don't want him to quit flying I want him to sit up and take notice that this was more serious than a joke gone bad, that it represents a repeated pattern of decision making that will inevitably end in harm to himself or others or both. I don't know this guy, judging by the number defenders he has here he is a good guy with a great sense of humor. But could one of you guys get his attention and let him know that it was not a stupid mistake because he got called out, or because the joke wasn't funny, but because it exhibits a complete lack of situational awareness and self awareness. It was a failure to think through and consider the possible consequences.

I was at a bachelor party down in Mexico last year with a bunch of other pilots, and I can guarantee that *plenty* of poor decisions were made. :) That doesn't mean we carry ourselves in the same manner on the flight deck.

Yeah but he was taking an FAA exam. So it was aviation.[/QUOTE]

You know what is notable. Every airline captain who has crashed was passed by an instructor and a check airman.

Airline instructors are management stooges. You pass guys when management wants you to get them back on the line and you bust them when management tells you to. I've defended plenty of good pilots who were burned by vindictive management backed up by spineless instructors. The only people who respect airline instructors are airline instructors, and unfortunately, arbitrators.

I think every one of the above posts were stupid. Ergo, you must be a stupid pilot.

See how silly that is.
Haven’t all pilots, GA/airline/military/et al, been passed by an instructor or check airman/DPE/etc?
Those are only the stooges. Real pilots fail checkrides.
Wow. That’s amazing. To have zero knowledge of me and say those things as a direct personal attack.

Your true colors are shining through now. I don’t know what kind of dumpster airline you worked at but I have never encountered what you are talking about at any airline. Furthermore... I’m not a management pilot. I’m a dues paying line captain first. Teacher second.

keep on spouting about things you have zero knowledge of man.
The hubris continues.

Examples of unfair discharge in Airline operations are legion. In many of them the training department is either a willing participant or at least complicit.
But I will not convince you of that because you sir, are an aviation god and I doff my cap to you.

Captain, I know what is bothering me. You've been told twice that you are using the word hubris incorrectly, internet dictionaries are free, you're still doing it. If I'm going to be accused of unlikable personalty traits the least you could do is get the right one.
Those are only the stooges. Real pilots fail checkrides.

Do we learn more from our successes or from our failures? I'm not advocating failing check rides. Just that failures should be fair and they often are not.

It's the instructor pilots not the line pilots who are stooges. This Tarheelpilot says he goes back an forth between training and line flying. He has an incentive to be decent instructor.
Seems like people like you Denver want things two ways: You want the investigators held accountable. When they are held accountable and so they take action, you chastise them for acting.

No, I really don’t care if any FAA investigator Is held accountable for anything in normal ops. Not my concern nor have I ever said so here.

I don’t know your line of investigation so it’s impossible to comment on that.

IRS was recently caught abusing civil forfeiture with 91% of the people they stole from never having any actual charges brought against them.

That one made it to Congress and nobody doing it went to jail, so I’m not expecting real personal accountability for them, ever.

Congress gave them a slap on the wrist and didn’t change any laws to make such fraud a crime.

So if you’re saying I want personal liability for government workers and not protections from it, sure. But it’ll never happen.

Maybe you misconstrued my description of it, for actual hope it could happen. It won’t.
No, I really don’t care if any FAA investigator Is held accountable for anything in normal ops. Not my concern nor have I ever said so here.

I don’t know your line of investigation so it’s impossible to comment on that.

IRS was recently caught abusing civil forfeiture with 91% of the people they stole from never having any actual charges brought against them.

That one made it to Congress and nobody doing it went to jail, so I’m not expecting real personal accountability for them, ever.

Congress gave them a slap on the wrist and didn’t change any laws to make such fraud a crime.

So if you’re saying I want personal liability for government workers and not protections from it, sure. But it’ll never happen.

Maybe you misconstrued my description of it, for actual hope it could happen. It won’t.
Wow, getting off on quite a tangent. I'm not here to debate civil asset forfeiture, but I would just ask you, that for someone to be charged, they would have to do something illegal, yes? I also don't work for the IRS, so I'm not too familiar with their forfeitures, but you do realize civil forfeiture is legal? (Granted, it is being currently debated and restricted)
Examples of unfair discharge in Airline operations are legion. In many of them the training department is either a willing participant or at least complicit.
But I will not convince you of that because you sir, are an aviation god and I doff my cap to you.

Captain, I know what is bothering me. You've been told twice that you are using the word hubris incorrectly, internet dictionaries are free, you're still doing it. If I'm going to be accused of unlikable personalty traits the least you could do is get the right one.

I am not an aviation god. I have made lots of mistakes over the years. Learned lessons the hard way to many times. I try to share those experiences with the peers I am entrusted to teach.

I have heard lots of stories about people being railroaded. Never experienced it and frankly have witnessed examiners that were doing it wrong have the authorizations removed by FAA and protections extended to the person being evaluated.

you do realize that examiners are operating on an authorization letter from the FAA and they do not answer to airline management... kinda hard for the airline managers to compel certain outcome of a checking event when the examiners work for the FAA

the definition of hubris according to oxford dictionary: Excessive pride or self-confidence.

That’s exactly how I’m using it. I’m saying your posts are prideful and have a level of confidence that is inappropriate. Why is that hard to understand? What did you think I was “trying” to say? I said exactly what I intended to say about your posts. Specifically your posts. Not you as a person. I don’t know you. You are the one that has lowered this conversation to name calling and character attacks. It’s extraordinarily juvenile.

keep on going. Just adding more fuel to the self immolation.
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Okay, you think I'm being prideful. I say self assured, arrogant even.

Sounds like you work for a good carrier. In my experience the FAA will only pull a letter for improper passes and grossly improper busts. For the ambitious pilot who wants to make his mark in management some day the training department is ideal. If you have a completely isolated training department where people don't go back to the line even more ideal. You are fortunate not to have seen or experienced this. I deal with it on a regular basis.

Thanks for the argument, it has been helpful.
Okay, you think I'm being prideful. I say self assured, arrogant even.

Sounds like you work for a good carrier. In my experience the FAA will only pull a letter for improper passes and grossly improper busts. For the ambitious pilot who wants to make his mark in management some day the training department is ideal. If you have a completely isolated training department where people don't go back to the line even more ideal. You are fortunate not to have seen or experienced this. I deal with it on a regular basis.

Thanks for the argument, it has been helpful.
I’m sorry to hear you deal with that ... the instructors I work with all fly the line somewhat regularly. None of us consider ourselves to be management. Of course many line pilots view us that way. We have several guys active in the union as volunteers... very line centric department. It is by no means perfect. The attrition rates are crazy right now due to pilots getting better jobs. The rapid growth and high turnover causes calibration issues in both instructing and evaluating. It’s a lot of work and very good at keeping a fellow humble.

Our FAA guy is in charge of the APD’s and he makes sure everyone knows that is his domain. Every UNSAT report is read by him and if he has questions he gets answers. People not doing the job how he thinks it should be done are relieved of the responsibility.

I don’t think I work at a place that ranks all that high on most people’s list of ideal jobs and the first two were not much better but I have never seen the wide spread level of suck you seem to be dealing with... I hope it gets better.
Sometimes an attempt to be funny fails. Deeply fails. Ask Michael Richards.
Wow, getting off on quite a tangent. I'm not here to debate civil asset forfeiture, but I would just ask you, that for someone to be charged, they would have to do something illegal, yes? I also don't work for the IRS, so I'm not too familiar with their forfeitures, but you do realize civil forfeiture is legal? (Granted, it is being currently debated and restricted)

Nobody charged. IRS was found to be simply stealing money from people who couldn’t afford to fight back. For a decade.

But yes. A tangent to describe why I don’t believe anybody doing that stuff is ever really held accountable. Or will be.
I’m sorry to hear you deal with that ... the instructors I work with all fly the line somewhat regularly. None of us consider ourselves to be management. Of course many line pilots view us that way. We have several guys active in the union as volunteers... very line centric department. It is by no means perfect. The attrition rates are crazy right now due to pilots getting better jobs. The rapid growth and high turnover causes calibration issues in both instructing and evaluating. It’s a lot of work and very good at keeping a fellow humble.

Our FAA guy is in charge of the APD’s and he makes sure everyone knows that is his domain. Every UNSAT report is read by him and if he has questions he gets answers. People not doing the job how he thinks it should be done are relieved of the responsibility.

I don’t think I work at a place that ranks all that high on most people’s list of ideal jobs and the first two were not much better but I have never seen the wide spread level of suck you seem to be dealing with... I hope it gets better.

It's been going on since airlines were invented. Its one reason why they have unions. It will never go away. Sigh.
Nobody charged. IRS was found to be simply stealing money from people who couldn’t afford to fight back. For a decade.

But yes. A tangent to describe why I don’t believe anybody doing that stuff is ever really held accountable. Or will be.
You can call it stealing, but the law doesn’t.
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