The only time you WANT your airplane to be on fire...


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Midlothian, TX
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... is if it's like as pictured here.

This RV-6 is sitting at the Aero Country airport in Frisco, TX. It took him 10 years to complete it and in the last couple he has put only 113 hours on it. What a shame. I would be sleeping in it!!


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  • RV6-flames2.jpg
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Troy Whistman said:
It took him 10 years to complete it and in the last couple he has put only 113 hours on it. What a shame.

I've heard there are builders and there are pilots, but rarely in the same guy. Darned nice paint job, though. He spent some buck$ on that.
Troy Whistman said:
... is if it's like as pictured here.

This RV-6 is sitting at the Aero Country airport in Frisco, TX. It took him 10 years to complete it and in the last couple he has put only 113 hours on it. What a shame. I would be sleeping in it!!
Very nice plane. Probably takes more time to clean every time he flies it than the flying time. Oh well, to each his own.
There must be hundreds or thousands of partially completed and completed homebuilt and kitbuilt airplanes sitting in garages and basements, Im surprised there arent more (inexpensive) ones available for purchase!
Guess its like my frineds that rebuild classic cars. They never drive them. They show them a lot but always trailer them to shows. That paint job is some serious talent!
Ken Ibold said:
Troy, can you PM or email me contact info for this guy? Or have him email me at kibold @ Thanks!

I am working on finding out and will let you know. Thinking about an article?
AdamZ said:
That paint job is some serious talent!

Yeah, no kidding. You figure that's all airbrushed on?

He needs to have the prop painted to match, or at least BLACK, not the gray.

I LOVE what he did with the N-numbers... very cool.
Ken, the N Number (N968JS) shows up on the FAA registry with contact info.

Ken Ibold said:
Troy, can you PM or email me contact info for this guy? Or have him email me at kibold @ Thanks!
One hotttttttt airplane right there. I LOVE the paint scheme :yes:.

Not often you find anything like that! :eek::hairraise::eek:


P.S. Ken - I PMed you a direct link to the N-number entry in the FAA database.
Hey dose anybody know how much it cost to build an RV-6 like that. Incuding engine and everything else it will take to get it in the air.
airman214 said:
Hey dose anybody know how much it cost to build an RV-6 like that. Incuding engine and everything else it will take to get it in the air.

6 is not offered anymore, but you can use this page to get a rough guess on cost. Of course, IR instrumentation and/or fancy avionics will drive you well over this cost estimator. An RV-8 the way I would want it would be $100k easy...
I bet "The Old Man" (Bo Boggs) knows this fellow; he is based at Aero Country, and it ain't that big a field.
If you look at that quick enough while in flight you might really think its a phoenix.
Its hard to spend that much time and money on a plane I want to fly all the time. Must be a lot of bad weather days! I spend three years on my Pawnee and buting it together and it still looks used. Great Job On the RV!!!!!