Final Approach
That’s why we quit riding and sold the bike. When we started riding, I had to be on alert for the occasional driver DWO ( Driving While Oblivious). The last few years we rode, it was more like about a third of the cars we saw were driver-less. Oh, there was some occupying the left front seat, but they were too busy effing with their cell phones to drive.No joke, I've had numerous cagers nearly kill me with idiotic road stunts. Recently, almost all of them were either looking at or had their ear glued to a phone. Idiotic drivers have always been murder machines, but it has gotten way more prevalent in later days. Plenty dangerous for me I'd say.
No, they don’t. The danger is real and getting worse every year for even the most defensive riders.I wonder how many people claiming cagers are trying to kill them actually pay attention to traffic.... or do they ride in the middle of the street as if they have this magic shield around them?