Anybody notice a cool harmonic when they are literally in the clouds?? I’ve noticed it since I started taking IFR lessons. Mostly in the rainy type stratus clouds that are thicker. It’s a neat sensation as it gives you the effect that you are speeding up or decending. It adds to some of the disorientation to flying IMC. As the first time I was in Thicker IMC early on I found my self pulling up without referencing gauges - a wise early lesson!! . I’ve come to expect it so it doesn’t bother me or add to any disorientation. In fact I look forward to it because it sounds cool.
Anybody know why that happens? I thought perhaps air is denser intermittently causing sound waves to react differently. I fly a 182H so I’m not screaming through the clouds, in my friends MU2 I don’t really notice it but that beast is a whole different noise!
Anybody know why that happens? I thought perhaps air is denser intermittently causing sound waves to react differently. I fly a 182H so I’m not screaming through the clouds, in my friends MU2 I don’t really notice it but that beast is a whole different noise!