The greatest invention ever....


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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My vote is for the electric blanket!

I don't know why I never had one of these before. But I have been getting tired of freezing cold or having to have three blankets on with thick PJ's so this last weekend I bought an electric blanket.

Now at about an hour before I go to bed I hit preheat. When I finally arrive in bed and move the cats off of the blanket it is toasty warm! I have found the ideal setting and I can again sleep in my summer bed clothes (t-shirt and shorts). I stay comfortable all night long without a ton of blankets on top of me. This thing is great. Why doesn't everyone have one?
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Do "think PJs" help you think better at night? :D
Thermos bottle still tops my list.
My vote is for the electric blanket!

I don't know why I never had one of these before. But I have been getting tired of freezing cold or having to have three blankets on with think PJ's so this last weekend I bought an electric blanket.

Now at about an hour before I go to bed I hit preheat. When I finally arrive in bed and move the cats off of the blanket it is toasty warm! I have found the ideal setting and I can again sleep in my summer bed clothes (t-shirt and shorts). I stay comfortable all night long without a ton of blankets on top of me. This thing is great. Why doesn't everyone have one?

Because they get old then you can see the little sparks in your blanket. The other solution for your problem is FL or AZ in the winter. That also prevents snow shovelling and a host of other old age related dislikes.:D
heated water bed. waaaaay better
heated water bed. waaaaay better

Also, in the summer, just turn the heat waaaayyy down. No more looking around for a cool spot on the sheets.
I no longer have a water bed, but for 25 years I slept on the "ocean motion" beds. Don't need no steenkin' waveless mattress.:nono:

I do, however use an electric blanket in the cold weather nights (now).
City folk!

I don't even have blankets on my bed. One sheet, and one comforter. Sleep attire is the same regardless of the season...and for the sake of sparing the board the imagery, I won't divulge what that is. Temp is 55-60 overnight in my house.
You would think in a forum called "Pilots of America", and a thread title of "Greatest Inventions" would have someone mentionaing an................AIRPLANE! :blueplane::yes:

But noooooooooooooo! We are talking about electric blankets and PJs? :nono:

I'm putting a paper bag over my head in shame! :rofl::rofl:
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You would think in a forum called "Pilots of America", and a thread title of "Greatest Inventions" would have someone mentionaing an................AIRPLANE! :blueplane::yes:

But noooooooooooooo! We are talking about electric blankets and PJs? :nono:

I'm putting a paper bag over my head in shame! :rofl::rofl:
They have electric blankets for airplanes too ya know?
My vote is for the electric blanket!

They are awfully nice this time of year.

They can cause issues, though. When I was a freshman in high school, I was cutting some stuff out of the newspaper while sitting on my bed late at night, on top of the blanket. I managed to fall asleep, and since I was on top of the blanket it got hot enough to start the newspaper clippings on fire. I woke up to my bedroom full of acrid smoke and the blanket sparking beneath me since the fabric and most of the wire insulation had burned away. I tried to open a window but I was just about to the point of passing out from lack of oxygen, so I ran out of my room and upstairs, yelling. My dad ran downstairs, grabbed my whole mattress and everything on it, dragged it into the garage and threw it outside.

And that's when I got...

heated water bed. waaaaay better

...A water bed. (I don't think there is such a thing as an unheated water bed, as room-temp water would be way too cold to sleep on without a ton of blankets beneath you!) That was awfully nice too... But I had some heater issues with that too. It did last for quite a while.

Both are nice, but airplanes are better. :yes:
They are awfully nice this time of year.

They can cause issues, though. When I was a freshman in high school, I was cutting some stuff out of the newspaper while sitting on my bed late at night, on top of the blanket. I managed to fall asleep, and since I was on top of the blanket it got hot enough to start the newspaper clippings on fire. I woke up to my bedroom full of acrid smoke and the blanket sparking beneath me since the fabric and most of the wire insulation had burned away. I tried to open a window but I was just about to the point of passing out from lack of oxygen, so I ran out of my room and upstairs, yelling. My dad ran downstairs, grabbed my whole mattress and everything on it, dragged it into the garage and threw it outside.

And that's when I got...

...A water bed. (I don't think there is such a thing as an unheated water bed, as room-temp water would be way too cold to sleep on without a ton of blankets beneath you!) That was awfully nice too... But I had some heater issues with that too. It did last for quite a while.

Both are nice, but airplanes are better. :yes:

Another example of the time-honored phrase "you gotta be smarter than what you're working with." :p

OTOH, you got an early lesson regarding smoke in the cockpit.

Scott, it sounds to me like you keep your thermostat at the wrong temperature. I turn mine down to 60 during the day, up to 68 when I get home, and leave it there until I leave for work. If it gets much colder at night, when I wake up I'll have absolutely zero desire to get out of bed.

Scott, it sounds to me like you keep your thermostat at the wrong temperature. I turn mine down to 60 during the day, up to 68 when I get home, and leave it there until I leave for work. If it gets much colder at night, when I wake up I'll have absolutely zero desire to get out of bed.
I have a programmable thermostat. It is at 64 during the day, 70 when I come home and at 68 when I sleep. I get spoiled when i am on the road and could careless about energy costs. Then I turn the room thermostat up to 72 in the winter and 68 in the summer.
Oddly enough, I had an electric blanket when I live in Alabama, which is of course known for their cold winters. :rolleyes: :fingerwag: But now that I'm in Iowa, I don't have one. It might have something to do with the warm body laying next to me, though. :cornut: It's funny how much that king size bed 'shrinks' in the winter. :ihih: We get by with a sheet and thick comforter.

We have a programmable thermostat that is set to 60 during the day and 65 when we're at home.
You remind me to dig my electric blanket out. I've not been sleeping well.

I even bought another one before I moved. My problem is matching up the blanket with the long misplaced controller.

I was just shopping for a console humidifier. I have a Aprilairre on the furnace that I had to turn off because it constantly leaks, despite me sinking like $100 into a replacement water tray. I don't think those things ever work. :mad:

I turned my thermostat up. My electric bill went up $50 just due to the furnace running more. Lord knows what the gas usage is doing. I'm on the budget plan.
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I have a programmable thermostat. It is at 64 during the day, 70 when I come home and at 68 when I sleep. I get spoiled when i am on the road and could careless about energy costs. Then I turn the room thermostat up to 72 in the winter and 68 in the summer.

Holy crap. My bed would be soaked with sweat if I slept with it that warm. My programmable thermostat is
60 from 11pm until 7am
65 from 7am until 7:45am
60 from 7:45 until 5pm
65 from 5pm until 11pm
My vote is for the electric blanket!

I don't know why I never had one of these before. But I have been getting tired of freezing cold or having to have three blankets on with thick PJ's so this last weekend I bought an electric blanket.

Now at about an hour before I go to bed I hit preheat. When I finally arrive in bed and move the cats off of the blanket it is toasty warm! I have found the ideal setting and I can again sleep in my summer bed clothes (t-shirt and shorts). I stay comfortable all night long without a ton of blankets on top of me. This thing is great. Why doesn't everyone have one?

The problem I had with an electric blanket was the cat liked to chew on the little lumps and wires in the blanket. Then it quit working. I did wonder what would happen if the cat chewed those components when it was turned on but we didn't find out.
They taste like rattlesnake.
The problem I had with an electric blanket was the cat liked to chew on the little lumps and wires in the blanket. Then it quit working. I did wonder what would happen if the cat chewed those components when it was turned on but we didn't find out.
Holy crap. My bed would be soaked with sweat if I slept with it that warm. My programmable thermostat is
60 from 11pm until 7am
65 from 7am until 7:45am
60 from 7:45 until 5pm
65 from 5pm until 11pm

I'd combust at those temperatures. I set mine at 50-53 when I'm home and 45 at night and when I'm not home. (I do have to set it at 60 for an hour when I freeze a water line in double digit negative temps but I'm working on fixing that problem once and for all)

After 2 years of fulltiming and having a friend brainwashing me with "it's warm, you won't freeze when you jump in the bed anymore', I finally wimped out and got a heating blanket to preheat the bed in the evening.

The heating blanket is not the greatest invention, however it's pretty impressive when the bed is coldsoaked in the 30's.
... I finally wimped out and got a heating blanket to preheat the bed in the evening.

The heating blanket is not the greatest invention, however it's pretty impressive when the bed is coldsoaked in the 30's.

I also have an electric mattress pad with a missing controller.

That's neat because it heats from beneath.

Scott didn't mention, prolly 'cause he's young yet, that the heat does wonders for aches and pains, too.
I did wonder what would happen if the cat chewed those components when it was turned on but we didn't find out.

I just had a flash back to National Lampoon's "Christmas Vacation" when the cat chewed through the Christmas tree lights. That was funny.

I apologize in advance if you ever lost a cat to electrocution. :rolleyes:
Our house is kept at a constant 65-80 depending on who touched the thermostat last...:mad3:

The King-sized bed in the Master bedroom has a heating blanket with dual controls; my side is Super-glued in the "off" position while She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed keeps her side Maxed out on HIGH!:blowingkisses:
It works in my favor most of the time...our three cats (Zues,Hera and Venus) migrate to her side of the bed as soon as the blanket is switched on...(good Kitties) :smile:

So far (10+ years) I believe the cat(s) did kill one blanket due to munching/clawing it but whichever one it was it didn't seem to have any ill effects...

I don't know who decided to put the two controllers on on blanket but if I ever find out I'll buy him a few drinks!
I'd combust at those temperatures. I set mine at 50-53 when I'm home and 45 at night and when I'm not home. (I do have to set it at 60 for an hour when I freeze a water line in double digit negative temps but I'm working on fixing that problem once and for all)

After 2 years of fulltiming and having a friend brainwashing me with "it's warm, you won't freeze when you jump in the bed anymore', I finally wimped out and got a heating blanket to preheat the bed in the evening.

The heating blanket is not the greatest invention, however it's pretty impressive when the bed is coldsoaked in the 30's.

Keep the temperature up and the bed won't be cold soaked. :)
The problem I had with an electric blanket was the cat liked to chew on the little lumps and wires in the blanket. Then it quit working. I did wonder what would happen if the cat chewed those components when it was turned on but we didn't find out.
I had an older cat that would swear the electric blanket was her little piece of heaven. She wouldn't budge from the bed at night. During the day, she took to sleeping underneath the wood stove. Her fur got so hot I was worried she would spontaneously combust!

I had an older cat that would swear the electric blanket was her little piece of heaven. She wouldn't budge from the bed at night. During the day, she took to sleeping underneath the wood stove. Her fur got so hot I was worried she would spontaneously combust!

I bought two (count 'em!) heat pads for Pancho, figuring they would help her old bones aches, and she won't lay on them. Go figure.

Bertha used to jump on the basket of laundry hot out the dryer and just looolololololololol. :D
And 'cause I know this will stir trouble....

Scott, some of us don't have electric blankets because we know that the electric fields radiated from those things cause cancer, sterility, and weird body parts to grow... :yikes: ;) ;)

How am I doing so far? :p

I keep the thermostat at 65 for wake (6 A - 7:30), 60 daytime, 64 evening, and 60 night. In winter, it cools about 1 degree an hour depending on outside temps (I have the attic at R48 plus radiant barrier).

The thing that chews up electric is the greenhouse out back.
I'm nnot talkin about the helicopters. either.:smile:


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I also have an electric mattress pad with a missing controller.

That's neat because it heats from beneath.

Scott didn't mention, prolly 'cause he's young yet, that the heat does wonders for aches and pains, too.
Yeah, we, too, prefer an electric mattress pad. Keeping it on low, the heat rises and is trapped by the blanket - like being in a warm oven rather than under the broiler.
My vote is for the electric blanket!

Well Scott ............My Vote goes to Tequilla Sunrise:yes:
It keeps you warm and with enough of them you SLEEP LIKE A LOG.
no need for blankets etc.
Dave G:blueplane:
Keep the temperature up and the bed won't be cold soaked. :)

It'd be too hot if I did that. Besides, propane is spendy.

I'm nnot talkin about the helicopters. either.:smile:

Fuel hoses! Brilliant invention to get the fuel into the aircraft so you don't have to take all day to get it loaded up!

Scott, some of us don't have electric blankets because we know that the electric fields radiated from those things cause cancer, sterility, and weird body parts to grow... :yikes: ;) ;)
How am I doing so far?

Not bad. Electric wiring in the walls drive me crazy at night with the constant hum or RF or whatever is going on. I tried to leave the electric blanket on low the other night when it was cold. I lasted all of 5 minutes before I absolutely had to shut it off. It was like a stress inducer.
The King-sized bed in the Master bedroom has a heating blanket with dual controls; my side is Super-glued in the "off" position while She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed keeps her side Maxed out on HIGH!:blowingkisses:

We used to have an electric blanket. Hers was on medium or better most of the time, mine was on off or very low. She washed the blanket and put it back on the bed, upside-down by mistake, and that night I was cooking and couldn't figure out why it was so stinkin' hot with the control turned right off. And she was shivering and turning it up all the way.
