The great conveyor belt


Touchdown! Greaser!
Oct 2, 2005
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Not sure if anyone has posted this here before, but it is a good debate..and quite funny to go over.

question said:
A plane is standing on a runway that can move (some sort of band conveyer). The plane moves in one direction, while the conveyer moves in the opposite direction. This conveyer has a control system that tracks the plane speed and tunes the speed of the conveyer to be exactly the same (but in opposite direction).

The question is:

Will the plane take off or not? Will it be able to run up and take off?

Think this one through a bit before you post. Don't just shoot the first answer you think of :)
Yes. Exactly.

What you have to remember when you are thinking about this is.

The wheels on an airplane really only serve one purpose, to hold you off the ground. They are free spinning, do not provide thrust or forward motion at all.

So let's say you are sitting on this belt. It starts moving backwards, your plane would move backwards too. You apply power.

Your propellor is pulling you forward by grabbing onto the AIR.

It grabs the air and pulls you forward. at this point it really wouldn't matter how fast you made this belt go backwards you could still accelerate to takeoff airspeed down this belt and takeoff.

Of course your wheel speed is going to be *very* high.

The only thing you have to overcome is the friction caused by the tire on the belt and the friction from the wheel bearings. It would take a LOT of friction to overcome your thrust, infact I'd fail and you'd be on fire long before that (as far as what wheel speed that would take, I have no idea)

Another way to look at it:

Take a car and sit it on a frozen lake.

Take an airplane and sit it on a frozen lake.

Try to accelerate in the car.. Guess what, your wheels just spin.

Go full throttle in teh airplane, you accelerate and takeoff. Infact you'd probably accelerate quicker due to the ice.

Anoooother way to look at it:

Get on a bike on a large treadmill. Turn the treadmill on "OH #$@#" speed. What happens? You go backwards on this treadmill.

Now strap a ACME rocket on your back, set it off.. and guess what you are going to go forward and blast right off of this treadmill no matter what the speed of the treadmill going the other way is (up to bearing failure)
jangell said:
Not sure if anyone has posted this here before, but it is a good debate..and quite funny to go over.

Think this one through a bit before you post. Don't just shoot the first answer you think of :)

Veast + Vwest = 0
Runup: Yes. Brakes set = belt stopped = normal stationary runup.

Takeoff: Yes. Wheels are free turning in an airplane. Airspeed is independent from groundspeed. Propulsion is independent from the surface. Liftoff will be the same IAS, wheels will be spinning twice as fast. Very likely additional wheel drag due to the surface movement will result in a slightly longer takeoff run but it'll still lift off in the same general vicinity.
When sufficient airspeed required for rotation is obtained the plane will fly, no matter what the groundspeed is (is not). Heck, you could even have a groundspeed in the opposite direction exceeding forward thrust and still take off.
Richard said:
When sufficient airspeed required for rotation is obtained the plane will fly, no matter what the groundspeed is (is not). Heck, you could even have a groundspeed in the opposite direction exceeding forward thrust and still take off.

And I came close to proving that once!
fgcason said:
Takeoff: Yes. Wheels are free turning in an airplane. Airspeed is independent from groundspeed.

Right, but groundspeed would be zero. Look at it as an outside the system observer:

The conveyor belt is running umpyt squat one direction, the airplane engine is holding it stationary in place. To an outside observer, the airplane appears stationary on the horizion. Thus, even though the engine is pulling, the airspeed is zero. Zip. Nada. Thus, no flight. Unless there is a big wind tunnel fan at the end of the belt facing the airplane.

Look at it another way, if a plane could take off in this fashion, it should be able to take off on a full power runup.

It ain't groundspeed that flies the plane, it ain't propwash that flies the plane, it is airspeed.

Yes, Regis, that is my final answer.
Bill Jennings said:
Yes, Regis, that is my final answer.

Think about what you are saying.

The airplane will move FORWARD on the belt no matter what speed the belt goes in the opposite direction (up to bearing failure) this is because it has an outside object to grab and pull itself forward (air, with propellor).

Think of it like this. You put a bicycle on two sets of rollers. You pedal as FAST as you can.. It's not going to go off of these rollers.

Now in front of you there is a tree with a rope attached to it. You grab this rope and pull yourself off.

Remember. The airplane will be moving forward relative to the solid ground around it, it will not be stationary. All you need to do is overcome the friction of the tires and wheel bearings with thrust. you have *plenty* of thrust to do this.

Basically in order for htis to work. You would need a belt a mile long. Your airplane would takeoff i nthe same distance it normally does (slightly longer due to increased friction..but not much)
jangell said:
This conveyer has a control system that tracks the plane speed and tunes the speed of the conveyer to be exactly the same (but in opposite direction)

I believe that the answer is yes. The key is that the conveyer speed is opposite the plane speed, NOT the wheel speed. Since the conveyer adjusts to match the plane speed, it implies that the plane can actually accelerate (i.e. there is a change in airplane velocity over time). And I have to assume that "speed" refers to the dx/dt which is measured by an observer that is outside of the system, i.e. it's not airplane speed relative to the conveyer surface. So, if my propeller accelerates my plane to 60 mph (roughly rotation speed), the conveyer will be going 60 mph the other direction. The wheels will be turning at 120 mph (tough on the little Cherokee wheels, but doable. OK, so I've brought it in a little hot before...). Anyway, off the plane goes.

If the control system actually ran the conveyer at opposite the WHEEL speed, then realistically it couldn't work: as the plane tried to accelerate, the conveyer would increase speed to match the wheels, and you'd end up with a runaway situation, like running your engine at full throttle with the prop removed. The bearings would fail, or the wheels would come apart, and there'd be no flying today.

This was lifted off another board which lifted it from another site.

The Pilot's Lounge #94: It's The Medium, Manfred

There's a new aviation myth running around the Internet. It involves a conveyer-belt runway and misuse of aerodynamics and ... well, it's better if AVweb's Rick Durden explains it all himself in The Pilot's Lounge.

By Rick Durden

The Pilot's Lounge

I heard the commotion as I started down the hall from the flight school to the Pilot's Lounge at the virtual airport. In the few moments it took to get to the door of the Lounge, individual voices became clear, split into two very vocal camps: The vehement "Yes it will!" calls being answered by an equally intense "No it won't!" I thought back to some of the stronger disagreements that had been aired here, such as the use of flaps on landing, but this one seemed a little louder and I wondered whether Old Hack and some of the bigger guys might have to separate combatants.

I stood off to the side and tried to get a handle on the conflict. Old Hack saw me and sidled over with a silly grin on his face. "These guys spend way too much time on the Internet," he said. "Someone has just come up with what looks like a 21st-century version of the old "downwind turn" foolishness and now the engineers and the soft-science folks are having at it."

The "Fatal" Downwind Turn

For those who don't recall the "downwind turn" tale of the last century, it goes like this: People observed that pilots who were flying relatively low on a heading that took them into the wind had a surprisingly high rate of impact with the ground or obstructions if they rolled into a turn and proceeded to a heading that was with the wind direction, or downwind. There were those who insisted that the airplane could not accelerate fast enough in the turn to make the necessary groundspeed change so as to stay above stall speed and thus they crashed.

As an example, we'll take a pilot with a reputation for good stick and rudder skills, a certain Manfred. We'll magically reincarnate him from the Western Front of World War I (where he had perished) and put him in a 65-hp, Piper J-3 Cub. Its cruise speed is pretty close to the Fokker Dr-I that Manfred last flew -- call it 80 mph. (The Fokker Triplane was so maneuverable few enemy pilots ever figured out it was astonishingly slow.)

We'll point Manfred and the J-3 northbound at 500 feet AGL into the teeth of a 40-mph headwind. His groundspeed is, therefore, 40 mph. Now we'll have him roll into a turn and change directions 180 degrees until he is headed south, directly downwind. We'll have him make the turn in 30 seconds, a twice-standard-rate turn. At that airspeed, it's not very steep and certainly not at all unsafe. The next consideration is that in those 30 seconds, Manfred's J-3 has to accelerate from a groundspeed of 40 mph to a groundspeed of 120 mph in order to still be moving through the air at 80 mph. In fact, if he does not accelerate through that needed 80 mph change in groundspeed, the airplane could stall because the airspeed would have dropped off radically.

There were those who were convinced that it was impossible for a 65 hp J-3 to increase its groundspeed by 80 mph in 30 seconds, and therefore the airplane would stall, which was what made downwind turns so dangerous.

Fortunately, back when this was being debated, rationality prevailed. It was pointed out that the airplane was flying through the air, its propeller was acting upon the air and its wings were moving in an airmass. Thus, when it made its turn, its airspeed didn't change. The airplane continued to move through the air at 80 mph. Its groundspeed changed solely because of the fact that the mass of air in which it was operating, the medium upon which it was acting, was moving.

Had the air been calm, Manfred and his J-3 would have had a groundspeed that matched his airspeed.

Interestingly enough, when the famous aviator, Jimmy Doolittle was sent by the Army to M.I.T. to study in the mid-1920s, his dissertation for his Ph.D. included some of this discussion, so the problem's been solved for some time; it just took most of the rest of the century for the understanding to trickle down. (Yeah, that air-racing, aerobatic, military pilot also had one of the first Ph.D.s awarded in aeronautical engineering.) Doolittle also hypothesized that the frequency of crashes during such turns was the visual effect of the rapidly increasing groundspeed causing pilots to believe that the airplane was suddenly going very fast and pulling back on the stick or throttle, leading to a stall or descent into the ground.

For those who still didn't understand that the downwind turn had no effect on the airplane, all it took was a flight on a day with some wind above a solid deck of clouds. Making a few circles made it clear that the airplane and its pilot could not tell anything about the direction of the wind while turning.

Conveyer-Belt Runway

What I learned from Old Hack was that an updated version of a question aimed at confusing folks over relative measurements of airplane motion and the medium in which it operates had shown up on the Internet, and it was causing the fracas in the Lounge.

The question that has been going around is not particularly artfully worded, and I think that has caused some of the disagreements, but I'll repeat it as it is shown: "On a day with absolutely calm wind, a plane is standing on a runway that can move (some sort of band conveyor). The plane moves in one direction, while the conveyor moves in the opposite direction. The conveyor has a control system that tracks the plane speed and tunes the speed of the conveyor to be exactly the same (but in the opposite direction). Can the airplane ever take off?"

My comment: Notice that the question does not state that the conveyor's movement keeps the airplane over the starting position relative to the ground, just that it moves in the direction opposite to any movement of the airplane.

Initially, about a third of the folks here said that the airplane could not ever takeoff, because the conveyor would overcome the speed of the airplane and it could never get any airspeed. The rest said the airplane would fly.

The "It won't fly, Rocky" group said that the conveyor would hold back the airplane. They asked us to imagine a person running on a treadmill. As he or she sped up, the treadmill would be programmed to speed up, just as the conveyor in the problem, and the person would remain over the same locus on the earth, while running as fast as possible.

The argument was that if the airplane started to move forward, the conveyor program was set up to move the conveyor at exactly that speed, in the opposite direction, thus, the airplane would never move relative to the ground, and, because the air was calm, it could never get any wind over its wings. One of the analogies presented was the person rowing at three mph upstream in a river on a calm day. However, the current was flowing downstream at three mph, so the resultant speed with reference to the stream bank and air was zero, and thus there was no wind on the rowboat.

I watched and listened to the disagreement for a while and was fascinated to see that the argument seemed to split between those who had some engineering or math background, all of whom said the airplane would takeoff and fly without any problem; and those with some other background, who visualized the airplane as having to push against the conveyor in order to gain speed. Because the conveyor equaled the airplane's push against the conveyor, the airplane stayed in one place over the ground and in the calm air could not get any airspeed and fly.

It was an interesting argument, but as things progressed, more rational heads prevailed, pointing out that the airplanes do not apply their thrust via their wheels, so the conveyor belt is irrelevant to whether the airplane will takeoff. One guy even got one of those rubber band powered wood and plastic airplane that sell for about a buck, put it on the treadmill someone foolishly donated to the Lounge years ago, thinking that pilots might actually exercise. He wound up the rubber band, set the treadmill to be level, and at its highest speed. Then he simultaneously set the airplane on the treadmill and let the prop start to turn. It took off without moving the slightest bit backwards.

Manfred In The 21st Century

OK, let's figure out why the airplane will fly.

We'll use Manfred again. Although we're bringing him forward into the 21st Century, we'll still let him use the 65 hp J-3. It doesn't really matter what airplane he flies, but he got used to the J-3 while he was demonstrating downwind turns and this one happens to have lifting rings on the top of the fuselage. It's also been modified with a starter so no one has to swing the prop.

Manfred's in the airplane. Old Hack has the Army-surplus crane fired up and he's picking up the J-3 and Manfred and carrying them over to Runway 27, which has been transformed into a 3,000-foot conveyor belt. It is a calm day. The conveyor drive is programmed so that if Manfred can start to move in the J-3, if he can generate any airspeed or groundspeed, the conveyor will move toward the east (remember Manfred and the J-3 are facing west) at exactly the speed of the air/groundspeed. Because the wind is calm, if Manfred can generate any indicated airspeed, he will also be generating precisely the same groundspeed. Groundspeed, of course being relative to the ground of the airport surrounding the conveyor belt runway. So, the speed of the conveyor belt eastbound will be the same as Manfred's indicated airspeed, westbound.

Manfred does his prestart checklist, holds the heel brakes, hits the starter and the little Continental up front clatters to life. Oil pressure comes up and stabilizes and Manfred tries to look busy because the eyes of the world are upon him, but all he can do is make sure the fuel is on and the altimeter and trim are set, then do a quick runup to check the mags and the carb heat. He moves the controls through their full travel and glares at the ailerons, doing his best to look heroic, then holds the stick aft in the slipstream to pin the tail and lets go of the brakes.

Baron of the Belt

So far the J-3 has not moved, nor has the conveyor. At idle power, there's not enough thrust to move the J-3 forward on a level surface, so Manfred starts to bring up the power, intending to take off. The propeller rpm increases and the prop shoves air aft, as it does on every takeoff, causing the airplane to move forward through the air, and as a consequence, forward with regard to the ground. Simultaneously the conveyor creaks to life, moving east, under the tires of the J-3. As the J-3 thrusts its way through the air, driven by its propeller, the airspeed indicator comes off the peg at about 10 mph. At that moment the conveyor is moving at 10 mph to the east and the tires are whirling around at 20 mph because the prop has pulled it to an airspeed, and groundspeed, of 10 mph, westbound. The airplane is moving relative to the still air and the ground at 10 mph, but with regard to the conveyor, which is going the other way at 10 mph, the relative speed is 20 mph.

Manfred relaxes a bit because the conveyor cannot stop him from moving forward. There is nothing on the airplane that pushes against the ground or the conveyor in order for it to accelerate; as Karen -- one of our techies here at the Lounge -- put it, the airplane freewheels. In technical terms, there is some bearing drag on the wheels, but it's under 40 pounds, and the engine has overcome that for years; plus the drag doesn't increase significantly as the wheel speed increases. Unless Manfred applies the brakes, the conveyor cannot affect the rate at which the airplane accelerates.

A few moments later, the roaring Continental, spinning that wooden Sensenich prop, has accelerated the J-3 and Manfred to 25 mph indicated airspeed. He and the airplane are cruising past the cheering spectators at 25 mph, while the conveyor has accelerated to 25 mph eastbound, yet it still has no way of stopping the airplane's movement through the air. The wheels are spinning at 50 mph, so the noise level is a little high, but otherwise, the J-3 is making a normal, calm-wind takeoff.

As the indicated airspeed passes 45 mph, groundspeed -- you know, relative to where all those spectators are standing beside the conveyor belt -- is also 45 mph. (At least that's what it says on Manfred's GPS. Being brought back to life seemed to create an insatiable desire for electronic stuff.) The conveyor is also at 45 mph, and the wheels are whizzing around at 90 -- the groundspeed plus the speed of the conveyor in the opposite direction.

Manfred breaks ground, climbs a few hundred feet, then makes a low pass to see if he can terrify the spectators because they are Americans, descendants of those who defeated his countrymen back in 1918.

It's All About Airspeed

(Don't try this at home!)

While the speed of the conveyor belt in the opposite direction is superficially attractive in saying the airplane cannot accelerate, it truly is irrelevant to what is happening with the airplane, because the medium on which it is acting is the air. The only time it could be a problem is if the wheel speed got so high that the tires blew out.

Put another way, consider the problem with the J-3 mounted on a hovercraft body (yes, similar things were tried about 30 years ago). The hovercraft lifts the airplane a fraction of an inch above the conveyor belt, and so no matter how fast the conveyor spins, it cannot prevent the propeller -- acting on the air -- from accelerating the airplane to takeoff speed. It's the same with wheels rolling on the conveyor belt. Those wheels are not powered and thus do not push against the belt to accelerate the airplane. Were that the case, the vehicle could not reach an airspeed needed to fly, because then the conveyor, the medium acted upon by the propulsive force, would be able to negate the acceleration relative to the air and ground.

I'm reminded of the New York Times editorial when Robert Goddard's rocket experiments were first being publicized. The author of the editorial said that rockets can't work in space because they have nothing to push against. It was laughably wrong, ignoring one of Sir Isaac's laws of physics that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Here the propeller is pushing against the air, as it does every time an airplane takes off. How fast the airplane is moving over the surface on which its wheels rest is irrelevant; the medium is the magic. On a normal takeoff -- no conveyor involved -- if there is a 20 mph headwind, Manfred and the J-3 will lift off at 45 mph indicated airspeed; but relative to the ground, it is only 25 mph. Should the wind increase to 45 mph and if Manfred can get to the runway, he can take off without rolling an inch. His airspeed is 45 and groundspeed is zero. It is not necessary to have any groundspeed to fly, just airspeed. Conversely, if Manfred has a lot of runway and nothing to hit, and takes off downwind in a 25 mph tailwind, the propeller will have to accelerate the airplane to a zero airspeed, which will be a 25 mph groundspeed, and then on to a 45 mph airspeed, which will have him humming across the ground at 70 mph. The speed over the ground, or a conveyor belt, when an airplane takes off is irrelevant; all that matters is its speed through the air, and unless the pilot sets the brakes, a moving conveyor belt -- under the freely turning wheels -- cannot stop the process of acceleration.

Things eventually calmed down as the number of "it won't fly" folks dwindled as they began to understand that the airplane would take off. Old Hack looked at me and suggested we depart as the few holdouts showed no sign of changing their position. So, we headed out into the night to watch the guys take the conveyor out and reinstall the runway.

See you next month.

Let's not make this another marathon thread like the other two boards. Bottom line is what happens with the belt is irrelevent and the airplane will fly.
Without reading too much into the question. The problem states that the belt is running the same speed as the aircraft in the opposite direction. That means that the aircraft will still move forward, gain airspeed and fly. If the takeoff speed of this aircraft is 60kts. and no wind, the airspeed at liftoff would be 60kts., the groundspeed relative to the earth would be 60kts., and the groundspeed relative to the belt would be 120kts.

If, on the other hand, we read into the problem that the belt speed is adjusted such that it never allows the airspeed to increase (spinning the belt at several hundred miles per hour or more so the friction of the wheels/bearings etc. keeps the aircraft at airspeed=~0kts., groundspeed relative to the earth=~0kts., and speed relative to the belt=X hundred kts.) it would never take off. Unless, of course one was flying one similar to this:
jangell said:
Basically in order for htis to work. You would need a belt a mile long. Your airplane would takeoff i nthe same distance it normally does (slightly longer due to increased friction..but not much)

Bah, you're right, I was wrong.
Greg Bockelman said:
Let's not make this another marathon thread like the other two boards. Bottom line is what happens with the belt is irrelevent and the airplane will fly.

Ah. You ruined it. I wanted to let people go at it for a few days.:D
I'm no Einstein but I wonder why people have such a problem with things like this. The downwind turn and hold entries are two more. The only thinking I did in response to this was if all the woids are spelt right.
jangell said:
Ah. You ruined it. I wanted to let people go at it for a few days.:D

Sorry, It has been going on "for a few days" on the other boards and I just kind of got tired of it.
AirBaker said:
Is the airplane moving relative to the wind? :)

0 Airspeed.

Yes. It is. It's moving forward on the belt relative to the ground and the wind.
Bill Jennings said:
Look at it as an outside the system observer:

I did. Thus the answer.

Bill Jennings said:
The conveyor belt is running umpyt squat one direction, the airplane engine is holding it stationary in place. To an outside observer, the airplane appears stationary on the horizion. Thus, even though the engine is pulling, the airspeed is zero. Zip. Nada. Thus, no flight. Unless there is a big wind tunnel fan at the end of the belt facing the airplane.

That description works for a drivetrain powered system where the powerplant drives the wheels that are in contact with the surface - such as a car, motorcycle, truck, bicycle, Saturn V crawler, puppy on a leash, etc. (Actually it would be a bit of a mess as described in the original theory since the belt is moving in relation to the vehicle's forward motion and implied to be independent from the already accumulated belt speed unless the belt speed was calculated into the adjustment velocity. Ex: 1mph forward motion with the wheels spinning at 100mph means the belt moves at what speed? 1mph? 99mph? 101mph?)

OTOH: Airplane wheels are for all practical purposes free rotation unless the brakes are applied or the velocity is high enough to blowing out tires and/or bearings. IOW airplane wheels are simply surface friction reduction devices that work in a forward/aft direction and nothing more. They drop the belly on concrete/grass friction to something approximating a frozen lake surface. That's all they do. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Jesse's bicycle/rope/tree picture and description is a perfect example for how an airplane accelerates. Just substitute rope/tree for prop/air and it's the basics behind an airplane propulsion system. Beyond insignificant boundary layer air friction, there is no connection between the surface and the air velocity and there's no connection between the rope and surface. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Propeller pushes air backwards, propelled air pushes aircraft forward. Wheels are just friction reduction, not propulsion/drag beyond the relatively minor parasitic and inertial drag of the friciton reduction hardware itself.

So on with the experiment: Plane and belt both are zero mph. Brakes off. Throttle forward a bit. The plane accelerates to 20mph by pulling on the air, NOT by pushing on the belt. The belt counters by moving backward at 20mph based on velocity sensors beside the belt. No increase in friction for all practical purposes so the plane does not decelerate. The wheels are now free spinning at 40mph. There is nothing to hold the plane back (no brakes applied or blown bearings yet) so it continues along at 20mph by pulling on the air. Airspeed indicator and outside observer measurement = 20mph forward velocity. Anyone standing on the side of the runway off the belt (outside observer) will see the airplane go zipping past them at 20mph with the wheels spinning at 40mph. At this point if you just pull the two relevant data points (wheel velocity and airspeed indication) and handed it to someone that doesn't know what you're up to, they will tell you that the plane has started a downwind takeoff with at 20mph tailwind. That's exactly what it looks like in relation to the surface. Now since the prop doesn't care about the wheels, it continues pulling on the air and moving the plane forward at 20mph even if the belt accelerates to 100mph backward or even if it runs off the end of the belt. (There will be a measurable velocity change due to bearing/wheel friciton during the transition but otherwise it keeps chugging along at 20mph regardless) Push the throttle forward again further and it accelerates to to 40mph which gives the same results as the above mentioned 20mph routine just at higher speeds. Keep accelerating in the airmass with the prop, pull back on the stick and up it goes into the sky like normal. The only difference is that the wheels keep spinning a bit longer than normal.

Caveat: If the pilots stomps the brakes on and tries to takeoff from the conveyor, that is changing the conditions of the experiment however that's not what's being discussed here.

Bill Jennings said:
Look at it another way, if a plane could take off in this fashion, it should be able to take off on a full power runup.

It can. Reference the wheels are surface friction reduction devices comment above. It doesn't normally take off like that since the brakes are set and the wheels are on a high friction surface that resists forward motion in excess of available thrust. However if the plane is sitting on a frozen lake, stomp on the brakes and do the full power runup, that just moves the frictionless point down a few inches to the surface instead of the bearing and off and upit goes with the wheels locked. Same thing, different zero friction point.

Bill Jennings said:
It ain't groundspeed that flies the plane, it ain't propwash that flies the plane, it is airspeed.

Exactly. It's not pushing against the ground. It's pulling on the air and shoving it out behind the plane which propels the plane forward. Works just like a rocket motor in space.

Bill Jennings said:
Yes, Regis, that is my final answer.

BZZZZZZZZZZZT!! You're outta there.

That is my answer and my physics book is sticking to it with me.

Edit: I have a much better plan. Let's get ourselves a gov't research grant and build a conveyor runway and conduct the experiment. I'm willing to be the gunea pig that has to fly the plane off the conveyor belt.
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jangell said:
Not sure if anyone has posted this here before, but it is a good debate..and quite funny to go over.

Think this one through a bit before you post. Don't just shoot the first answer you think of :)

Why not? I use the prop to move through the air I don't use my wheels to accelarate me on the ground. The conveyor is not moving the air mass that I need to go through. I would say that the at best the wheels would be turnign quite quickly.
smigaldi said:
Why not? I use the prop to move through the air I don't use my wheels to accelarate me on the ground. The conveyor is not moving the air mass that I need to go through. I would say that the at best the wheels would be turnign quite quickly.

I still have a question:

If the airplane gains airpseed while on the moving belt (yet is stationary with repsect to ground observers) the second it lifts off the belt it would have to accelerate instantly to liftoff airspeed to remain flying even just an inch off the belt, right? That would appear to break rules of physics along with the pilots neck. The only way this would work is if the air above the conveyor moved along with the conveyor. Then the problem is just like flying into a headwind.

So, I'm still in the no-takeoff camp despite the elegant solution from the other board.
drhunt said:
I still have a question:

If the airplane gains airpseed while on the moving belt (yet is stationary with repsect to ground observers) the second it lifts off the belt it would have to accelerate instantly to liftoff airspeed to remain flying even just an inch off the belt, right? That would appear to break rules of physics along with the pilots neck. The only way this would work is if the air above the conveyor moved along with the conveyor. Then the problem is just like flying into a headwind.

So, I'm still in the no-takeoff camp despite the elegant solution from the other board.

It doesn't remain staionary! It moves forward on the belt! It doesn't matter what you do wiht the belt to the wheels of the plane. You cannot stop it from moving forward!
You can buy them books and buy them books but all they do is eat the cover.
Greg Bockelman said:
You can buy them books and buy them books but all they do is eat the cover.


Thou makest me cackle!
So to an outside observer, who's watching this plane but has no idea it's on a conveyer belt runway, does the plane appear to simply hop off the ground? And what does it do the second it leaves the ground?
mattaxelrod said:
So to an outside observer, who's watching this plane but has no idea it's on a conveyer belt runway, does the plane appear to simply hop off the ground? And what does it do the second it leaves the ground?
The perspective of such an observer is the plane is rolling along just as during any other take off. But if he were to look closer he would see the wheels are spinning twice as fast. The conveyer belt is acting only against the wheels which are spinning on bearings and do not inhibit the forward progress of the plane.
Skip Miller said:
I'll show up in my Harrier and prove it can be done! LOL! -Skip


You have a Harrier? I want a ride! Name the time and place and I will be there.

:goofy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :goofy:
That particular plane would never accomplish a runup, much less fly, because all the time and money spent on that conveyor belt and remedial education, would leave none for fuel.
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mattaxelrod said:
So to an outside observer, who's watching this plane but has no idea it's on a conveyer belt runway, does the plane appear to simply hop off the ground?

No. It will move on the belt just as it would on a fixed runway. The airplane itself does not care what the wheels are doing. The wheels will be turning twice as fast as the airplane is moving.

And what does it do the second it leaves the ground?

It flies away because it is moving through the air like a normal takeoff, because to the airplane it IS a normal takeoff.
mattaxelrod said:
So to an outside observer, who's watching this plane but has no idea it's on a conveyer belt runway, does the plane appear to simply hop off the ground? And what does it do the second it leaves the ground?
Ok. Imagine it from the observer BESIDE a normal runway.
As the propellor spins, it moves the plane forward relative to the AIR.
As the plane moves forward (say 2 feet) the wheels simply roll. They provide no thrust (like they do in a car).

Each time the prop turns, you move further and faster, and your AIR speed remains equal to your groundspeed in respect to you beside the runway.

Now put a rolling runway in place.

The propellor spins. The plane moves forward relative to the AIR (say 2 feet).

The Plane moves forward relative to YOU (the static observer) by 2 feet.
The Runway moves backwards relative to you by two feet
The runway moves backwards 4 feet relative to the plane.
The wheels spin twice as fast as in the previous example.

If it where a CAR with wings...and you were providing thrust via the WHEELS, then you would never take off....but you're not ;)

The same example can explain why you can land a plane with 0 groundspeed (i.e. the wheels don't rotate) assuming you have a constant headwind of the right speed, or roll the runway the other way. ;)

The question, then, is just designed to be clever, but is actually annoying. How could a conveyor belt know how fast the aircarft were moving? More likely, it could adjust to wheel speed. In that case, the airplane would never move (much). For example, you start your takeoff roll. The conveyor belt, being tuned extremely sensitively, feels the wheels moving at one knot per hour, and so starts moving in the opposite direction at 1 knot. Assuming no wind, you now have zero airspeed.

As the propeller tries to move the aircraft forward, the conveyor belt instantly adjusts so that it moves in the opposite direction of the wheels at the same speed. In this manner, the aircraft never moves forward. If the aircraft can't move forward through the air, there is no airspeed. If there is no airspeed, there is no takeoff.

But the tricky devil who fashioned this question said that the control system "tracks the plane speed," not the wheel speed. So in this case, the plane will fly.
It occurred to me that I have been visualizing a tailwheel a/c during this whole thread. That prompts me to wonder when someone will begin to debate if the scenario is different for trike or conventional wheeled a/c or if it would matter if the a/c is high- or low-wing. Prepare to come about, har' da lee!
wangmyers said:
The question, then, is just designed to be clever, but is actually annoying. How could a conveyor belt know how fast the aircarft were moving? More likely, it could adjust to wheel speed. In that case, the airplane would never move (much). For example, you start your takeoff roll. The conveyor belt, being tuned extremely sensitively, feels the wheels moving at one knot per hour, and so starts moving in the opposite direction at 1 knot. Assuming no wind, you now have zero airspeed.

As the propeller tries to move the aircraft forward, the conveyor belt instantly adjusts so that it moves in the opposite direction of the wheels at the same speed. In this manner, the aircraft never moves forward. If the aircraft can't move forward through the air, there is no airspeed. If there is no airspeed, there is no takeoff.

But the tricky devil who fashioned this question said that the control system "tracks the plane speed," not the wheel speed. So in this case, the plane will fly.

Think about what oyu are saying.

It doesn't matter if you put that belt 100 mph in reverse (assuming your wheel bearings wouldnt fail) you could apply full throttle. .Move forward on the the belt relative ot hte person standing beside the plane.. Reach takeoff AIRSPEED and takeoff.

You would need a belt the length of a normal runway to accomplis hthis.

Look at this drawing.

You are on a bicycle on a treadmill. You pedal like mad. The treadmill matches your speed and you don't move at all. The faster you pedal the treadmill matches you.

You have a rope i nfront of you, tied to a tree. You grab this rope and pull yourself forward off the treadmill.

The rope / tree is your propellor grabbing the air and moving itself forward. What the wheels are doing means nothing!
wangmyers said:
The question, then, is just designed to be clever, but is actually annoying. How could a conveyor belt know how fast the aircarft were moving? More likely, it could adjust to wheel speed. In that case, the airplane would never move (much). For example, you start your takeoff roll. The conveyor belt, being tuned extremely sensitively, feels the wheels moving at one knot per hour, and so starts moving in the opposite direction at 1 knot. Assuming no wind, you now have zero airspeed.
Remainder snipped...


This would be true for a car, because the motive force for the car is thru the wheels. With a car, the wheels turn and push against the ground.

Likewise, in a car which is in gear, if the conveyer belt moves backwards at the speed of the rotation of the tires, the car can not move forward. The car is trying to move the wheels against the surface they are on, so if the surface moves, the job is accomplished.

With an airplane, the prop turns and pulls the airplane thru the air. The wheels are just along for the ride, freely spinning at nearly 0 friction. (Physicists, please don't jump on me for that, it explains the difference.)

No matter HOW fast the conveyer belt moves, it can ONLY affect the speed of the airplane if the wheels are locked and cannot rotate.

Imagine that you took a matchbox car, which has free spinning wheels, and put it on a conveyer belt. Tie a string to the front of the car. Now hold onto the string and turn on the conveyer belt. The conveyer belt is rigged so that the faster you pull the string, the faster it moves in the opposite direction.

Can you pull the car forward? Of course! The conveyer belt can't make the car go backwards and it can't pull the string out of your hands because the wheels are freely spinning.

In the airplane, the wheels are also freely spinning, and the string is replaced by the corkscrewing of the propeller through the air.

The conveyer belts motion is simply translated into ground speed. Groundspeed is IRRELEVANT to achieve flight. So the plane is going way faster relative to the moving ground before it takes off, it still moves forward, because its pulled along by its corkscrew string.

Or you could just look at Jesse's crayola drawing, above, instead of reading my long text. ;)
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Greebo said:
In the airplane, the wheels are also freely spinning, and the string is replaced by the corkscrewing of the propeller through the air.

There I go. The only minor factor is the friction. That's how cars go.
jangell said:
It doesn't remain staionary! It moves forward on the belt! It doesn't matter what you do wiht the belt to the wheels of the plane. You cannot stop it from moving forward!

But you said...A plane is standing on a runway that can move (some sort of band conveyer). The plane moves in one direction, while the conveyer moves in the opposite direction. This conveyer has a control system that tracks the plane speed and tunes the speed of the conveyer to be exactly the same (but in opposite direction).

Are you telling me that if we reverse this problem such that I start the conveyor first and get the plane moving backward that you couldn't set the power of the plane to match the backward speed of the belt and thus make the plane stationary with respect to outside observers? Sure you could! Then I just keep increasing the belt speed, you match with power. The belt speeds up, you match with power and the groundspeed with respect to the belt increases yet remains stationary with respect to the observers. We keep doing this, you match every increase I make in the belt with power (you're quite good at this by now) yada, yada, yada (new phrase in physics). So why do you say no matter what, the plane will move forward? What's so different about the belt matching the plane speed versus you matching my mannually controlled belt speed? At what point would you suddenly lift off? At that moment, since the belt is no longer a factor, would you not need to be going at or above liftoff airspeed? If you were, then as I said earlier, you would suddenly accelerate with respect to the observers.