drhunt said:
If you keep matching the speed of a treadmill to a walker or runner, they don't leave the treadmill.
Correct. The reason that the runner/walker/car/bicycle will not accelerate in relation to the outside world is that it is applying thrust through the wheels/feet themselves directly to the moving surface. It's a closed loop energy dissipation system. There is no thrust connection to the external world. Thus: 100lbs thrust applied, 100lbs thrust dissipated through the surface. +100-100 = 0. No net change in velocity.
An airplane is open loop propulsion in this situation and there is no connection between imparted thrust and the surface. None beyond minor rolling friction. The wheels are simply a friction reduction device. Nothing more, nothing less. The thrust being applied in the aft direction to move the airplane forward is coming from outside the otherwise closed loop system. Thus: 100lbs thrust applied, 1 lb thrust dissipated through the low friction bearings into the surface. +100-1 = +99lbs excess thrust available to change velocity forward therefore acceleration forward allowing airspeed to build for takeoff.
Side note: Your airboat in a moving river comparison is a good thought process however it does not take into account that in the real world the airboat is partially sunk in the river to displace the weight of the boat itself. That is a lot of frontal surface area for the river to grab onto. It is a very high drag environment. That is the equivalent of holding the brakes in the wheeled airplane.
Think of it this way: Would the airboat accelerate upriver if there was an air cushion between the surface and bottom of the boat like a hovercraft has? Remember that the wheel bearings are friction reduction devices that works similar to lifting the airboat out of the water on a cushion of air plus a bit more drag than a clean air cushion would have..say a water rudder in the river, not the entire bottom of the boat shoved down 6 inches. The correct answer is yes, it would accelerate upriver at the same thrust setting that would just stationkeep if the boat was in the water with all the excess hydrodynamic drag.
drhunt said:
Anybody see your airspeed indicator move during a runup from propwash?
Side note: The pitot tube is outside the prop arc at an adequate distance to avoid propeller air flow getting to the pitot hole under reasonable conditions (airshow octoflugerontwistysidewayspitchroll excluded for obvious reasons)
drhunt said:
In Chuck's example of the matchbox car on a treadmill, the force on the string balances the rearward force of gravity/friction of the car. If you measured the force on the string, you'd see the force increase as you turned up the speed of the treadmill. It is not a frictionless situation.
True. It is not frictionless. However in a real world scenario with wheel bearings on say a Cherokee in the 0-60mph range, the resistance of the bearings is not going to be high enough to counter the engine thrust. The matchbox car string force is considerably less than the weight of the car, even at double or triple the velocity. It is being held in place by the string pulling on an external device. (eg: your finger, or the wind in the case of the plane)
Think about this: Using free turning wheels on the matchbox car, can you pull the string (thus the car) forward in relation to the outside world without exceeding say 10% of the weight of the car in pull force? The answer is yes, you can because rolling friction is very very low in relation to the weight of the vehicle and in relation to the thrust being imparted into the vehicle. The excess force comes from outside the closed loop energy dissipation system. (an example of the forces involved in rolling friction: on a flat surface, in netural, I can Q.E.D. hand push my multi thousand pound all steel grand wagoneer jeep all the way across the parking lot with one hand with very little force - rolling friction is relatively very low friction. It takes two hands and a good shove to overcome the stationary static friction then it's a one handed operation because rolling friction is far less than static friction)
drhunt said:
So in theory, (and that's all this whole deal is) any forward thrust could be offset by increasing the rearward speed of the treadmill.
Correct. You forgot the conditional modifier though: rolling friction of the bearings and tire contact is not linear in relation to velocity. I refuse to pull the physics book out right now however to counter takeoff thrust of say 2000lbs at 60mph, you're probably talking 1000+mph of rearward belt velocity at which time you'll probably be into air cushion hydroplaning. As the conditions of the experiment we're discussing here is stated, forward belt velocity is countered by a 1:1 ratio of rearward velocity, not a 1:10 or 1:100 or 1:1000 ratio.
drhunt said:
Sorry to repeat from my post #40 but I’m trying to consolidate my points. If you start the treadmill backward first, say at 10 kts, you could add just the right amount of power to offset the backward force and keep the plane stationary. Now if the treadmill was going backward at 20 kts you could still add the right amount of power to remain stationary but that amount of power would be greater than when the treadmill was only going 10 kts, right? Now how about 30,40,50,60 kts? Any backward movement I set on the treadmill you can set the right amount of power to remain stationary and like running on a treadmill it takes more and more power as the speed of the belt increases. Eventually, you run out of throttle. So in this hypothetical scenario, I can always set the belt speed to match your power and vice versa, hence you never move forward through the air…no airspeed/lift/takeoff. Notice that this requires no wiz/bang computer driven machinery other than the BHT (big honking treadmill), just me on the treadmill speed control and you on the throttle.
That's takes us back to the low friction realm of rolling friction with an axle and wheel. A 1:1 velocity ratio at relatively low velocities won't allow the engine to run out of throttle in a garden variety simple airplane until after it lifts off. To make the thrust/drag issue work out, the brakes will have to be applied or the belt will have to be moving much much higher than 1:1 velocity ratio's.
Don't think of this in terms of surface movement or aircraft movement. Think of it in terms of total system energy. Where is the energy coming from? Where is the energy going to? What are the energy gain/loss ratio's?
drhunt said:
Jesse, thanks immensely for launching this thought provoking topic which will undoubtedly remain quite divided. Obviously, I seem to be in a minority camp but have tried to illustrate the logic behind my position. The value is in the thinking…not the answer.
Agreed. This is fun.
From this side, we have to justify our logic or you won't come over to our side. Everyone is having to think and make valid connections to the opposing side of the issue.
It's all fun in the name of scientific research theory.
Happy flying...even off the runway conveyor belt from hell.