Pre-takeoff checklist
That is almost a contrived ideal situation ... The aviation/GA market is VERY inefficient and capital intensive. Period.
Your story is like a realtor saying "Oh, finding a cheap house is easy. I did it" - they snatch up the arbitrage deals quicker than you can shake a stick. Joe Shmo has no chance to find the same deals.
Just don't agree. I wouldn't say GA is cheap, but it isn't the insanely expensive hobby we make it out to be (unless we choose to make it so). I did the traditional "got a license, couldn't afford to fly, had a family and finally have enough money to start flying again" routine. That said, when I started flying again, our total household income wasn't much more than what two 35 year old teachers would be making (and we had 2 kids by that time).
I didn't know anybody. Went to the local airport to get current and asked about partnerships/clubs in the area. Joined 3 others in a 172N for $15k/person. Had monthly outlay of <$100/month an flew a beautiful plane for $40/hr wet. Had a Stormscope and IFR GPS, no autopilot. Took the family everywhere for a couple of years before I moved.
I didn't have an inside track, I didn't do maintenance, etc. Also, in 2 years, I only had one or two scheduling conflicts. I'd say GA is capital inefficient, not capital intensive.
I own my own plane by my self now. I CHOOSE to spend a lot more than necessary. It isn't smart, but it is a choice - I work hard and it's what I want. If push comes to shove, I'd get 90% of the utility out of a 3-4 person partnership.
The problem is that we don't promote partnerships. We make it seem this big, scary, risk prone exercise that only the strong of heart should pursue. Take on ONE partner and you cut expenses in half. That's a BIG deal. And what do you give up ... dang near nothing. Lets see, if you assume the flying day starts at 7:00am and wraps at 8:00pm, there are 4750 flying hours a year. If the average pilot flys 100 hours/year in a recreational partnership (a LOT of flying if you aren't using the plane for business), that is 2% capital utilization. Heck, say you fly 2 hours, spend a weekend and fly back 2 hours, and do that a few times a year. You're still at less than 10%. How the heck doesn't a partnership make sense?
Aviation isn't cheap and it isn't easy. Cost and difficulty are real issues, but lets not pretend that it is out of reach for most. MOST people with a boat, or a Harley or two cars that are less than 4 years old can afford flying. They either chose not to or we've led them to believe it is impossible.