That's right.. all you women get yer butts back in the kitchen!! [NA]

hehehe...too funny, I thought red-neck morons only inhabited smokey and the bandit movies:) Apparently, they do exist:)
Greebo said:
I don't get the European reference?

Ecclestone and F1 are both European entities... I'm just using Bernie's enlightened state to make a joke re: a post Elizabeth made about the Europeans always being a step ahead of us. I guess it's kind of a vague joke :(
Oh, Joe, there are Europeans in a number of countries that can be just as big boors as many Americans can....

For example, some Jewish friends of mine felt very uncomfortable on a visit to Munich a few years ago.
Wife back in the kitchen...

My wife makes too much money, she aint going back to any kitchen. Beside, I'm a better cook
Joe Williams said:
Ecclestone and F1 are both European entities... I'm just using Bernie's enlightened state to make a joke re: a post Elizabeth made about the Europeans always being a step ahead of us. I guess it's kind of a vague joke :(
I haven't had time to read every thread, sorry I missed it.

Not that I thought it was funny after I got the reference though...
Greebo said:
I haven't had time to read every thread, sorry I missed it.

Not that I thought it was funny after I got the reference though...

Ahhh that's a darn shame. Guess I should start slamming every crappy joke I see on this board, too?
Joe Williams said:
Ecclestone and F1 are both European entities... I'm just using Bernie's enlightened state to make a joke re: a post Elizabeth made about the Europeans always being a step ahead of us. I guess it's kind of a vague joke :(

"One boring rich guy does not a nation make."

Joe Williams said:
Ecclestone and F1 are both European entities... I'm just using Bernie's enlightened state to make a joke re: a post Elizabeth made about the Europeans always being a step ahead of us. I guess it's kind of a vague joke :(

hey now, I didn't say "always" as in "all things", it was very specific - and I didn't even attach a value judgment to saying "a step ahead" other than to say that they don't freak out about it. for that matter, many countries I've been to don't have the drinking ages we are used to - they don't freak out about that either. I don't even know if "better" is the point here - it's just different. "we" may think we are "better" morally, they may think we are hypocritical - saying one thing yet doing another (i.e. look at the excesses of Hollywood for instance).
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Joe Williams said:
Ahhh that's a darn shame. Guess I should start slamming every crappy joke I see on this board, too?
I'm sorry if you feel that my stating that I didn't think it was particularly funny was a slam. Humor is subjective. I'm sure there are plenty of people who will find this type of humor funny.

I just don't.

I'm sure you'll recover from the pain in time.
Joe Williams said:
Ecclestone and F1 are both European entities... I'm just using Bernie's enlightened state to make a joke re: a post Elizabeth made about the Europeans always being a step ahead of us. I guess it's kind of a vague joke :(
I got the joke and thought it was kinda funny.

I do hate to see F1 go the way of NASCAR. First the crap at the US Grand Prix and now this statement. Next thing you know we'll see a photo of a fat guy sitting in the stands with "Shumaker" shaved into the hair on his back.
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corjulo said:
Wife back in the kitchen...

My wife makes too much money, she aint going back to any kitchen. Beside, I'm a better cook

Ditto, except that she's also the better cook. I'd rather have her out of the kitchen and eat take-out! :D
curious about this - a friend of mine (who happens to be an HR consultant) says she's noticed a trend where more and more often, the wives make more than the husbands. not that women salaries are completely overtaking men's salaries but the walls are falling down. (plus guys are becoming more comfortable with it - less of an ego-blow).

hypothetical Q: if your wife made more, would you care? would it change anything? I don't mean 'wow, I'd have more toys', I mean the relationship overall?
gibbons said:
Next thing you know we'll see a photo of a fat guy sitting in the stands with "Shumaker" shaved into the hair on his back.

Now that guy's got a hairy back! Jeez!
hypothetical Q: if your wife made more, would you care? would it change anything? I don't mean 'wow, I'd have more toys', I mean the relationship overall?

Not so hypothetical answer.

For a while, it looked like my wife might make more than me. (In reality, the company promoted her but didn't even give her the bottom of the advertised range.)

I'll be honest - it bothered me for a bit. I can't put my finger on why, but it did.

Eventually, I came around to accept it and then we found out that it wouldn't happen anyway.
woodstock said:
curious about this - a friend of mine (who happens to be an HR consultant) says she's noticed a trend where more and more often, the wives make more than the husbands. not that women salaries are completely overtaking men's salaries but the walls are falling down. (plus guys are becoming more comfortable with it - less of an ego-blow).

hypothetical Q: if your wife made more, would you care? would it change anything? I don't mean 'wow, I'd have more toys', I mean the relationship overall?

CARE!! I love it. She's worth every dime. What it means is I can fly more
woodstock said:
hypothetical Q: if your wife made more, would you care? would it change anything? I don't mean 'wow, I'd have more toys', I mean the relationship overall?
Up until a few months ago, she DID make more money than me. Of course, she has a MBA and a bunch of HR certifications while I have no degree and a few IT certs but nothing particularly noteworthy (the good ones expired and I haven't retaken the tests). I was recently given a raise that (by coincidence) puts me at her level.

Never bothered me, though. Her degrees and certs are worth more than my stuff. Quite frankly (and my boss and I have talked about this), I'm overpaid for this position. They want the insurance that I seem to provide, though, so they'll pay the premium to keep me around. :D
MSmith said:
Ditto, except that she's also the better cook. I'd rather have her out of the kitchen and eat take-out! :D

yuk, take out. disgusting.
woodstock said:
hypothetical Q: if your wife made more, would you care? would it change anything? I don't mean 'wow, I'd have more toys', I mean the relationship overall?
For years I made more than my wife, then I got transferred to Nashville and we hated it, so we made a deal: first one to get a job in Florida that paid more than what I was making in Nashville took it. She scored first. Since then, her lawyer pay has increased rapidly, while my editor/writer pay has increased more slowly. She now brings in more than twice what I do. We still have the same great relationship. She does express some regrets that her work takes time away from the kids, but that would be the case regardless of our relative salaries.

If you're asking whether the disparity bruises my male ego, the answer is not at all. It does occasionally make me wish I'd pursued a more lucrative career 25 years ago, though, simply because it might allow her to cut back on her workload some without giving up the standard of living.
Hmmm...this thread reminds me of one of my favorite Fark photoshop contests: "What if Rube Goldberg designed kitchen appliances?"

The attached was my personal favorite :rofl:

Joe Williams said:
Ahhh that's a darn shame. Guess I should start slamming every crappy joke I see on this board, too?

I didn't think it very funny either but then again, who cares?
woodstock said:
curious about this - a friend of mine (who happens to be an HR consultant) says she's noticed a trend where more and more often, the wives make more than the husbands. not that women salaries are completely overtaking men's salaries but the walls are falling down. (plus guys are becoming more comfortable with it - less of an ego-blow).

hypothetical Q: if your wife made more, would you care? would it change anything? I don't mean 'wow, I'd have more toys', I mean the relationship overall?

I sure hope not. Wives and other people should never be judged/ranked/rated etc. on the basis of their salary. That's just a function of what the "market will bear" in most cases. If my wife made more than me (never has, but she's come close) the only thing it would mean to me is we'd have more to invest or spend.
woodstock said:
hypothetical Q: if your wife made more, would you care? would it change anything? I don't mean 'wow, I'd have more toys', I mean the relationship overall?

My ex made more than I did. That fact made no difference in the relationship.

And before anybody asks, no, that had nothing to do with why she's an "ex".
woodstock said:
curious about this - a friend of mine (who happens to be an HR consultant) says she's noticed a trend where more and more often, the wives make more than the husbands. not that women salaries are completely overtaking men's salaries but the walls are falling down. (plus guys are becoming more comfortable with it - less of an ego-blow).

hypothetical Q: if your wife made more, would you care? would it change anything? I don't mean 'wow, I'd have more toys', I mean the relationship overall?

My wife has consistently made more $ than I since we got out of school. The trade off is that I work the public sector, and my time is much more flexible than hers. I am more frequently the taxi, local errand guy, etc. I'm with Corjulo, I can't afford for her to get back in kitchen.

She's also a top notch cook, and a decent pilot (who occasionally reads this board ;) ).

Never bothered me. Except maybe the fact that she is a bit better of a stick and rudder pilot than me. THAT burns me B)

Jim G
Man, where are you guys meeting all these women who make more money? It ain't in engineering, that's for sure (not the money -- just very few women engineers).
rpadula said:
Hmmm...this thread reminds me of one of my favorite Fark photoshop contests: "What if Rube Goldberg designed kitchen appliances?"

The attached was my personal favorite :rofl:

Rich. Now THAT is funny.

In my next life I'm marrying money.
rpadula said:
Man, where are you guys meeting all these women who make more money? It ain't in engineering, that's for sure (not the money -- just very few women engineers).
In my case it was a blind date. But she was making nothing at the time, just starting law school at the ripe old age of 29.
woodstock said:
hypothetical Q: if your wife made more, would you care? would it change anything? I don't mean 'wow, I'd have more toys', I mean the relationship overall?

What's a wife?
woodstock said:
curious about this - a friend of mine (who happens to be an HR consultant) says she's noticed a trend where more and more often, the wives make more than the husbands. not that women salaries are completely overtaking men's salaries but the walls are falling down. (plus guys are becoming more comfortable with it - less of an ego-blow).

hypothetical Q: if your wife made more, would you care? would it change anything? I don't mean 'wow, I'd have more toys', I mean the relationship overall?

I highly encourage my wife to make as much as possible.. everything we make goes into the same bank account anyway. We would both love for me to make enough so she could stay home, but the truth is that with her having a college degee and me not having one, the odds actually favor her making that much someday. I could handle being a kept man.
woodstock said:
curious about this - a friend of mine (who happens to be an HR consultant) says she's noticed a trend where more and more often, the wives make more than the husbands. not that women salaries are completely overtaking men's salaries but the walls are falling down. (plus guys are becoming more comfortable with it - less of an ego-blow).

hypothetical Q: if your wife made more, would you care? would it change anything? I don't mean 'wow, I'd have more toys', I mean the relationship overall?

Mine makes more than me and it doesn't bother me a bit. She is also older and been working longer than I have and deserves it.;)
i've always made more than my husbands.

maybe that's why i'm single. :blowingkisses:
I make more than my wife, but I'm an engineer and she's a school teacher, and we all know how underpaid school teachers are. I wouldn't do her job for my salary. Now, if she had a job that paid my salary, bonuses and other benefits would it bother me? Not at all. We'd have that much more invested for retirement and I could afford to fly more. Win, win in my book.
Well I'd be the wrong one to ask about the difference between husband and wives salaries. In 40 years my wife has never worked outside our home. Notice I said outside the home because she has done far more work in and around the house than I ever did going to work and collecting a pay check. A different era that I think may be gone forever.
woodstock said:
curious about this - a friend of mine (who happens to be an HR consultant) says she's noticed a trend where more and more often, the wives make more than the husbands. not that women salaries are completely overtaking men's salaries but the walls are falling down. (plus guys are becoming more comfortable with it - less of an ego-blow).

We did a study on this, using our (small slice) organizations data. While yes, it does happen, I just it's one of those things that people are more likely to notice. I would say that in equally employed (i.e. similar career tracks and time in service) couples, that the split falls to about 60/40 male dominated in the compensation category. That said, this is just a general rule and not a scientific study.

hypothetical Q: if your wife made more, would you care? would it change anything? I don't mean 'wow, I'd have more toys', I mean the relationship overall?

My fiancee has made more (when we first going out), I've been out of work, she's been out of work. Money is merely fuel, and we (each) pump it in. Our individual capacity to do so doesn't bear on our views or thoughts of each other. Seriously, it sounds all trite, but why care? As long as your are doing something that makes you happy and you are able to live life as you like...

This doesn't mean I don't care what my individual compensation is - I do care about that quite intensely - but I just have never thought of it when it comes to us. We compete on everything except dollars and cents.


Joe Williams said:
I highly encourage my wife to make as much as possible.. everything we make goes into the same bank account anyway. We would both love for me to make enough so she could stay home, but the truth is that with her having a college degee and me not having one, the odds actually favor her making that much someday. I could handle being a kept man.

But Joe, aren't you already a kept man? Surely a man as beautiful and attractive as you must be "kept" and prevented from stealing all of our wives, girlfriends, mothers and sisters, right???



I wish she made more than I do - then SHE could be paying ME child support instead of the other way around!! Actually, given the state of the courts around here (Mass) I'd probably have to pay no matter what she makes... :(