That's right.. all you women get yer butts back in the kitchen!! [NA]

jkaduk said:
She who must be obeyed.

ogh,yeah, that's the other reason i'm single. when did obedience training go out of vogue? when the ability to cook died?:P
woodstock said:
curious about this - a friend of mine (who happens to be an HR consultant) says she's noticed a trend where more and more often, the wives make more than the husbands. not that women salaries are completely overtaking men's salaries but the walls are falling down. (plus guys are becoming more comfortable with it - less of an ego-blow).

hypothetical Q: if your wife made more, would you care? would it change anything? I don't mean 'wow, I'd have more toys', I mean the relationship overall?

Well, I am not married, but if I were, I would not mind. After all, the bills get paid off. If she were making more, then she would have more play money, it would all even out. I don't need much money to get by.
rpadula said:
Hmmm...this thread reminds me of one of my favorite Fark photoshop contests: "What if Rube Goldberg designed kitchen appliances?"

The attached was my personal favorite :rofl:


I need one of those! LOL.