That didn't take long

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Looks like some will be running back here again!!!

Prepare for the onslaught. (I can be so dramatic sometimes)
Just a reminder: everyone starts with a clean slate here. No deragatory comments regarding any other forum sites, AOPA or anyone else. PoA Management firmly believes that a good relationship between the sites benefits everyone.

(This is just a reminder and is not implying that anyone is out of line here. It's easier to stop a runaway train before it starts, though. ;) )
Part of the problem is people have forgotten how to communicate effectively without deteriorating to rancor. EMAIL and other forms of electronic communications has taken out the personal contact. Now the person you're sending to is a nobody, a ghost, a phantom. All is fair.
Another part is it is instant. If you had to write it out, you'd take time to cool off, unknot your shorts. Most people should respond TOMORROW. Sleep on it and for good reason. By then, you may begin to believe it was sent in haste and it's effect will be different.
Or... Ignore it all together since it probably isn't worth the electronic paper it is written on.
silver-eagle said:
Part of the problem is people have forgotten how to communicate effectively without deteriorating to rancor. EMAIL and other forms of electronic communications has taken out the personal contact. Now the person you're sending to is a nobody, a ghost, a phantom. All is fair.

But is that it ? The non-personal interaction reduces you to a non-person, so social standards of normal behaviour can be dispensed with (because the target is no longer considered a social equal) ?

Or is it that that very detachment allows the individual to express themselves in ways that would not normally be socially acceptable, allowing a release of otherwise repressed behaviour, regardless of the target ?

Another part is it is instant. If you had to write it out, you'd take time to cool off, unknot your shorts. Most people should respond TOMORROW. Sleep on it and for good reason. By then, you may begin to believe it was sent in haste and it's effect will be different.
Or... Ignore it all together since it probably isn't worth the electronic paper it is written on.

I agree - I just wonder why it seems so much better on some forums rather than others ?

Deliberately NOT slamming anyone/any forum

Does the presence of moderation (however slight) make people behave ? (In the same way parents/kids, Police/Citizens do ?) Or is it simply the individuals that make up the forum itself ? I've participated in a number of forums over the years, way back to FidoNet, and there just doesn't seem to be a single formula that works ?

I'm surprised some enterprising Physch student hasn't delved into this for a thesis somewhere. :D
Steve Pocock said:
Does the presence of moderation (however slight) make people behave ? (In the same way parents/kids, Police/Citizens do ?) Or is it simply the individuals that make up the forum itself ?
To an extent, I think so. Leaders lead. Some more effectively than others, and each will have different results. Have you ever been a part of a forum where the moderators are changed? It can change the entire tone of the forum to a great degree, even with seemingly little input by the moderators. Subtle directional control....
I think Chuck has the most experience with forum management out of the Management Team but this is my personal take on it:

A forum has a collective 'personality', made up of its more vocal members more than anything else. Perception of the forum from newcomers tends to come from the threads with the most replies. Activity generates interest, which draws the views. In almost ALL of the cases I've seen, regardless of location, the most replies comes from controversial subjects. Why scroll through a bunch of 'I agree' only to add your own at the end? Waste of time.

It's the nature and tone of those debates that tends to make an impression on users more than anything else. When it gets nasty, people do one of three things: (1) leave, never to return, (2) ignore the thread (difficult for the trainwreck factor) and (3) jump in with both fists swinging.

In a moderated forum, rules are presented and applied in as much of an objective manner as possible for a human to achieve. In our case, since it's actually council vs a single person, I feel it has a little more of a balance. Instead of one person making the judgement call, there are multiple people with a variety of viewpoints reaching a consensus. It seems to work well for what little it's been used.

In the beginning, we did have to enforce the Rules of Conduct a few times. Even I got out of line once in a while (I'm human last I checked) and got smacked by the Senior Dictator for it...and rightly so. But overall as a community, we learned what was acceptable and what wasn't. Things settled down and everyone followed those rules. For that point forward, that became our personality.

Personalities take some time to develop. Let's just see what happens.
SJP said:
Does the presence of moderation (however slight) make people behave ? (In the same way parents/kids, Police/Citizens do ?) Or is it simply the individuals that make up the forum itself ? I've participated in a number of forums over the years, way back to FidoNet, and there just doesn't seem to be a single formula that works ?

I think it is partly the presence of a moderator, but mostly it is because of who makes up the forum. Threads on the AOPA boards seldom, IF EVER, degenerated into the hate filled, name calling mess that they do now. It seems that it has become like that only in the past 3 years or so. (I've been on the AOPA boards since sometime in 1998). More people have access to the internet now then before, and you no longer have to be a member to access the boards. It used to be a fairly small group of us then, and we all got along really well. Much larger group now, and lots of different personalities and opinions. And a lot less restraint. Most of the pilots I've met in the beginning no longer read the boards.
ya gotta admit the banter "over there" is a bit entertaining. Its a bit like the Python sketch: "I'm here for an argument..."

sshekels said:
ya gotta admit the banter "over there" is a bit entertaining. Its a bit like the Python sketch: "I'm here for an argument..."


"This is Abuse, Argument is down the hall."
DeeG said:
DeeG said:
Most of the pilots I've met in the beginning no longer read the boards.

:( Yeah. Met my Project Pilot mentor (and now flying club pres) on there, and also the first online pilot I met in person. Neither one is on any boards any more. :no:
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T Bone said:
Leaders lead. Some more effectively than others, and each will have different results.

I think you may have just hit on a key difference between this board and the AOPA board. The leaders of this board (however you wish to define leaders) participate in the board on a daily basis. They are not just there when someone complains, they are part of the community. The fact that there are moderators on this board doesn't hurt, either, but the leaders have more credibility as they are part of us. Robert, whatever his intentions or inclinations, only shows up on the AOPA board where there is something wrong. I think that is a significant difference.

I'll continue to read that board and post on occation, but I still like it better here.
DeeG said:
I think it is partly the presence of a moderator, but mostly it is because of who makes up the forum. Threads on the AOPA boards seldom, IF EVER, degenerated into the hate filled, name calling mess that they do now. It seems that it has become like that only in the past 3 years or so. (I've been on the AOPA boards since sometime in 1998).

It's frustrating, Dee, to see that happen. I've met some outstanding
people through the AOPA board and chat.
In the Ideal world of flying years ago every pilot put aside what ever there political leanings were. When I came of age at 15 I gotso some much help and enjoyment of learning to fly from folks who I had no ideal what they thought about in terms of political leanings. Everyone I met as a young student just wanted to help me learn to fly. I thank them every day.

Sadly I have no answer to what the AOPA web board has become. I first Joined AOPA in 1961. I did not keep up my membership during the mid 60's for my the Army needed me and I could not maintain my membership. It is a great organization but now I do not know. As Anthony says so well; "This is Abuse, Argumemt is down the Hall" I feel so sad that GA is loosing it's spirit and it is very hard for this older pilot to understand. I am sorry for being so down on this but if GA is to survive we need so much to put our own agenda away and work on common goals to keep GA working. I hope that we can turn this around for there so so many young pilots to be out there that want to learn.

I thank Anthony and Bruce for their comments for they are so appropriate.

John J
RogerT said:
It's frustrating, Dee, to see that happen. I've met some outstanding people through the AOPA board and chat.

Me too. :yes:
TBone said:
Leaders lead.

Ghery said:
I think you may have just hit on a key difference between this board and the AOPA board. The leaders of this board...

previous discussion:

POA = Breath of Fresh Air.

And I have no ill will towards Robt; my guess is he is not given the resources nor the authority to give it the direction it needs. Same with AOPA, they may have concerns about pumping money into this benefit. But without control, anarchy reins; human behavior has some social entropy built into it.

Thats OK, from AOPA came POA! Just hope the good folk over there are aware of this gem we have at POA. Does someone advertise in POA? I have not returned pre-POA, and now the dr says I can discontinue the heart medicine!
Let'sgoflying! said:
I have not returned pre-POA, and now the dr says I can discontinue the heart medicine!
Wow. Medical PROOF that PoA is good for you!!

Great news, Dave!! Glad to hear you're doing better!
N2212R said:
I wish I could say the same thing. :rofl:
Did the CD arrive Carol?

Yes, it did! I've been gone or I'd have responded about it sooner.

The photos are GREAT! You did a great job on the trip and on the CD. Thanks.
John J said:
I feel so sad that GA is loosing it's spirit and it is very hard for this older pilot to understand.


GA isn't losing its spirit. If aviation web boards had been around in 1961 you would have seen the same thing, most likely. It's the ultimate anonymizer and that makes people say things they wouldn't ever say to someone in person.

I have never known any pilots in person who were not wonderful people. I can strike up a conversation with anyone at the airport and usually I end up spending WAY too much time talking with them when I do! :yes:

And I know it's not just pilots from the local area. I've met many people from this board and other boards - Moxie, Lance Fisher, Dave S, Bruce, Barry, Ed F, Ed G, Kath, Don, and others who aren't around any more (Keith, Colin, Terry). And that's not even counting Gaston's. Lance, Ed Guthrie, and Bruce even let me fly their (sweet) airplanes! :yes:

Of course, at Gaston's there were a ton more people and not only was it incredibly enjoyable talking with all of them, I wished I had gotten there a day or two earlier.

Where are you located? I'd suggest you organize a mini fly-in. It's not tough, just pick a date, time, and place. Post it here and/or "Cool places to fly". If you live in a less populated area you may have to adjust date/time so more folks can make it, but it doesn't take much. We've had several here in the Southern WI/Northern IL area with anywhere from three to about 10 or so people showing up, and it's always a great time.

Don't let a silly web board fool you. The spirit of GA is alive and well. Enjoy your fly-in. :cheerswine:

Thank you very much for your very kind post.It is very refreshing and I might see about getting some sort of a fly in or what ever together. I just found out over the weekend that I had a possible TIA so with great angish I will not fly until I can see what the options are. I guess I got bumed out, when I found out. but I am very happy to be here on this side of the grass. So being very much sefl grounded I hope I can find ways to stay and work as a volunterr in the aviation community to help others.

I love Aviation and I hope to be able to perticipate as much as I can. Interesting for many years I kept a diary of all the places I have flown to and the people I have met. Like you I stopped in many small airports and spend a lot of time talking with many locals and had a wonderful time swapping flying storys.

I am located in Maryland's smallest county in terms of population and share a plane that is kept in Delaware (about 45 miles away for it is reasonable for tie downs and hanger) on a very small strip. Much of my years of flying were in New England,mid Atlantic and mid west out to Kansas and back many times. Someday I would like to go to Gastons for I have never flown to a place like that. It sounds like a lot of fun.

Ken thank you for your very nice post I know there are so many nice folks here at POA and that is what is so nice about this site. We Can all learn from each other. It reminds me of the small field I learned from where pilots from all walks of life helped one another.

John said..
silver-eagle said:
Unknot your shorts.

If I did that they would fall down around my ankles! :rofl:

Dakota Duce

"May All Your Flights Be Of Good Weather!"
John J said:
...So being very much sefl grounded I hope I can find ways to stay and work as a volunterr in the aviation community to help others.

...Interesting for many years I kept a diary of all the places I have flown to and the people I have met. Like you I stopped in many small airports and spend a lot of time talking with many locals and had a wonderful time swapping flying storys.
Years of flying have got to spin some good stories. When you have some time, sit down and write them out. I know many of us, young and old, look to our fellow fliers for guidance and experience that we can't hope to achieve with our limited time. Pick a story, write it out and post it here for others to enjoy and learn.

Being part of the aviation community doesn't mean actively flying. You have much to teach through your experience. I'd be very interested in hearing what you'd like to tell.
flyingcheesehead said:
The spirit of GA is alive and well.... ... njoy your fly-in. :cheerswine:
John, you know where to send medical certification questions.....
Brian Austin said:
Years of flying have got to spin some good stories. When you have some time, sit down and write them out. I know many of us, young and old, look to our fellow fliers for guidance and experience that we can't hope to achieve with our limited time. Pick a story, write it out and post it here for others to enjoy and learn.

Being part of the aviation community doesn't mean actively flying. You have much to teach through your experience. I'd be very interested in hearing what you'd like to tell.


Thank you for your post. I am begnning to work on this. Sorry I transgressed from the orginal post. interesting my wife who loved to fly with me has been encourage me to write my stories.

Thank you again.

SJP said:
The warnings have started again - the forum has been back for what ? A month or two ?

Chuck, Brian, Bruce et al - thanks for providing an island of sanity for the rest of us

I have avoided the Soapbox part of the red board, but just reading Robert's post and then some of the replies to it makes me really wonder .... where does all that anger come from? I know there is a hallowed 250+ year history in this country of scathing personal political attacks, but yikes! To paraphrase the T-shirt philosophers, "So much hatred, so little time..."

Glad to be part of the "island of sanity" ...
