Touchdown! Greaser!
Next week I will be in Florida getting an insurance check out in a Malibu. I haven't done much in pressurized planes so it should be interesting. Definitely will always keep these incidents in my thoughts.
Nah, ATC did everything they could. He asked for lower. They gave him lower. Unfortunately the dumbass didn't put his mask on so when they gave him lower again he was already drunker than a skunk on his own stink. No ATC fault. Dumbass pilot who didn't put his mask on? Yes!![]()
Dumba$$. Thanks for playin
For all of you who think the controller did nothing wrong…...
Your absolutely right, he didn't. its just unfortunate that after listening to the recording, its very clear to EVERYONE here the pilot was quickly loosing it. i realize its only minutes between transmissions here, but when hypoxia is setting in, it may as well be days.
Everything here is speculation at this point so we may never know why he didn't recognize the problem before it was to late. And if it were me in that situation i would hope to god someone, anyone, would try to get it clear to ATC that this may be hypoxia/emergency
In the Kalitta Learjet hypoxia event, the controller was admonishing the captain to stay off his transmit button until another plane on the frequency piped up and told ATC that the lear was declaring an emergency. So yeah, if the controller doesn't catch the gravity of a situation but you do, it may be worth to insert yourself in the conversation.
It's also possible the guy was having a stroke. Slurred speech isn't just a hypoxia symptom.
I've flown enough red eye flights that by 5am after 8 hours of flying I start to sound pretty sloppy.![]()
I've flown enough red eye flights that by 5am after 8 hours of flying I start to sound pretty sloppy.![]()
I think his wife would have taken over. (If he had a stroke, that is)
I think his wife would have taken over. (If he had a stroke, that is)
We don't know if she even knew how to use the radio, or she could have been asleep and not known there was a problem.
We don't know if she even knew how to use the radio, or she could have been asleep and not known there was a problem.
Supposedly she was also a pilot.
Over 800 posts in two months. He's on track to surpass Henning!![]()
The point is another pilot recognize a third party's emergency and stepping in to do something about it, or at least try.
controllers will ask more questions when they get a vague request for lower from a flight level aircraft that is not a big iron flown by a pro crew.
At least for a while.
whats the big freaking deal of declaring an emergency?????
specially, when your life is in danger?
paper work, suspension, scrutinizing from the FAA. at least you are still alive to go through that.
It doesn't always have to be somebody's fault, sometimes things just happen.
Somone could've screamed "hypoxia" over the air and it would've mattered. He was gone at that point.
If some here think they're somehow better than that because they're not a "dumbass", they are quite wrong.
Perhaps fatally wrong.
ATC did nothing wrong here. Had the pilot said the magic words "Nine Hundred Kilo November we are declaring an emergency at this time and need a descent due to pressurization loss" he would have been cleared down immediately and the controller would have cleared airspace.
I agree. At that first "indication", this pilot should have taken the express elevator down, THEN told ATC what he was doing.
Um excuse me?
This America. It's always somebody's fault.
Who can we sue?
Boy that was helpful, you a pilot?Spend much time in the flight levels? Or the plane in your avatar your main ride?
Um excuse me?
This America. It's always somebody's fault.
Who can we sue?
I agree. At that first "indication", this pilot should have taken the express elevator down, THEN told ATC what he was doing.
And for those who think the controller should have recognized the slurred speech, Atlanta center can be a busy place and those controllers deal with all kinds of accents and nationalities. No fault with the controller.
The family is going to try to sue TBM. Guaranteed. But they will not prevail the guy didn't put his oxygen mask on and fell asleep.
In addition to that - I'm no doc, but by the time your speech is slurred enough for a controller to notice, you brain has probably gone mushy enough that there might not be anything the controller can do to help anyway.
Supposedly there was a Piaggio where a controller did just that. Pilot started slurring speech, controller suspected problem and gave descent, pilot recovered and everyone survived.
Not picking particularly on narchee, but I find it sad that so many people with absolutely no knowledge of what went on in that cockpit are so quick to judge the pilot. It seems clear that it was a pressurization problem if the report of frosted windows is correct. Beyond that, we know nothing.... I mean come on! What was he thinking? I stand by my dumbass comment. Pilot error is evident. Let's not beat about the bush. He ****ed up.
The family is going to try to sue TBM. Guaranteed. But they will not prevail the guy didn't put his oxygen mask on and fell asleep.
So the pilot and his wife died because he didn't say 'emergency?' Consider how frail that premise is...
So the pilot and his wife died because he didn't say 'emergency?' Consider how frail that premise is...