Maybe when you were flying A-10s, but in the C-130 the flight engineer wrote down the time the wheels left the ground and again when we touched down. And that is what was logged. I didn't keep a personal logbook then, but when I left the Air Force, they handed me a computer printout which I consider my first logbook. When I look at it, there is a circle around the total combat hours: 303.6. I transferred that to my first civilian logbook and then realized there would never be a reason to carry that forward.
Not saying we logged from chock to chock, but pointing out that in other than GA flying, the chocks are pulled AFTER engine start.
Yes, my military time was logged from take off to touchdown. No crew chief to do that for the planes I flew, so it was the RSU that captured the times.
I kept a personal logbook (separate from my civilian time) that showed that time, plus 0.3 for ground ops in a separate column, but added to the flight time in the total column. When I entered it all into an electronic log book, I only captured the total time.
Except for LIFT at Holloman AFB. Due to construction, we had to taxi a roundabout path to get back after landing, so ground ops were a bit more.