There is a reason there is this for 135 IFR guys
Ӥ135.175 Airborne weather radarequipment requirements.
(b) No person may begin a flight under IFR or night VFR conditions when current weather reports indicate that thunderstorms, or other potentially hazardous weather conditions that can be detected with airborne weather radar equipment, may reasonably be expected along the route to be flown, unless the airborne weather radar equipment required by paragraph (a) of this section is in satisfactory operating condition.”
Even with my pt91 personal plane I hold myself to many of the 135 regs.
You can launch into IMC with embedded CBs and you’ll probably be fine, but I would do it
Just because there are forecasts for thunderstorms, or even active thunderstorms doesn't mean one is in IMC. I like to get up to 10-12k so I can see the bad stuff visually as well as on ADS-B and avoid it. Yeah, in IMC with embedded thunderstorms is not a good place to be without live radar. I also work with ATC as most have live weather radar.
In the images I posted above, there were heavy to extreme rain in areas. I avoided those areas like the plague. On the trip south we only got a minute or two of very light misting on us. We went through a few clouds on the climb and that was it. IFR the whole way. On the second image, going north, we got more rain, but even that was light rain and not much. ATC was great with deviations left and right as well as vectors around the weather. I would not have tried the north bound trip VFR. There were lots of clouds, low and high. We ended up doing a visual approach at FHB, but on the way there the ceilings over FHB made it IMC. We were planing a GPS approach, but it all blew out over the ocean by the time we got there.