If a runup area is marked with a solid line on the inside and a single dashed line on the outside, it's a non-movement area.
Sure, but it doesn't matter. The AIM doesn't give different procedures for movement vs. non-movement runup areas.
They simply expect you to exit the runup area when ready and monitor tower as you taxi to the departure hold short position. Other airports want you to call ground after runup is complete and prior to exiting the runup area.
Yes, local "procedures" do develop. That doesn't change the regulations or the AIM recommendations. If a facility wants pilots to do something differently than the regs/AIM then they need to use appropriate phraseology or include those instructions on the ATIS. If they don't, they can't hold a pilot responsible for not knowing their unpublished local procedures.
The lines painted on the surface?
Sometimes they are. Often, they are not.
Larry, all due respect, your examples are all big, complex class B's.
Exactly. And the AIM recommendations apply equally to them. That's my point. That's why we have regulations and AIM recommendations that are mirrored by the 7110.65 procedures.
Go to a bunch of D's with contract towers and I guarantee you'll find a lot of roll your own with no consistency, instructions in the ATIS or anywhere else and different even from different runways and taxi ways
I've seen it in many places. That is the problem. The pilots who train at those airports will develop a misunderstanding of how ATC and airport operations work and that won't serve them well when they get out of the training environment and start going to new places.
Ok, hypothetical situation. You're at the main ramp and Ground has cleared you to taxi to the runway. No other instructions. On your way, you optionally decide to pull off into a marked runup area. When you have completed your runup, what do you do?
Depends on what is said, and assuming I'm flying a piston-powered airplane...
If it's, "[Callsign], [facility] ground, Runway 17, taxi via Alpha." I'd look around to see if there's anyone I should be following then I'd get in line and call Tower when I'm #1.
If it's, "[Callsign], [facility] ground, Taxi to the Runway 17 runup area via Alpha." or "[Callsign], [facility] ground, Taxi to the Runway 17 runup area via Alpha, advise runup complete." I'd call ground, when the runup was complete, to taxi to the runway.
In a turbine, I'd taxi to the runway and switch to, and monitor, Tower when there's no room for Ground to put another airplane ahead of me before reaching the runway. I won't call Tower unless told to do so or it looks like he's forgotten about me.