Supplemental O2


Jul 23, 2014
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Hey guys. I was reading a thread about supplemental oxygen and from the thread I gathered that I definitely need a system. I do mostly VFR flying so I haven't ever gotten high enough to use one per altitude requirements but I plan to get my IFR and do some really long x-country flights with the family. So I'm looking for a good O2 system or combination of systems that would be enough for 4 total and can last somewhere between 8-10 hours. Preferably a system where the tanks can be refilled at home.

Thanks so much for the help ladies and gents. You have been awesome.
We've had an Aerox 4-place system with oxymiser cannulas (can control flow separately for each user) for many years and been very happy with it.
Duration is a direct result of tank size, number of users, and continuous flow vs on demand. You can connect any system to a larger tank.

I opted to spend the money for the Mountain High Pulse Demand System, but you can build a continuous flow kit from off the shelf parts for a fraction of that if cost is your concern.

Search "oxygen" in the search function of the forum and you will fins a wealth of information on oxygen ans the different systems out there.

Here is a good thread to get ya started:
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What build do you have Shawn? Please list specifics. Price really isn't that big of a deal.
This is the system I did.

EDS-O2D2 with AL-682 Aluminum cylinder and XCR-540 regulator.

I just got a two place but can easily expand to a 4 place when I need to. I REALLY like the pulse demand system and glad I splurged and went with it. Their web site is a little less than clear on what valve/tank/ combo is best for which application, but their customer service is great and I got on a the phone with them and we talked through all of my needs and options and we built a system that was perfect for me. I got no affiliation other than a happy customer but give them a call to see what the best combo for you is.
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This attached duration chart is what sold me on the Pulse Demand System. I do 5-6 hour round trip flights regularly and didn't want to have to refill after every flight.

EDS is the pulse demand system, MH3 & 4 are their continuous flow systems.


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I'm a firm believer in the demand-style regulators either Mountain High or Nelson/Precise. I've got the latter only because I bought early on when MH was still working things out but they're just as good now. It lets you get over 20 hours of pilot time out of a small bottle. Now I don't even have to think, I just pull on the O2 confident I won't run out.