Strange mag issue


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Oct 30, 2020
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C-150 with Slick 4301 mags that have about a 100 hrs since o/h.

In flight only ; when operating on RIGHT or BOTH mags the runway lights are turned ON.They may be at different settings but always ON. The aircraft radio will not function to Transmit also. Flying LEFT only all is fine. Remove radio and issue continues.

All plugs leads test fine with a Lead Tester. We may swap mag positions to help diagnose . I don’t think a harness swap would work. A flight with p- leads disconnected may be in the works.

Other thoughts?
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C-150 with Slick 4301 mags that have about a 100 hrs since o/h.

In flight only ; when operating on RIGHT or BOTH mags the runway lights are turned ON.They may be at different settings but always ON. The aircraft radio will not function to Transmit also. Flying LEFT only all is fine. Remove radio and issue continues.

All plugs leads test fine with a Lead Tester. We may swap mag positions to help diagnose . I don’t think a harness swap would work. A flight with p- leads disconnected may be in the works.

Other thoughts?
How does a magneto turn on runway lights?
A flight with p- leads disconnected may be in the works.

Other thoughts?
My thought is that's a bad thought. I think I'd be figuring out what's going on before I flew this thing.
I find it ironic that "magman" is the one asking. (no disrespect intended, just funny).

Not a deep mag guy or A&P, but I believe there is no electrical connection between the mags and the rest of the electrical system except the p-leads. One thing that might make sense is a p-lead shorting to something else in the 12v system. Or possibly, a plug wire doing same.

Should be pretty straightforward to diagnose.
Sounds like an expensive hangar remote control, you can probably label it as such and sell it too.
Sounds like some serious EMI. Maybe you could try cooking a hotdog with it.
Wonder if it would persist with the VHF antenna removed.

goodbye A&M

Perhaps @Dan Thomas will chime in here with an answer. He's pretty clever with odd things like these ...
To clarify, as it seems some are misunderstanding, or I'm misunderstanding them. He's not saying his mags are turning on the lights that are on the runway. he's saying they are turning on the light in his aircraft that aims at the runway.

I think.

*edit* No, I'm wrong. I totally misread it. Yes, it's aliens.
I'm going to go sit at his airport with a handheld and turn the lights on and off every time he's in the cockpit.
Ok, I've got to know. How the heck did you even figure all of that out that flying on left didn't cause it? What would ever posses a person to turn off a mag and see if runway lights turn on or not?

I'm looking at the calendar for April 1.