I was there with Tina when this happened. I was watching her fly her gyro and she was doing some touch and goes. The other aircraft entered into the pattern with her. after he made a touch and go on the next landing he stopped in the runway. At first I thought that he would go again in a few seconds, he did not. Many people probably think that Tina is exaggerating when she says 2 to 3 minuets, It was closer to 4. I at first after he sat in the runway thought that he was having some problem. So why not clear the runway? I then spent another minute wondering what he was doing. after another minute Tina had now gone from Base to final and he was still in the runway. I then got into the airplane, turned on the radios, put on a headset, and told the pilot that he should not park in the runway and that there was other traffic waiting on him. He replied that he had the active and could stop as long as he wanted. He then did this three more times, maybe only for a minute or two, but still to long. He was also flying excessive long patterns to the point where you would think he was doing a straight out and people were turning inside his upwind leg. I later learned that he was a instructor and had a student. Now when I was a student if I did something like sit in a runway for 1 minute my instructor would have hit me in the back of the head with his clipboard. There is no reason to be locking up a active runway. The fact that he is teaching a student such bad habits will probably cause the student to go somewhere else and get a violation. I checked the FAR's and AIM's and found some rules that I thought applied. When confronted about this the instructor was arrogant, rude, and just did not care if he was disrupting other traffic. I was so mad that I did call the FSDO, because I did not think that he was operating in a safe manner. I spoke with a couple of different people and the consensus was that while he was not violating any rule exactly, he was operating in a rude and unsafe manner. I don't know what the FSDO did, but I was told that he would look into it.
I have never in all my years of flying all over the country seen anything like this. That along with the instructors arrogant attitude really made me believe that he was a hazard. The fact that he is teaching students such poor habits is what really set me off and that is why I called the FSDO. I don't like to rat anyone out to the feds. But after trying to reason with the guy there was no choice. People pay allot of money to get training and they deserve to be taught in a proper and safe manner. Even if this is accepted behavior at this airport the student will be somewhere else where it will not. I was fortunate to have a great instructor and wish that everyone could be get the best training they pay for. We should all operate with caution and courtesy to all pilots and people around the airport. We depend on instructors for this. My instructor always said "I love flying and want everybody to love it as much as I do." That is how I was taught and I value the lesson.