I'll accept "paperless" claims like yours that are realistic about the need for other tools from time to time. Some of the others could lead to some interesting wagers.
Yep. My office is almost completely paperless. All work product is electronic.
I print things for final edit and review (I still find typos and such on paper better than on a screen, that may not be true for kids). Some things have not been set up for digital signatures, so print/sign/scan/email is still required.
Meeting notes are handwritten on an IPad, with Noteshelf and a stylus, then sent to Evernote so they're available everywhere (desk, ipad, phone).
I have a steno book on my desk to take impromptu notes (phone numbers, the name of the guy I need to call next, etc). And a Field Notes notebook in my pocket all the time for the unexpected notes when away from the desk.
A steno book lives in my bag for electronic failure, but it's almost never used.
In the plane, a Nexus with Garmin Pilot, Iphone with Foreflight for backup.
One set of year old WACs covering the whole country. I can get down or to an alternate with those, and they don't take much room.
Plus a pad and several pens/pencils.