Started Tailwheel Training (transition) J3 Cub

Don, sometimes I think there's something wrong with the seat of my pants. Maybe I've been on the hot seat too much of my life.

Anyway, I tend to find myself with the ball just out of the cage or partially out of the cage to the right. If I try to feel the seat of my pants, I can never really feel it. I can feel my lower back against the seat back and feel a little bit that way.

I don't know why I do this and haven't been able to find a good way to correct it beyond just paying lots of attention to the ball.

I hope I'm not hijacking the thread, but do you have any tricks like you had for me when you told me to waggle the rudder pedals on final several years ago? If you do, maybe they would be useful for the OP to hear as well.

You are probably leaning your body in your turns. Set up your cell phone to take a video of you in your seat while you make some turns. You should sit up straight in the seat and not lean your body or your head. The best way to feel the slip/skid in your backside is to sit straight in the seat. You may be naturally adjusting your CG to feel centered instead of using the rudder.

Thanks Dave! I don't THINK that anything like that is going on, but I wouldn't have thought about the wallet either. If the ice and snow will go by in a few days, I will go do the tests you suggest. I just got a suction cup mount for my video camera last week, so I'll give it a go. Hope my ugly mug doesn't break the camera. I wanted to use it to record some flying.:)
Oh yeahh? But the J3 IS Da Cutest, like... okay?!

Just kidding. Have you ever flown or know about the J3 Cub that have had the span of the wings trimmed? I have seen one at the local airport (couldn't pay too much attention as i was taxing the training Cub), and it looked really nice - in the sense that the reduced wingspan would likely make it more response to roll? And maybe less like a kite in "higher" winds?

Edit: in your opinion, what did you think the Luscombe did better than the J3? And what did you like the least about the J3? I'm curious.

The Luscombe F model , 90 hp., does everything better than the cub which is underpowered and the front seat is worthless. I do not like flying from the back seat. The Luscombe is much quicker, loops well, rolls, climbs much better and is faster. Not to mention better built and better looking. A clip wing cub , due to less wing is more fun ,more horsepower, ( I flew one with an 0200) easier in rough air but still not as versatile as a Luscombe F. I also like a t craft better than a cub, faster, better looking. The j3 cub is way too expensive for what you get as far as I'm concerned.( the super cub is a whole other story!) I sold mine quickly and bought an 85 champ. Lots more fun, versatile. Let me repeat about fast taxi. I find it strange a CFI would tell you to fast taxi with low hours as its a pathway to an expensive accident. I was taught to taxi no faster than a brisk walk for my safety and that of other aircraft.
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A clip wing cub , due to less wing is more fun ,more horsepower, ( I flew one with an 0200) easier in rough air but still not as versatile as a Luscombe F.

But you'll never see a Luscombe flown like this. :D

But you'll never see a Luscombe flown like this. :D

I do think that this fellow could do most everything the same if he were in an F model Luscombe. He is really good! I have seen a Luscombe do some pretty nice aerobatics over the years.They are very well built. This type flying is way beyond my abilitys!
I do think that this fellow could do most everything the same if he were in an F model Luscombe.

With inverted fuel, I pretty much could too, but I'll leave others to put +6/-4G and 120 mph snap rolls on a Luscombe...or even a Clipped Cub. :) Todd admitted that this type of flying caused broken wing ribs, but not much else...for the several years that he flew it like this. But there's not much long-term track record for Luscombes or Clipped Cubs exposed to hard aerobatics over the years. I never put more than +3G on the Clipped Cub I flew. I leave 6G's, negative snaps, flat spins, hard pushes, and tumbles for the Pitts.
I know but there is a handheld radio and gps mounted in the front seat (see pictures) so obviously they are using them. I was just wondering if he was going to be able to solo in that airplane because it doesn't appear to be set up for it.

My first hours were in 1969 in a J3 with no radio. Eight bucks an hour for the airplane and four for the instructor. I was earning a buck fifty for each lawn I mowed so it wasn't any easier.

You don't need a GPS or a radio to solo a plane. Check your FARs... :yesnod:

Cub trim stick for short pilots. Put the hole over the handle and crank. Other side is to push back the carb heat. Multipurpose. Only 2 AMU from AircraftSpruce!

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You don't need a GPS or a radio to solo a plane. Check your FARs... :yesnod:...

I didn't mean that at all. I just said they've got a radio, they're using it and it looked like it would be a stretch from the rear seat. Op says he can reach it though.

I was mainly just wondering if the Cub was available for solo because sometimes for insurance reasons they aren't these days. In this case it is, OP answered my question.
You don't need a GPS or a radio to solo a plane. Check your FARs... :yesnod:

Cub trim stick for short pilots. Put the hole over the handle and crank. Other side is to push back the carb heat. Multipurpose. Only 2 AMU from AircraftSpruce!


I'm from the FAA and I DEMAND to see the 337 Field Approval along with weight and balance for that highly technical modification.:wink2:
Let me look up the STC number for you... brb...
Dont keep your wallet in your back pocket. Step on the butt cheek that feels heavier!

I just want to thank you for the suggestion. I have flown several hours without anything in my back pocket. Most of this time has been in rough enough air to keep my attention. By practicing watching the ball and feeling the seat of my pants, I have pretty much cured this problem.

I expect that 98% of my time including my student time has been with a thick wallet in my right back pocket.

Glad to help!! Do you have the endorsement wrapped up yet?

I just want to thank you for the suggestion. I have flown several hours without anything in my back pocket. Most of this time has been in rough enough air to keep my attention. By practicing watching the ball and feeling the seat of my pants, I have pretty much cured this problem.

I expect that 98% of my time including my student time has been with a thick wallet in my right back pocket.


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