Star Wars Rogue One - spoilers inside


Line Up and Wait
Dec 13, 2010
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I won't spoil it in this post, but WOW!!!!!!

The movie was fine, very entertaining and all that... but bringing people back from the dead is amazing!

Admiral(?) Tarkin, Princess Leia, and Gold Leader!!!!

Those CGI effects or whatever was absolutely amazing. How did young Leia sound like Leia?

Also, I hope y'all noticed all the nods to the original.

Also, they had actual pilot phraseology at one point; the dude steps out of the cockpit, and says to the droid sitting next to him "You have the controls" or something very similar. I noticed the droid didn't respond back with the "I have the controls", but I give him a pass, these guys are rebels flying a spaceship, not, I assume, professional space pilots.
I enjoyed the movie for the most part but the lack of a scrolling intro set me in a weird mood about the rest of the movie.

And it came a little too soon after The Force Awakens.
This story immediately precedes Episode IV - A New Hope. (I guesss that makes it III.V?) All of the characters you eluded to were still alive, or we would not have seen them in IV which starts by plucking Leia's ship out of space. Also, I don't think Gold Leader is a single person. It's whoever is leading that attack group on that mission.

From pilot dialog... I thought the most accurate was the scene where the name of the movie was spoken.

Note: No spoilers in this post.
Wasn't a fan of the lack of character development, minus the main character and the droid, the rest were lacking and all kinda blended together.

Not much story development, as in if you didn't speak English you could easily watch the movie and still understand what little story there was, also not as dark as the Lucas stuff.

A lot like the new star treks and 007 stuff, seems like they are making these re heated movie lines so they ether can play them in non English speaking counties without re dubbing, or for people with much lower IQs.
With all the negatives ,not sure I want see it.
I like Star Wars but I'm not an expert by any means. That being said, I liked it. I feel they did a great job melding this into episode 4. IMO one of the better star wars movies.
This story immediately precedes Episode IV - A New Hope. (I guesss that makes it III.V?) All of the characters you eluded to were still alive, or we would not have seen them in IV which starts by plucking Leia's ship out of space. Also, I don't think Gold Leader is a single person. It's whoever is leading that attack group on that mission.
Sorry, I wasn't clear; the actor that played Tarkin is long dead, Peter Cushing; yet he appeared on screen! Yes I'm aware we just watched "Episode 3.5". How one could watch the movie and not know that would be amazing.

It was amazing CGI what "brought him back from the dead".

I guess I needed to be clearer about this too; did you notice the "gold leader" fella sounded the same and looked the same as "gold leader" in Episode 4, A New Hope?
Me being literal as usual. I didn't know what the movie was about until Thursday and I saw it Saturday.
I wasn't being clear, I was excited.

couldn't believe we were seeing those actors again! carrie fisher, not dead , but seeing a very young version of her blew my mind!
Finally got to see this today. It was supposed to be shown on Thursday, but the plane it was supposed to come in on was canceled.

So, keeping in mind that I was sitting on a cold steel girder in the back of a re-purposed hangar, with the bottom 1/4 of the screen obscured by other people's heads, no real sound system (just a couple of speakers), being played on a computer and projected onto a small screen...

I kinda enjoyed the movie. Can't wait to see it again in better conditions.

I wasn't being clear, I was excited.

couldn't believe we were seeing those actors again! carrie fisher, not dead , but seeing a very young version of her blew my mind!

From IMDB:

The character of Grand Moff Tarkin, played in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) by Peter Cushing, is revived and "performed" by Cushing despite his death in 1994. Cushing is resurrected with CGI and actually performed by Guy Henry. Cushing receives a special "with special recognition to Peter Cushing" honorable mention in the end credits. Similarly, the character of young Princess Leia has a brief cameo, with much help recreating her facial features with CGI, while physically performed by Ingvild Deila.
Watched Rogue One last night (Christmas Eve). I enjoyed it. I did notice that ALL the heroes in the movie got killed! Guess it didnt hurt recruitment however,,,
mostly off topic question:

After I went to Rogue One I came home and watched "A New Hope" again. I have the first six episodes in a single Blu Ray set that I bought to prepare for Awakens.
Am I the only one who dislikes the "added scenes" in the re-release?
Watched Rogue One last night (Christmas Eve). I enjoyed it. I did notice that ALL the heroes in the movie got killed! Guess it didnt hurt recruitment however,,,
"...Many Bothans died to bring us this information."
mostly off topic question:

After I went to Rogue One I came home and watched "A New Hope" again. I have the first six episodes in a single Blu Ray set that I bought to prepare for Awakens.
Am I the only one who dislikes the "added scenes" in the re-release?

I don't mind the added scenes, but I still say Han shot first.
As entertainment, I thoroughly enjoyed it. But, as with every Star Wars movie since the original 3, I found it lacking in imagination, script, story, character development. etc... Still, it was worth the price of admission, parking, and popcorn, so I was satisfied. I understand why they didn't have the scrolling dialog at the wasn't an episode in the Star Wars saga, just an aside. And I loved the fact that all the heroes died in the end. Much more believable than everyone getting out alive. But they really had little choice, as then you'd be faced with the question of why none of those characters, after proving their worth, weren't present in #4.

Found Larkin's animation intriguing. Not sure I would have noticed it was a live actor if I hadn't been tipped off ahead of time. Kind of cool, when you start thinking of the possibilities. Great actors might not be forced to play senior roles in the near future.
I'm the opposite on the CGI. It sucked! Leia was to waxy looking while Tarkin had unnatural twitches.

CGI is still stuck in the Uncanny Valley issues.

Overall I thought the movie was good. The lack of an opening scrawl was a choice by Disney. Since this one was a "character" movie they reserved the scrawl to the "story" movies. The Han Solo and other "character" movies will also lack the scrawl.
It would be nice if they could tell an original story, poor George is going to be cold this winter with all these people riding on his coat tails.

I mean George wasn't trying to make movies about building characters, he was telling a story, something which most all the spin offs from the original 3 lacked, even as a story based movie and not a "character building" one, George actually had way more depth in his characters.
Well, I'll be darned. I thought she said that line when they had their meeting to destroy the first Death Star. Close to the time Luke said he shot womp rats the size of the exhaust port.
mostly off topic question:

After I went to Rogue One I came home and watched "A New Hope" again. I have the first six episodes in a single Blu Ray set that I bought to prepare for Awakens.
Am I the only one who dislikes the "added scenes" in the re-release?
No. I don't like them either. I have the original cuts on VHS. The only reason I still own a vcr.
Alright... so I'm a Star Wars nerd. Own a full set of Stormtrooper armor and every damn thing. I'm the one on the right. You can tell because of the way I'm smiling.


That being said... I didn't care for the first half of the movie. I did enjoy the action packed second half. The movie jumped around so much in the beginning that when it came to Jedha, the movie made me lose interest. Especially with all the characters they tried throwing in there. I think that's what these remakes have lost that the original 3 had. Even the prequels had it, albeit poorly executed. There's a STORY. There's a living, breathing, Star Wars universe that exists outside of the characters. It's hard to slap 2 main and 8 supporting characters into a story and develop them in 1 movie. The original trilogy developed the relationships over the course of 3 movies, and these Disney movies are trying to force it into the first 30 minutes.

I didn't care about Jyn or the dude. I didn't like the protectors of the temple of the Whills. Yes... trying to throw a Jedi-like character into the mix because it's a Star Wars movie... I get it. But it was just weak to me. The only character that I thought was worthwhile was K2SO.

No opening crawl disappointed me. I get it, but I don't like it. I didn't like the score without John Williams either.

I wasn't too offput by CGI Tarkin. I rather liked him, in fact. I knew Peter Cushing had passed, so seeing him was pretty nifty. I thought young Leia looked a little waxy... still appreciated seeing her. Novelty value was pretty high for me.

My own feeling is if you look at the movies, it is apparent that George Lucas is terrible for the Star Wars franchise. He did ANH, which he SWORE would be a failure. Turned into a massive success. ESB and ROTJ both weren't directed by George, and those two are the frontrunners for best Star Wars movie. The prequels were directed by George. The "Special Editions" were released with George's direction, and he added a TON of unnecessary garbage AND made Han shoot second. Ep 7 and Rogue One were both not directed by him, and are definitely better than the prequels. So I will stand by my assertion that Star Wars is a massive success in spite of George Lucas, not because of him.

For those of you that don't like the additional stuff that was added, you can do a search online for Harmy's De-Specialized Editions of the trilogy. They are FANTASTIC. All of the remastering without any of the nonsense additions.
I truly enjoyed Rogue One, as I'm surprised to say. I really did enjoy it. Everything about it.
I thought it was a great movie! I really like that they all died. Instead of Luke's 9 nine lives!!!
Han is dead and therefore so is the series in my mind. He was the best thing about Star Wars.
I'm the opposite on the CGI. It sucked! Leia was to waxy looking while Tarkin had unnatural twitches.

CGI is still stuck in the Uncanny Valley issues.

Overall I thought the movie was good. The lack of an opening scrawl was a choice by Disney. Since this one was a "character" movie they reserved the scrawl to the "story" movies. The Han Solo and other "character" movies will also lack the scrawl.

I agree. And the rubber creatures that were puppets in the first star wars movie were cgi'd to look like the same rubber puppets. I was laughing in the theater. There were so many tie ins to the other movies, I was waiting for the black boxes around the spaceships as they moved as in the first movie.

The movie wasn't bad. Character development? lol... they all died. Yet another movie promoting dying for your religion while fighting the big bad government...
I'm the opposite on the CGI. It sucked!

I heard for the sequel that they're toning down the CGI and switching a lot of scenes to practical FX. I also heard they're bringing on a new director, some guy named George Lucas.
I heard for the sequel that they're toning down the CGI and switching a lot of scenes to practical FX. I also heard they're bringing on a new director, some guy named George Lucas.

Meh. He's the hack that changed the original to make Han shoot in "self defense"....
I'm not a Star Wars nerd, but overall I liked it. What frustrated me was the Empire's clunky IT infrastructure. Thankfully they did not discover cloud data storage. And who the hell would put an antenna alignment switch on a cantilever platform a thousand feet up in the air?

My first reaction when I saw Leia was that it must be leftover footage from episode IV. According to (authoritative source) Wikipedia, the visual is CGI as others have said, and the voice is from original Carrie Fisher footage.
My first reaction when I saw Leia was that it must be leftover footage from episode IV. According to (authoritative source) Wikipedia, the visual is CGI as others have said, and the voice is from original Carrie Fisher footage.

Looks like they'll be doing some more CGI with her in episode IX.

Just a couple of things...

The dude sees the grenade-thingee, he knows it's about to go off, and he gives that look like "well it's all over now". Dude you'd see me scramble even if I thought I had half a second. They probably did scramble all movie until the end when their character wasn't really needed any more, and had to die bravely.

Also, in Empire Strikes Back, what's one of the first Jedi challenge/tricks "in training" Luke learns?

He learns how to move his whole ship out of a swamp. That's a rookie trick, apparently.

Darth sees the ship taking off (does he need to even see it?), and once it flies out of the hangar, he watches it like "dang it! Oh well, we'll get after you eventually here".

Why doesn't he use his force stuff to move the whole ship and crash it, or radio call for a tractor beam, or call for all fighters to concentrate on that ship that just left, or choke the pilot? What's the distance on "force choke", anyway? Same room, same house, same block, what is it? Seems like a great assassin weapon, just drive into town, force choke in that direction, go get lunch.

(for real, I get that it had to blend into Episode 4, but still, if *I* was Darth Stevie...)
Just a couple of things...

The dude sees the grenade-thingee, he knows it's about to go off, and he gives that look like "well it's all over now". Dude you'd see me scramble even if I thought I had half a second. They probably did scramble all movie until the end when their character wasn't really needed any more, and had to die bravely.

Also, in Empire Strikes Back, what's one of the first Jedi challenge/tricks "in training" Luke learns?

He learns how to move his whole ship out of a swamp. That's a rookie trick, apparently.

Darth sees the ship taking off (does he need to even see it?), and once it flies out of the hangar, he watches it like "dang it! Oh well, we'll get after you eventually here".

Why doesn't he use his force stuff to move the whole ship and crash it, or radio call for a tractor beam, or call for all fighters to concentrate on that ship that just left, or choke the pilot? What's the distance on "force choke", anyway? Same room, same house, same block, what is it? Seems like a great assassin weapon, just drive into town, force choke in that direction, go get lunch.

(for real, I get that it had to blend into Episode 4, but still, if *I* was Darth Stevie...)

He was just starting to harbor thoughts about getting away from the influence of the Emperor. As such, he knew that letting the ship go was the first step to that freedom.

I'm sure old George had that figured out back in the 70s.
The dude sees the grenade-thingee, he knows it's about to go off, and he gives that look like "well it's all over now". Dude you'd see me scramble even if I thought I had half a second. They probably did scramble all movie until the end when their character wasn't really needed any more, and had to die bravely.

If you're talking about Admiral Aimbot, he was already mortally wounded. He knew it. So he was like "welp... it's a good day to die."

Also, in Empire Strikes Back, what's one of the first Jedi challenge/tricks "in training" Luke learns?

He learns how to move his whole ship out of a swamp. That's a rookie trick, apparently.

There was an entire Rocky training montage that was left out of Empire for Luke's training. It made it seem like Luke did his training in an afternoon when it was supposed to seem like months. That's how he knew how to do that super jump thing instead of getting frozen in carbonite.

Why doesn't he use his force stuff to move the whole ship and crash it, or radio call for a tractor beam, or call for all fighters to concentrate on that ship that just left, or choke the pilot? What's the distance on "force choke", anyway? Same room, same house, same block, what is it? Seems like a great assassin weapon, just drive into town, force choke in that direction, go get lunch.

Force choke's range seems to be unlimited provided you can see your target... either in line of sight or through a video screen. Moving an x-wing out of a swamp (which Yoda could do, and he was training Jedi for 800 years) is different from trying to hold on to a Corellian corvette that's pulling away. I agree with the tractor beam, but maybe nobody expected the Mon Cal ship to crap out an entire corvette so Johnny on the spot with the tractor beam was on his coffee break.

MY issue is that it runs directly into Episode 4... so Vader is actively pursuing the Corellian corvette. So Leia going "this is a consular ship" rings a little hollow when it is a ship that literally 5 minutes prior was being crapped out in the middle of a giant space battle. Sure the ship didn't have license plates so she could have been going with the mistaken identity thing, but HE LITERALLY JUST SAW YOU. And WHY were Leia and that ship inside of another ship in the middle of a space battle in the first place?