Star Wars Rogue One - spoilers inside

MY issue is that it runs directly into Episode 4... so Vader is actively pursuing the Corellian corvette. So Leia going "this is a consular ship" rings a little hollow when it is a ship that literally 5 minutes prior was being crapped out in the middle of a giant space battle. Sure the ship didn't have license plates so she could have been going with the mistaken identity thing, but HE LITERALLY JUST SAW YOU. And WHY were Leia and that ship inside of another ship in the middle of a space battle in the first place?

I got the impression that one ship relayed the plans to another to get them to Leia's ship. Assuming that a consular ship in their universe works the same as in our universe, it should have been untouchable (think "Diplomatic Pouch").
I got the impression that one ship relayed the plans to another to get them to Leia's ship. Assuming that a consular ship in their universe works the same as in our universe, it should have been untouchable (think "Diplomatic Pouch").

I suppose. Seems like a pretty big risk to put a high value target like the Princess of Alderaan and that ship in the middle of that battle. Especially when the Empire plays by their own rulebook. Though I guess the stakes were pretty high as it was.
I saw R1 last night and enjoyed it. CGI Peter Cushing was amazing, but CGI Leia looked like a Disney cartoon. In general the large spacecraft looked to me very 2001-ish, as if they were physical models rather CGI. I have to think that 'look' was by design.

I had a hard time telling the cargo pilot defector from the good guy pilot.

It was a little strain on me to think that Dad did the universe a huge favor by telling the good guys that
'I put in a design flaw in the Death Star. All you have to do is talk your way into getting the Empire to open the force field surrounding their most heavily defended planet for you and then clear you to land on an outlying landing pad, then sneak into a heavily guarded fortress as 20 of your friends start a firefight in the parking lot against a few hundred storm troopers, find their data center, find the hard drive containing my plans, somehow get the robot arm to give you the hard drive, sneak into the radio room at the top of this huge skyscrapper, get the Empire to open the force field so that you can transmit the plans to the rebel fleet that you had no idea was coming, and then die romantically as the slow motion shock wave from a planet killing weapon engulfs you'.

Thanks Dad.
I saw R1 last night and enjoyed it. CGI Peter Cushing was amazing, but CGI Leia looked like a Disney cartoon. In general the large spacecraft looked to me very 2001-ish, as if they were physical models rather CGI. I have to think that 'look' was by design.

I had a hard time telling the cargo pilot defector from the good guy pilot.

It was a little strain on me to think that Dad did the universe a huge favor by telling the good guys that
'I put in a design flaw in the Death Star. All you have to do is talk your way into getting the Empire to open the force field surrounding their most heavily defended planet for you and then clear you to land on an outlying landing pad, then sneak into a heavily guarded fortress as 20 of your friends start a firefight in the parking lot against a few hundred storm troopers, find their data center, find the hard drive containing my plans, somehow get the robot arm to give you the hard drive, sneak into the radio room at the top of this huge skyscrapper, get the Empire to open the force field so that you can transmit the plans to the rebel fleet that you had no idea was coming, and then die romantically as the slow motion shock wave from a planet killing weapon engulfs you'.

Thanks Dad.
Seriously... Giant planet killing space stations. Laser guns. Lightsabers. Gigantic mechanical killing machines of doom. But not a single thumb drive he could have included with the defector?

"I can only include this holographic message in which I painstakingly describe both my emotional state and my master plan to incorporate a flaw into this death Star. It was my life's work and I'm so sad I didn't get to see my little girl grow up. Unfortunately there is absolutely, positively, completely, totally, no conceivable for me to simply give you the knowledge of where this flaw is or how to get to it in this teeny tiny little message, as I just don't have enough time to say what the flaw is or where it is located. I also can't provide a simple holographic image of the location of this flaw, because again, I am really short on time and memory for this holographic image. Also, I found this killer chocolate chip cookie recipe on the holonet. First you take... *5 minutes later* I wish I had more time to give you the information you need, but I don't. Could not be more apologetic. Very sorry. Oh. One more thing..."

Reminds me of the scene in Austin Powers where the dude gets run over by the steamroller.
THIS was the Star Wars I've been waiting for since 1983!

I LOATHED JJ Abrams Farce Awakens. Horrible retread mess that trashed
the original characters lives. I have no idea at all why it was so hyped.
Big disconnect with that for me. I put it in the pile of films I pretend never existed. No interest in that trilogy, boring new characters.

The Lucas prequels were not endearing or enduring. I tried I really did.
I can't stand to look at any of them now.

Rogue One? A freekin' miracle!!!!

The Force is with us, we are one with The Force.
The Force is with us, we are one with The Force.
The Force is with us, we are one with The Force.
Seriously... Giant planet killing space stations. Laser guns. Lightsabers. Gigantic mechanical killing machines of doom. But not a single thumb drive he could have included with the defector?

"I can only include this holographic message in which I painstakingly describe both my emotional state and my master plan to incorporate a flaw into this death Star. It was my life's work and I'm so sad I didn't get to see my little girl grow up. Unfortunately there is absolutely, positively, completely, totally, no conceivable for me to simply give you the knowledge of where this flaw is or how to get to it in this teeny tiny little message, as I just don't have enough time to say what the flaw is or where it is located. I also can't provide a simple holographic image of the location of this flaw, because again, I am really short on time and memory for this holographic image. Also, I found this killer chocolate chip cookie recipe on the holonet. First you take... *5 minutes later* I wish I had more time to give you the information you need, but I don't. Could not be more apologetic. Very sorry. Oh. One more thing..."

Reminds me of the scene in Austin Powers where the dude gets run over by the steamroller.

Gotta remember that the universe of Star Wars is based on 1970s technology. :p

Of course, if he had simply put all the info on a thumb drive to start with, then more than half the movie would be gutted. Kinda like, "If only they had caught that bad guy at the beginning of the movie, then all that other crap wouldn't have happened."
One last thing...

"The pilot" wears goggles on his forehead for most of the movie. They serve no purpose other than for his forehead. I assume this is so we can tell which action figure is which. He keeps them at the ready, but never has a use for them.

He gets accosted by the squid creature. The side effects? You tend to LOSE YOUR MIND!!!! MOOOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Did I say lose your mind...? I meant "feel spacey for like, a while, until somebody asks if you're a pilot, then you chipper right up and you'll be fine". All pilots like to be asked if they're a pilot, so this technique jolts a guy to attention.

I did enjoy the movie, but that's also a great point; you don't have to export the whole plans, just a little section of them, like take pictures of a few key pages and include them at the end of your video. You're already busted if they find the video, go for it.

...but right, movie would be over too quickly.

(Why again do stormtroopers wear armor that seems to protect against very little?)
One last thing...

"The pilot" wears goggles on his forehead for most of the movie. They serve no purpose other than for his forehead. I assume this is so we can tell which action figure is which. He keeps them at the ready, but never has a use for them.

I thought he might have been related to Cat from Gotham...

Another thing I just thought of....did the Empire destroy its own data vault?

Scorched Earth, M*ther Fu**ah

I loved it. There are always going to be some holes in the plot, it's Star Wars afterall. But, it did shore up some big ones, or at least provide a plausible explanation that is now a part of the (new) canon. One thing I really appreciated about R1 and the Force Awakens as well was going back to relying on Visual FX rather than CGI. Yes, CGI was a factor but in the prequels, CGI was used to the point where the movies became gratuitous displays of late-90's technology. They lacked any sense of warmth and might as well have been fully animated. I mean really, I get that showing 10,000 clone troopers in a wide shot needs either CGI or some really good matte painting but tight shots and dialogue scenes with clone troops CGI as well? Lame.

I REALLY tried, I mean, really, tried to like the prequels. There are parts I actually think are fantastic but as a whole they're just awful and make me sad to think about. I think with the existing material the prequels could probably be cut into two movies and made into pretty decent films...

Anyway, R1 just re-affirms that Star Wars movies are good again and that was the only really good thing that happened in 2016.