Spin Zone Removed - 3 Day Hiatus

I don't know, Scott. I've read his posts a couple of times to try to find what you're hearing in his tone and I can't find it.

I know from talking with Jesse the kind of time and money that he puts into supporting this forum. But that is just because I work with him every day. He never complains about it in this forum and he has never once complained about it to me. He volunteered for it and he's lived up to his end of the bargain time and again since taking it on. All the while he has paid for all hosting and backups out of his pocket every month. He was simply stating (for somebody that asked) what the costs involved really were.

I've always had a great deal of respect for you, Scott, and that's not changing. But the longer this thread has gone on the more you've seemed ungrateful for what is being provided for you. Neither this forum nor the spin zone are a right. It takes a lot of work and a lot of money to keep it going and you've seemed to minimize that effort throughout this discussion. For somebody that spends about 25% of his waking hours on the board, I would think that you, of all people, would appreciate what you get for the price you pay.

The thought of 1500 or 2000 posts being required for inclusion into the spin zone is ridiculous. I feel as if I've got a pretty good pulse on the board. I've been to four fly-ins in my two years (Ames twice and Gastons twice). Met a ton of members (including you) and read the board several times throughout the day (every day). I've been a member here for over two years and I don't even have 1500 posts yet. According to your measuring stick, I'm not yet seasoned enough to participate in the magic discussions.

Just MHO of course, but I don't think Scott was being at all ungrateful. To suggest ways to make the board better isn't being ungrateful. The reality is there are always things that can be improved, and they way moderation happens is certainly one of them. I think it safe to say that we are all happy to have PoA as a place to gather in the cyber world and talk about whatever is on our minds. I know I am.

And as for the number Scott threw out, I think he was just throwing it out as a suggestion, or a starting point if you will. I doubt he would get in a twist if someone suggested a lower number.
Just MHO of course, but I don't think Scott was being at all ungrateful. To suggest ways to make the board better isn't being ungrateful. The reality is there are always things that can be improved, and they way moderation happens is certainly one of them. I think it safe to say that we are all happy to have PoA as a place to gather in the cyber world and talk about whatever is on our minds. I know I am.

And as for the number Scott threw out, I think he was just throwing it out as a suggestion, or a starting point if you will. I doubt he would get in a twist if someone suggested a lower number.
Thank you Frank that is exactly what I was doing, just throwing out a number as part of an idea to provoke discussion.

Seems I may have 'provoked' a couple of people ;)
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I've always had a great deal of respect for you, Scott, and that's not changing. But the longer this thread has gone on the more you've seemed ungrateful for what is being provided for you. Neither this forum nor the spin zone are a right.
You lost me here. Can you please point to anything I said that could have been interpreted as stating I was ungrateful and think SZ is a right?
I don't know, Scott. I've read his posts a couple of times to try to find what you're hearing in his tone and I can't find it.

I know from talking with Jesse
What you are seeing are the limitations of the written word on here. You know Jesse far better than I and you know me very little. It is difficult sometimes to discern mood. I interpreted his mood differently than you, only Jesse know for sure what his mood and intent were when he wrote what he has. I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. When he raised issue with what he thought my mood was I simply responded how I actually felt and how I was interpreting his mood.
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How about an immediate 24 hour SZ ban (no ifs, ands, or buts) for both the person reporting a bad post AND the person who is the subject of that bad post report? That would cut down on frivolous bad post reports (although if someone is really legitimately reporting - well, then they take one for the MC team). It would cut the crap the MC team has to review immensely and give them some time to deal with it.

The ban on both bad post reporter and reportee would take immediate effect, but, if the MC team sees that the griper has a legit complaint then the person about whom they are complaining gets an immediate 7 day ban. If this happens enough times then the ban gets ratcheted up. Maybe even have a rule that if the report-er was legit, then the next time they report they get a freebie and don't get involved in the 24 hour ban.

My guess is that if there is an immediate ban such as the above, someone who is not directly affected isn't going to bother to report it, and the person reporting it would most likely end up being the other person in the row... if this disclaimer is clearly stated above no one can complain about it. The reporting person has skin in the game.

Maybe it's not "fair" if one person has a legitimate gripe, but if those are the rules going in, and the person who enters the SZ clearly knows about the rules and the tenor of the discussions going in, and click-accepts those rules - it should lessen the risks for all involved. The disclaimer should clearly state these rules. Are they opening themselves up to legal risk? Possibly. Not as high as without the disclaimer.

I also state the above is not a legal opinion, use at your own risk, yada yada. :D

ps. of course, you also run the risk that people are going to report people just to give the other person an immediate ban... adjust your rules accordingly. if that's used frivolously, ban the report for the 7 days, etc.
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isn't reporting a bad post in spin zone akin to having a referee in a bar fight? :)
While the conversation has been interesting, and many ideas lobbed up, are changes to the board really necessary? Or, do we need to change the way we electronically interact with each other? My thought is the more the latter than former. Just a thought as I read the last couple pages.

You may now return to your normally scheduled program. :P
If I'm hosting (acting as MC member on behalf of all participants) a large gathering of people in my large hangar/hall (call it the forum)and all but two or three are behaving as reasonable adults, and enjoying civil debates/conversations, why do all the civil ones need to get "thicker skin" in order to remain at the gathering? I would think it reasonable to ask the uncivil ones to tone it down or leave the party until their behavior could improve to the point where it meets my (POA ROC) standards. After all it is my (POA's) party and I want all my guests to enjoy themselves without needing to tough it out so some rude partygoers could shout at each other.


I have no dog in this fight as I don't go to SZ, but it pains me to see this divisiveness over the percieved "rights" of a few to engage in behavior that I'd bet they wouldn't exhibit at Gaston's in person.

Aha! That should be the standard - Not 1500 posts, but you have to have been to Gaston's, 6Y9, or the FlyBQ to post in Spin Zone - That way you've actually met the people in person and have more of a clue who they are and what this whole board is about.
Perhaps if it took more than one person to report a particular post, the only way this could be accomplished is by an offline collaborative agreement, and that sounds like too much bother.


I hesitate to say anything about "reputation" because that system wasn't well-liked, but maybe once a post has had 3-5 "bad post" clicks it would be automagically hidden... And the person who posted it would get a "nastygram" with the comments of those who clicked "bad post" (or a new button if that'd work better).

Maybe a separate (non-MC) "review board" of those who participate most in SZ could handle "appeals" or something. And, maybe you'd have to have a certain number of posts on PoA (in the low hundreds) to click this "bad post" button.

Aha! That should be the standard - Not 1500 posts, but you have to have been to Gaston's, 6Y9, or the FlyBQ to post in Spin Zone - That way you've actually met the people in person and have more of a clue who they are and what this whole board is about.
Whoa, I don't like that idea one bit. The air is stratified enough outside the SZ, we don't need any elitism in the SZ. There was already a whole bunch of us that were labeled as not worth meeting in this very forum if memory serves, and we sure don't want to be booted off just because we aren't one of the "cool kids".
There was already a whole bunch of us that were labeled as not worth meeting in this very forum if memory serves

Huh??? Who said that? Boot 'em!

and we sure don't want to be booted off just because we aren't one of the "cool kids".

I wouldn't kick any current participants out except for the problem children, whoever they are.
Huh??? Who said that? Boot 'em!

I ain't naming names...and it was a long time ago. But that statement has hung with me ever since.

I wouldn't kick any current participants out except for the problem children, whoever they are.
No problem children...just excitable folks who sometimes let their fingers run a hundred yards out in front of their brains sometimes. :dunno:
Whoa, I don't like that idea one bit. ... we sure don't want to be booted off just because we aren't one of the "cool kids".

Frank, we are the "cool kids". B) That's why we are always in trouble. :target:

(puts comb back in leather jacket, leans back and lights a Kool)
That should be the standard - Not 1500 posts, but you have to have been to Gaston's, 6Y9, or the FlyBQ to post in Spin Zone - That way you've actually met the people in person and have more of a clue who they are and what this whole board is about.

You know, that kind of provincialism made me uncomfortable on the board for a long time. A lot of inside jokes and banter. I definitely didn't feel like one of the cool kids because I never went to Gastons. I tried to post, and be like the gang, but felt like the new kid in the classroom that everyone ignored.

I guess I compensated by hanging out with the bad kids in Spin Zone. :D

This is me on POA now: B)
You know, that kind of provincialism made me uncomfortable on the board for a long time. A lot of inside jokes and banter. I definitely didn't feel like one of the cool kids because I never went to Gastons.

You AREN'T one of the cool kids if you haven't been to Gaston's. ;) :D

But, you've been to the FlyBQ. So I'd still let you into SZ. :yes:
You AREN'T one of the cool kids if you haven't been to Gaston's. ;) :D

But, you've been to the FlyBQ. So I'd still let you into SZ. :yes:
Hmmmm, I've been to Gaston's, I'm NOT one of the cool kids, I could care less about the Spin Zone and don't post there even though I managed over 2,000 posts here, and I've not been to the FlyBQ or other cool places, so I don't even know what I am anymore, besides your basic Pollyanna who just wants everyone to get along and play nice. :)
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Hmmmm, I've been to Gaston's, I'm NOT one of the cool kids, I could care less about the Spin Zone and don't post there even though I manage over 2,000 posts here, and I've not been to the FlyBQ or other cool places, so I don't even know what I am anymore, besides your basic Pollyanna who just wants everyone to get along and play nice. :)

Wimmin! ;)

(I case it wasn't clear, I'm with you.)
Hmmmm, I've been to Gaston's, I'm NOT one of the cool kids, I could care less about the Spin Zone and don't post there even though I manage over 2,000 posts here, and I've not been to the FlyBQ or other cool places, so I don't even know what I am anymore, besides your basic Pollyanna who just wants everyone to get along and play nice. :)

Oh, Diana, you're one of the cool kids - You don't have to post in the Spin Zone to be a cool kid, but you do have to be a cool kid to post in the Spin Zone. :rofl:

FWIW, I agree with you. I'm just presenting random ideas to help keep the SZ alive, because I think PoA has been a much better place since the SZ existed, even for those of us who don't go there much, if ever!
I've been a member here for over two years and I don't even have 1500 posts yet. According to your measuring stick, I'm not yet seasoned enough to participate in the magic discussions.
You're a slacker, McFly! :D
Hmmmm, I've been to Gaston's, I'm NOT one of the cool kids, I could care less about the Spin Zone and don't post there even though I managed over 2,000 posts here, and I've not been to the FlyBQ or other cool places, so I don't even know what I am anymore, besides your basic Pollyanna who just wants everyone to get along and play nice. :)

Hubert Humphrey once said being in politics and coaching football are strikingly similar. You have to be smart enough to understand how the game is played, and dumb enough to think it's important.
I just wonder how much the GNP would rise if the same effort was put to productive use as went into the last 140 post in this thread!

This is a fun place but it's still two dimensional...for the most part.
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Hubert Humphrey once said being in politics and coaching football are strikingly similar. You have to be smart enough to understand how the game is played, and dumb enough to think it's important.

It's not that it's important. It's only important, it seems to me, to the ones who really get out of line. The rest of us know it's all in good sport. That's why SZ is fun. It's not fun when you get someone who takes it all personally. Then you get, well, this.....:(
After 140+ posts worth of agita and suggestions of how others should/should not behave, I find it interesting that no one has posted the two little words that would've helped ameliorate the situation: I'm sorry (or I apologize, take your pick).

I guess I'll be in the minority by not shedding any tears if SZ disappears permanently.
After 140+ posts worth of agita and suggestions of how others should/should not behave, I find it interesting that no one has posted the two little words that would've helped ameliorate the situation: I'm sorry (or I apologize, take your pick).

I guess I'll be in the minority by not shedding any tears if SZ disappears permanently.

A few bad apples, and this is what we get. The bad apples won't apologize, because they never consider that they might, at best, be offensive and at worst, be wrong.:eek:

SZ doesn't hurt people. People hurt people.
After 140+ posts worth of agita and suggestions of how others should/should not behave, I find it interesting that no one has posted the two little words that would've helped ameliorate the situation: I'm sorry (or I apologize, take your pick).

I guess I'll be in the minority by not shedding any tears if SZ disappears permanently.

But... I'll miss your pancake bunny! :(
A few bad apples, and this is what we get. The bad apples won't apologize, because they never consider that they might, at best, be offensive and at worst, be wrong.:eek:

SZ doesn't hurt people. People hurt people.
And guns hurt guns!B)
After 140+ posts worth of agita and suggestions of how others should/should not behave, I find it interesting that no one has posted the two little words that would've helped ameliorate the situation: I'm sorry (or I apologize, take your pick).

The bad apples won't apologize, because they never consider that they might, at best, be offensive and at worst, be wrong.:eek:

You've both hit on a real problem. Apologies have become a lost art in our modern age. My wife has been hammering me for the last eight years on making apologies. It has had its intended effect and I now see its value.

Rick is correct, a few apologies would go a looooong way towards civility. Part of the problem is most of us here are men. (I'm surprised some of the ladies haven't lectured us on this) we have a tendency to project strength at any cost. Apologies are seen as a sign of weakness and defeat. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is the stronger, more confident male that is most open to deliver an apology.

Flyersfan is correct, bad apples don't ever want to apologize. Well, we need to learn to apologize more often and "ball up" less frequently.

Apologies are even more important in a medium such as this where so much non-verbal communication is unavailable. Here is a clue: if someone asks for an apology you may have inadvertently offended that person. How difficult is it to acknowledge that an offense was taken, accept responsibility, make am mends, or (if you absolutely refuse to admit any responsibility) at least apologize that your discourse fell apart and that you would like to return to the original issue in a less combative tone.

Is it really that difficult???
Part of the problem is most of us here are men.
It's not a male/female issue at all. I've been on boards where the majority of the posters are female and they can be equally as nasty, if not more, than our spin zone.
Too many years of Jerry Springer, reality shows and the emergence of a confrontation-based social style? Plus being able to hide behind the internet. Many of the comments on some aviation websites would, if made in person, result in a handful of chiclets that had previously served as front teeth.

Back when I hired cops, I made it a point to ask all applicants some tough questions, because it was a known fact (and still is) that the phonies blow up under pressure.

After 140+ posts worth of agita and suggestions of how others should/should not behave, I find it interesting that no one has posted the two little words that would've helped ameliorate the situation: I'm sorry (or I apologize, take your pick).

I guess I'll be in the minority by not shedding any tears if SZ disappears permanently.
Excellent post Dart!

In that vein I have something I would like to express publicly. A few weeks ago I made an unfortunate statement in the SZ that was rude, boarish, uncivil, and in violation of the RoC towards ReverendSlappy. I was rightly punished for it by the MC. It's been weighing on my conscience ever since, and a couple of days ago I apologized to Slap privately. But since my comment was made in public, I think only right to state that I did indeed apologize to him for what I said.

And I must also say that Slappy was very gracious and humble in accepting my apology, and frankly, I feel much better about it. We actually exchanged several PM's and kinda got to know each other a little better outside of the SZ environment, and that I think is a very positive thing.

I was waiting for SZ to reopen before posting this, but Dart's post made it seem appropriate to post it here. So, thanks Dart...and thanks again Rev.

Thanks for mentioning that publicly, though I certainly don't think it was necessary.

The SZ is a place where we discuss (mostly) important matters that we take very, very seriously. If we didn't take them seriously, we wouldn't spend our idle time prattling on and on about them on a website somewhere. But seeing that we do, it's entirely unsurprising that the conversations get heated, and it's inevitable -- but unfortunate -- that sometimes things get a bit out of line. It's natural: To adapt an expression of Frank's, sometimes people's fingers move faster than their consciences do, and some personal barbs, less-than-humble tones, or out-and-out insults fly. I know I've been guilty of at least the first two of those a time or two, and I've apologized for it. If I've missed anybody in those apologies, consider this post another one.

But I think that for all the hand-wringing in this thread, the simple reality is that on balance, the SZ isn't bad at all. There might be some bad blood here and there, but that's going to happen in any forum in which people's opinions are discussed (for example, while I'm mostly a lurker in the aviation forums here, I'm quite certain the same phenomenon -- or worse -- happens there as well). It's one of human nature's perhaps unfortunate -- but inherent -- traits. But on the whole, the totality of the arguments that take place in the SZ represent an erudite, informative, respectful, and sometimes even lighthearted and fun body of discussion and debate that I personally haven't encountered anywhere else.

Ultimately, I don't share the suspicion that the issues we've seen of late are indicative of any actual systemic problem or conceptual flaw; I think they're to be expected. The community here has grown, the volume of SZ posts has grown, and so should it be expected that the number of issues would grow. Perhaps they've grown non-linearly with respect to the increase in volume, but that's more accurately attributed to the current political environment, IMO, than any possible shortcomings in the concept of having a place to discuss issues that are inherently more heated than flying.

In short, I think it'd be a tremendous waste and a genuine shame if we were to have to say sayonara to the SZ simply because of predictable issues and a foreseeable (and very likely temporary) increase in the occurrence thereof. I don't think tossing out the concept as a whole makes any sense at all, and I think the tools and resources are already in place to effectively manage it. If that effectiveness isn't there, then the problem is with the specific tools and resources -- not the concept.

Anyway, that's all I have to say about that.
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And for us newbies, where was the Spin Zone?
It seems to me that this thread has become spin zone>???