Special VFR clearance - first time

I've heard stories that a particular tower in our area once may have said "state intentions" after notifying a plane of certain weather conditions... and then may have hinted a little with "anything special we can do for you?" ... :D

I've heard similar stories.
If there was ever a prohibition on suggesting SVFR, like there is for suggesting a contact approach, it was withdrawn more than 28 years ago.

You're close to my time frame. Got out in '86. I'll say again, we were not allowed to solicit SVFR. It had to be requested.
OK, found the ATC feed. Go to LiveATC and look for KSCK archives from Oct 9 2011 1630Z. Then fwd to 17:35 or so. You will hear the controller letting me know that it's below minimums, me asking if it is still safe to land (yes, if I look like a dork, I sound like a dork, and I fly like a dork, I must be a dork), and his reply at 17:55 or so suggesting I ask for IFR or Special VFR.
I listened, and yes he said 'you'd have to request either IFR or special VFR'

He didn't exactly offer special VFR, since he said that you would have to request it.
I've followed the thread but think I'm missing something. Is the OP instrument rated and do you need to be to request SVFR?

(i) The person being granted the ATC clearance meets the applicable requirements for instrument flight under part 61 of this chapter
I've followed the thread but think I'm missing something. Is the OP instrument rated and do you need to be to request SVFR?

I sure hope so!

I think special VFR requires IFR rating at night only, or that has been my understanding to this point in my admittedly short flying career.

Specifically, I am including the relevant section in 91.157:

(b) Special VFR operations may only be conducted—

(1) With an ATC clearance;

(2) Clear of clouds;

(3) Except for helicopters, when flight visibility is at least 1 statute mile; and

(4) Except for helicopters, between sunrise and sunset (or in Alaska, when the sun is 6 degrees or more below the horizon) unless—

(i) The person being granted the ATC clearance meets the applicable requirements for instrument flight under part 61 of this chapter;
do you need to be to request SVFR?

For SVFR, an instrument rating is required only at night, defined as the time between sunrise and sunset.

It seems to me that instrument currency would also be required, but I don't think I've seen that stated explicitly anywhere.
For SVFR, an instrument rating is required only at night, defined as the time between sunset and sunrise.

It seems to me that instrument currency would also be required, but I don't think I've seen that stated explicitly anywhere.

Fixed that for you. :D
You're close to my time frame. Got out in '86. I'll say again, we were not allowed to solicit SVFR. It had to be requested.

It still has to be requested, but there's no prohibition on suggesting it today and there was none in 1986.
SVFR has also confuse me, so I flushed my head of the concept when in groundschool; based on the mental picture the CFI-G gave, I determined it was a foolhardy thing for me to do until IFR rated.

...and I thought they were for departures only. Silly me.
SVFR has also confuse me, so I flushed my head of the concept when in groundschool; based on the mental picture the CFI-G gave, I determined it was a foolhardy thing for me to do until IFR rated.

...and I thought they were for departures only. Silly me.

Well, as I found out, they are very useful in the SF bay area on account of our marine layer. You can have an absolutely beautiful day, perfect weather, and that darned 100-200ft layer hanging the airport at 1000ft that you can easily come in under. I daresay i'd be using it again :) (possibly even tomorrow morning to get out of KCCR on my way to Petaluma - and who knows, maybe to get into Petaluma, too).
SVFR has also confuse me, so I flushed my head of the concept when in groundschool; based on the mental picture the CFI-G gave, I determined it was a foolhardy thing for me to do until IFR rated.

...and I thought they were for departures only. Silly me.
Scud running has it's risks. But...