Sonic Boom Insurance

I’ve heard probably a dozen sonic booms. Unless it’s low level, it’s not going to do damage.

Back in the 60s, the AF did a test on OK City and bombarded it with sonic booms to see if it could be used as a weapon in war. Minor damage was the result. Useless in war.
Let's see if I understand correctly:

The Government: *BOOM*

Innocent Bystander: "Oh no!"

Insured Party: "Pay me!" product. I hope you sell millions of policies to the nitwits who will buy them, then flee to Grand Cayman in your new Vision Jet. And give me a ride. :D
I guess I can add meteors to the policy also ... :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Sonic booms and artillery fire are hell on lightbulbs. Been there...

Be tough to make an artillery proof lightbulb ... ;)
