Touchdown! Greaser!
This looks interesting; I can't make it due to family in town, though. Certainly sounds sobering (walking around an aircraft salvage/boneyard and discussing what brought specific aircraft to this place), but WAY more interesting than a conference room with slides and watered down coffee.
"Air Salvage of Dallas presents the Second Annual LEGAL but FATAL Seminar series."
Topic: An in depth discussion of three to four Aircraft Accidents from start to finish in the actual bone yard.
On Saturday, June 18, 2011 at 9:00 AM
Air Salvage of Dallas, Lancaster TX.
1361 Ferris Rd.
Lancaster, TX 75146
Select Number:
Mr. Michael Zamani FAASTeam Program Manager ( Airworthiness ) will give a short presentation on fatigue in Aviation before we enter the bone yard. Mr. Joe Murphy FAASTeam Program Manager ( Operations ) & Mr. Lucky Louque FAASTeam Representative & Aviation Maintenance Technician of the year award will discuss three to four accidents.
To view further details and registration information for this seminar, click here.
The sponsor for this seminar is: FAASTeam
The following credit(s) are available for the WINGS/AMT Programs:
Basic Knowledge 3 1.00