Reporting from a good weekend in the Houston area.
Saturday ended after ~4 hours of flying with one sacrificed shirt :-D
In the morning flight (no winds, no turbulence) landings where going well and my CFI noted he might solo me today, he was planning on Sunday, but since it was going well.
This is when my landings got worse (subconscious effort, i guess).
So we took the scheduled break.
As we got closer to the afternoon session, he grabbed my logbook. I knew what that meant...
So we go up for about 1.5 hours and winds and turbulence picked up from the morning, I end up a bit high wings parallel over the ground.
At this point I figured, the solo will be another day (somewhat relieved, it;s not a race).
We take a 30min break and go up again.
Things just clicked and landings are better.
At some point, he's like, "Hey do a full on taxiway Bravo" ... "Just drop me off over there", Final words of encouragement "Don't f**** up" which I comment, as in skydiving "Don't Suck".
That was the moment when I got nervous, I was happy to not have eaten lunch, not sure if it would have stayed down.
And as many before me state, the moment you roll in the plane and the right seat is empty is just very unsettling at first.
Off I go... 3 touch-n-go's
First landing was OK, but the relieve was amazing. I counted in my head "2 more to go".
Hair on my body was standing up.
Second landing bouncy, I was not happy. The self talk, which was constant, turned into a self insult with the firm order to make it up in landing 3.
3rd landing, was my best landing ever, wheels touched the ground, you could barely feel it...
And then ti was time to pick up my CFI and taxi to the hangar for the celebratory shirt sacrifice...