So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

Hello All,

WOW what a day it was. I know today was my demo flight, but I wanted to make sure the instructors, aircraft, and learning environment were a fit and YES they were. Here are a few pic from my day, I look forward to sharing my journey here.

We took off from RWY 6 in KISM and turned NW towards Universal

We did some turns, which I felt really good about. I even did the radio work without help, it all kind of came back to me, it was sorta like riding a bike. After a short time, it was time to head back.

So I have not landed an AC in a little over 20 years, he never helped at all, it was all me, and I felt so good about it, greased it on the center line.

I know I have a lot of studying to do, and a lot to look forward to, and as I said I look forward to sharing it all with you. After we got back I put some block time down, as well as paid for the ground school.
Congrats! Now just don't get too confident, or the next landing will bounce on you lol. At least it seems to go that way. Happy for you that it's all coming back and wish you the best in finally getting your PPC.
Todays update since I will not be flying. They sent me a list of the books they use for the ground school, so I ordered those. I really need to focus on the ground part this time, that is where I failed when I was 18, but now that I am much older I feel more confident about it. It was important to me also to be in a class room, since I have two kids, and a wife at home its rough. Need to also order a headset, I used to have the DC H10-13.4 and now regret ever selling it to an otter pilot when I lived in Seattle, might as well go with what I know.
Need to also order a headset, I used to have the DC H10-13.4 and now regret ever selling it to an otter pilot when I lived in Seattle, might as well go with what I know.

Don’t. Get ANR. Technology moved on. Your ears will thank you.

Unfortunately your wallet won’t. But trust us on this one. Don’t get passive head clamps unless you’re on an extremely tight budget. And even then, ask around and borrow a set for a while (everyone has old DCs in storage, because we all have ANR headsets now) until you can save up for something with ANR.

Did I mention, ANR? ;)
Now I know the secret to greasing a landing - I just have to quit flying for 20 years!

Congrats and good luck with finishing your training. Keep us posted
Don’t. Get ANR. Technology moved on. Your ears will thank you.

Unfortunately your wallet won’t. But trust us on this one. Don’t get passive head clamps unless you’re on an extremely tight budget. And even then, ask around and borrow a set for a while (everyone has old DCs in storage, because we all have ANR headsets now) until you can save up for something with ANR.

Did I mention, ANR? ;)

Oh, I dunno - I’ve been quite happy with my passive ASA headset. $100 with a lifetime warranty, they sound good, and LSAs aren’t terribly noisy anyway.

But now that I’m carrying a passenger sometimes I need another headset. I’ll probably get an ANR type and move the passive ASA to passenger duty. Not sure what to get yet. I expect to do some shopping at Sun-n-Fun.
Don’t. Get ANR. Technology moved on. Your ears will thank you.

Unfortunately your wallet won’t. But trust us on this one. Don’t get passive head clamps unless you’re on an extremely tight budget. And even then, ask around and borrow a set for a while (everyone has old DCs in storage, because we all have ANR headsets now) until you can save up for something with ANR.

Did I mention, ANR? ;)

Thank you for the advice, I will see what I can come up with.

Don’t. Get ANR. Technology moved on. Your ears will thank you.

Unfortunately your wallet won’t. But trust us on this one. Don’t get passive head clamps unless you’re on an extremely tight budget. And even then, ask around and borrow a set for a while (everyone has old DCs in storage, because we all have ANR headsets now) until you can save up for something with ANR.

Did I mention, ANR? ;)

Or QT Halo. I scored a set and love ‘em. First flight with the Halo’s I was setting up and my CFI came out with her Halo’s. If you don’t mind something in your ear, they are great. BTW she said they were quieter than her Bose set.
Or QT Halo. I scored a set and love ‘em. First flight with the Halo’s I was setting up and my CFI came out with her Halo’s. If you don’t mind something in your ear, they are great. BTW she said they were quieter than her Bose set.

I got laid off from my job in Dec, luckily I have the funds to fly:) Once back to work I will invest is some ANR's for sure. I was tempted, but that responsible little angel was on my shoulder.
I got laid off from my job in Dec, luckily I have the funds to fly:) Once back to work I will invest is some ANR's for sure. I was tempted, but that responsible little angel was on my shoulder.

The QT’s are not ANR, no batteries to worry about and no head clamp.
Back on the subject of flight training. I was able to spend an hour in the pattern yesterday. Kinda windy, 8kts gusting to 20, luckily the winds were varying right down the runway to about 10 degrees off the right. That was the first time I did any landings with wind gusts greater than a few knots.
Went up for a (2nd) discovery flight today... I did one back on 2012 but I really want to get focused in on training. Did a couple turns and a 360* while holding altitude. Felt fantastic!!
Went up for a (2nd) discovery flight today... I did one back on 2012 but I really want to get focused in on training. Did a couple turns and a 360* while holding altitude. Felt fantastic!!
Nice work. Keep it up!
Another lesson in the books today. Just a quick one with a few stalls, simulated engine failure then return to the pattern. The goal was to do a bunch of touch and goes and get my landings and confidence back up to par, but a close-ish call with a bunch of birds when flying back to the airport. CFI said watch the birds on the right, I turned and there were birds on the left as well. Leveled out and went between them.
That was followed by another one with another plane as I was maneuvering to enter downwind (the other plane was well away, I'd guess about .75 - .5 miles, but heading straight at us. Neither of us saw him until it was maneuver or risk having a close call.) shook both my CFI and I. I did one touch and go then a full stop. We discussed taxiing back and doing a few more landings, but I decided I wouldn't be able to concentrate enough to continue safely.
What a week. Wx has finally been nice here so I took the week off and got a bunch of hours in. Knocked out a dual XC yesterday, then a solo XC. Today solo time to work on maneuvers. 3 more days scheduled this week. I'm just under 30 hours and really needing to get that written knocked out. Time to study hard.
Hello All,

Happy Sunday to you all! I start ground tomorrow, got the medical done on Friday and my class 3 without issue. I do have a question, can anyone recommend a good online ground school course? There are a few to choose from Sportys, King, Etc. I need to find one to fill in the gaps, as the studying was always a struggle when I was younger, I just want to make sure I have those gaps covered. Thank to you all for the support!

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Hello All,

Happy Sunday to you all! I start ground tomorrow, got the medical done on Friday and my class 3 without issue. I do have a question, can anyone recommend a good online ground school course? There are a few to choose from Sportys, King, Etc. I need to find one to fill in the gaps, as the studying was always a struggle when I was younger, I just want to make sure I have those gaps covered. Thank to you all for the support!


Gold Seal pretty dang good.
Hello All,

Happy Sunday to you all! I start ground tomorrow, got the medical done on Friday and my class 3 without issue. I do have a question, can anyone recommend a good online ground school course? There are a few to choose from Sportys, King, Etc. I need to find one to fill in the gaps, as the studying was always a struggle when I was younger, I just want to make sure I have those gaps covered. Thank to you all for the support!

I did Sportys for my private. It's a pretty solid program.
Sunday was such a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky, calm winds. Planned my long solo x-country for 7am Sunday morning. Everything looked great, got a weather briefing and headed to the field. Got to the clubhouse, picked up the key for our 152 and walked out to the ramp. ANNDDD the nose gear strut is completely compressed again and fluid all over the ground :(. No flight for me on that perfect day. I have come to understand the complications of flying with a club, but man this is frustrating. I am so close to finishing all my requirements and it just seems like I have had nothing but issues with weather and maintenance.
Hello All,

Happy Sunday to you all! I start ground tomorrow, got the medical done on Friday and my class 3 without issue. I do have a question, can anyone recommend a good online ground school course? There are a few to choose from Sportys, King, Etc. I need to find one to fill in the gaps, as the studying was always a struggle when I was younger, I just want to make sure I have those gaps covered. Thank to you all for the support!


I used in conjunction with the Gleim private pilot kit for my grounds studies.
Completed PPL ground studies and about 3/4 of instrument ground studies, before getting in a plane.
Flying is difficult enough, it helps knowing the theory of things.
Sunday was such a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky, calm winds. Planned my long solo x-country for 7am Sunday morning. Everything looked great, got a weather briefing and headed to the field. Got to the clubhouse, picked up the key for our 152 and walked out to the ramp. ANNDDD the nose gear strut is completely compressed again and fluid all over the ground :(. No flight for me on that perfect day. I have come to understand the complications of flying with a club, but man this is frustrating. I am so close to finishing all my requirements and it just seems like I have had nothing but issues with weather and maintenance.

That really stinks
I've been side-tracked the past handful of weeks. Last flight was on February 10th. Then I had to go take care of my dad, who was having brain surgery (surgery went well, in and out in 48 hours! Modern medicine is truly amazing).

Once back, I had to travel for work, and then this week has been go-go-go with work as well. Finally scheduled a flight for next Monday AM. Hoping we can get it in, we are nearing our windy season here in the high-desert, so lots of cancellations are in my future I'm sure.

I've got to get past the stage check, then my solo cross countries and hone my skills for the practical test. SOOOO CLOSE!
Just got back from a day of pattern work. Moderate turbulence coupled with a gusty crosswind made for an interesting day. Did several touch and goes that were surprisingly smooth.
So, still studying for the written. I'm scoring mid 80s' on practice tests and that's not good enough for me. Next I get an email from the the flight instructor. She's got a FO gig with a regional (I didn't even know she was looking.) So now another instructor. Whom I haven't met yet. And the plane is in the shop for G5 (s?) installation. So new gear to learn as well. I ok with all this stuff (except the written! Grrr.) but someday I'd like to get done.
So, still studying for the written. I'm scoring mid 80s' on practice tests and that's not good enough for me. Next I get an email from the the flight instructor. She's got a FO gig with a regional (I didn't even know she was looking.) So now another instructor. Whom I haven't met yet. And the plane is in the shop for G5 (s?) installation. So new gear to learn as well. I ok with all this stuff (except the written! Grrr.) but someday I'd like to get done.

Find ya an old fart CFI. I hear they're the bestest! :yesnod::biggrin:
So, still studying for the written. I'm scoring mid 80s' on practice tests and that's not good enough for me. Next I get an email from the the flight instructor. She's got a FO gig with a regional (I didn't even know she was looking.) So now another instructor. Whom I haven't met yet. And the plane is in the shop for G5 (s?) installation. So new gear to learn as well. I ok with all this stuff (except the written! Grrr.) but someday I'd like to get done.
Good luck on the written. I'm still studying for mine. I feel your pain with the CFI. I just lost mine to a regional airline job as well. I am happy with the replacement CFI so far (he's young enough to be my son, though).
Find ya an old fart CFI. I hear they're the bestest! :yesnod::biggrin:

My first two were those. I have limited options in the club. And no offense to the last one, but she wasn't exactly a spring chicken.
Good luck on the written. I'm still studying for mine. I feel your pain with the CFI. I just lost mine to a regional airline job as well. I am happy with the replacement CFI so far (he's young enough to be my son, though).

What gripes me is it's my second pass. My first expired.
So, still studying for the written. I'm scoring mid 80s' on practice tests and that's not good enough for me. Next I get an email from the the flight instructor. She's got a FO gig with a regional (I didn't even know she was looking.) So now another instructor. Whom I haven't met yet. And the plane is in the shop for G5 (s?) installation. So new gear to learn as well. I ok with all this stuff (except the written! Grrr.) but someday I'd like to get done.

Sounds like with the airplane down you’ll be able to knock out that written.

What gripes me is it's my second pass. My first expired.

I did that three times. And then just to add insult to injury, did the IGI and AGI on top of the rest. LOL.

You’ll get ‘er done. :)