So, If God is your co-pilot...

Fearless Tower

Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 1, 2010
Norfolk, VA
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Fearless Tower
How does Jesus log his time?

My long blinks are immediately loaded into my excel spreadsheet, under column heading JIC. It is quite useful for those times where I am flying after an all-nighter but don't want to land quite yet, and my pal Jesus takes the yoke for a bit. Start a new thread to see how Jesus logs this time.
I'm glad you asked! I gave him dual received for the time, at which point he quoted Matthew 11:29. I was like "...I have the controls..."
I once attended a safety seminar entitled "The devil is your copilot and he ain't gonna chip in for gas."
Getting close to the spin zone.
You guys are in outer space....Jesus does NOT fly.

Jesus says right in Matthew 28:20 that "lo, he is with you always"...
Is the bar in Saudi, or across the bridge in Bahrain? 'Cuz Mohammed won't drink in Saudi. Get him across that bridge and he's a party animal!

Oh snap are you in trouble!! Speaking badly of Mohammed can get you killed. May the fleas of the thousand camels invade your arm pits. :D
Oh snap are you in trouble!! Speaking badly of Mohammed can get you killed. May the fleas of the thousand camels invade your arm pits. :D


It will draw Jaybird and Redtail out of the wood work...:yikes::eek:......:redface:
Are you flying something that has three required crewmembers?
I believe a crew member has to be alive and God is clinically dead by all definitions.
I believe a crew member has to be alive and God is clinically dead by all definitions.

Well, questions about his health preceded Chevy Chase and "Weekend Update" by nearly a decade (The date isn't legible in the image; it's the April 18, 1966 issue).


Well, questions about his health preceded Chevy Chase and "Weekend Update" by nearly a decade (The date isn't legible in the image; it's the April 18, 1966 issue).



Fine example of poor journalism as they failed to take note of the fact that to be dead you actually had to be alive or exist beforehand.
The "soul manipulator" distinction probably applies to a few TV preachers.
So do the Father and the Son have to pay their pro rata share? What about if the Holy Ghost tags along?
If God is your co-pilot, change seats.
He wouldn't need an ADSB in box to show him the weather, one wave from his hand and its blue skies all the way.