New York actually does a very good job with snow removal when the suits stay out of it and let the highway guys do their thing. Our illustrious governor, unfortunately, has a hard time doing that. He loves jumping in and managing the snow-removal efforts, which would be fine except that he sucks at it.
This time, however, it looks like he left it to the experts, and traffic kept moving. I had three brothers and a cousin (along with wives and kids) all make their way north today. They did so against my advice (I suggested they come tomorrow), but nonetheless completed the trip almost without incident.
The exception was one cousin from Florida who slipped off the road on the last leg -- the hill to my parents' place -- because he was too macho to accept multiple offers of a ride in better-equipped vehicles with experienced winter drivers. That was the only incident. The highway parts of their trips all went fine despite snowfall rates of 2 to 3 inches / hour.
As for where I live, we have the crews from the village, the township, and the county out there plowing snow 24/7 for as long as it comes down. They really do a great job. That's high praise coming from a Libertarian.
Now if only I could say the same for the guy I pay to plow my driveway. He never showed up at all today. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt for now. He may plan to arrive closer to the end of the storm. But if he neither shows up, calls, nor has a reasonable explanation, I'll have to consider either replacing him or buying a snow blower.