Slow loading? (POA)

Greg Bockelman

Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Feb 23, 2005
Lone Jack, MO
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Greg Bockelman
Seems like after the latest update, POA is significantly slower loading. Anyone else having an issue with this?

Every other site I monitor are not so affected.
not since flyingron_test fixed it, been fine since the new IT guy took over.
I haven't had any issues, but my internet sucks in general so it can be hard to tell.
Plenty fast for me. Is it because I'm flying a low wing this week?
I haven't noticed any changes in performance since the update. Seems good to me.
Anyone else getting occasional stuttering on mobile (iOS specifically)? Haven’t seen it on any other website but POA, but it’s almost the entire OS/safari level that is stuttering, not just the POA content.