Final Approach
Much discussion regarding side slipping on landing in crosswinds, but who side slips a crosswind takeoff?
Much discussion regarding side slipping on landing in crosswinds, but who side slips a crosswind takeoff?
only until airborne, then crab or drift
Much discussion regarding side slipping on landing in crosswinds, but who side slips a crosswind takeoff?
No such thing as a slip to ascend, or takeoff. You may crab on takeoff, but if you try to cross control you will stall and crash.
No such thing as a slip to ascend, or takeoff. You may crab on takeoff, but if you try to cross control you will stall and crash.
Here in Mammoth with only 100hp no take off is assured. If wind shear is abundant I prefer to be aligned and track the center line in case I'm going to need to use the runway in front of me.
Eh? I learned to fly on the front range of the Rockies with a 152. I'd prefer to be climbing at the maximum performance to get away from the ground. I've got no problem kicking her straight with rudder if I end up having to put her back down on the runway just as when I'm landing. Tracking the center line is something you do even when flying coordinated.
No such thing as a slip to ascend, or takeoff. You may crab on takeoff, but if you try to cross control you will stall and crash.
I still don't know what wind shear has to do with it. Once you've got enough airspeed to get the wheels positively off the ground (and yes in gusty conditions or possible wind shear I hay keep her on the ground longer), it's unclear why you're doing that. Once you're positively off the ground FLY! Keeping the longitudinal access aligned with the runeay does NOTHING to enhance safety.
No such thing as a slip to ascend, or takeoff. You may crab on takeoff, but if you try to cross control you will stall and crash.
I've never cross controlled an aircraft on take off. I often keep a wing low into the wind on takeoff but as soon as it breaks ground I crab into the wind some, especially in a tail dragger. On landing I often cross control to the max to lose altitude in a taildragger without flaps, often times right down to within a few feet of the runway. To the best of my knowledge , I've never slipped on takeoff. ( over 4000 hours most in taildraggers)
No such thing as a slip to ascend, or takeoff. You may crab on takeoff, but if you try to cross control you will stall and crash.
No such thing as a slip to ascend, or takeoff. You may crab on takeoff, but if you try to cross control you will stall and crash.
In a good crosswind I'm cross controlled on most every takeoff. Aileron into the wind and opposite rudder to keep the nose going straight down the runway.
I'll get the tail up as soon as I can which reduces the AOA on the wing and gets it flying sooner, out of the stall AOA regime with the tail down. When the aileron starts working I'll pick up the downwind wing and roll on one tire. Still using rudder to keep it straight with the runway centerline. Cross controlled
If I can't get the wing down into the crosswind, I'll be skipping sideways across the runway waiting for the beast to fly.
Exactly. It's a transition move. You don't want to keep it in a slip because that just adds drag.
No such thing as a slip to ascend, or takeoff. You may crab on takeoff, but if you try to cross control you will stall and crash.
You might, but most pilots can manage to maintain a slip while climbing without stalling or crashing. Just ask any CFI how well their students do with coordination when taking off early in their training. "More right rudder" is probably the most often phrase that passes through a CFIs lips.No such thing as a slip to ascend, or takeoff. You may crab on takeoff, but if you try to cross control you will stall and crash.
I've never cross controlled an aircraft on take off once the wheels leave the ground. I often keep a wing low into the wind on takeoff but as soon as it breaks ground I crab into the wind some, especially in a tail dragger. On landing I often cross control to the max to lose altitude in a taildragger without flaps, often times right down to within a few feet of the runway. To the best of my knowledge , I've never slipped on takeoff. ( over 4000 hours most in taildraggers)
Your take off technique is what I normally use.
Look at my photo and notice the 13,000' terrain 1 mile from the runway. Also notice the 1,500' high glacial moraines that cause rotors as the winds come down the big canyons, next they go over the runway at a 90 degree angle, hit more high terrain and then rotor back horizontally. That would be the south wind while a west wind collides mid field, maybe even an East wind too.
If all that is happening and I know the wind is going to change dramatically and numerous times crabbing into the wind can be counterproductive if its the next wind you are preparing for.
I still don't know what wind shear has to do with it. Once you've got enough airspeed to get the wheels positively off the ground (and yes in gusty conditions or possible wind shear I hay keep her on the ground longer), it's unclear why you're doing that. Once you're positively off the ground FLY! Keeping the longitudinal access aligned with the runeay does NOTHING to enhance safety.
I normally do a barrel roll just after takeoff. It's worked every time.
I don't see why any period of time should be spent in a slipping climb.
If you get into ground effect and you sit there slipping for some ridiucious reason you might NEVER get a positive rate of climb. Slipping is inefficient. Do that at a high DA airport in an underpowered airplane and you'll meet your maker.
Once the wheels come off the ground there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to continue to slip. Ditch the slip and fly coordinated so that you can actually, you know, fly away.
Why do you think the FAA included "This sideslipping should be continued until the airplane has a positive rate of climb." if its going to cause me to meet my maker? I have been flying very light planes out of Mammoth since the 80s and learned this lesson decades ago. Our DA is usually about 10,000'
Depending on how close to the edge you are, you may never establish a positive rate of climb while in a slip...
That's not how it happens, I climb at ~700'/min and get off in 5 seconds. I don't sit in ground effect, instead i lower the nose and accelerate to Vy, my CT wants to climb. The problem is staying airborne when negative shear is encountered while still close to the ground.
I realize that slipping degrades performance and I minimize it.
Why do you think the FAA advises the slip prior to establishing a positive rate of climb if it is such bad advice?