Sleep study done and after using CPAP I feel amazing


James Kerr

Better cognition , memory, thinking ahead no depression - I’m on a very low dose of abilify now and not on invega. Sertraline is also what I’m taking. Maybe fifteen years from the day on sertraline and I could get a special issuance. In two weeks my doctor will get the results of the test.
The day I did my sleep study, they told me, "We'll do the sleep monitoring tonight, and you'll come back for us to titrate your CPAP settings." They woke me up about 2 hrs in and said, "Yeah, okay, you've got serious apnea and we don't need to watch you suffer anymore. Let's start your titration." I woke up that morning feeling the best I had felt in years and wanted to take a CPAP home with me that day. The next two weeks waiting for the doc and the paperwork and the insurance and all was miserable.

I know some people don't like sleeping with a CPAP, but I'm the opposite--you'd have to fight me to take it away from me.
The day I did my sleep study, they told me, "We'll do the sleep monitoring tonight, and you'll come back for us to titrate your CPAP settings." They woke me up about 2 hrs in and said, "Yeah, okay, you've got serious apnea and we don't need to watch you suffer anymore. Let's start your titration." I woke up that morning feeling the best I had felt in years and wanted to take a CPAP home with me that day. The next two weeks waiting for the doc and the paperwork and the insurance and all was miserable.

I know some people don't like sleeping with a CPAP, but I'm the opposite--you'd have to fight me to take it away from me.
Same here!
The day I did my sleep study, they told me, "We'll do the sleep monitoring tonight, and you'll come back for us to titrate your CPAP settings." They woke me up about 2 hrs in and said, "Yeah, okay, you've got serious apnea and we don't need to watch you suffer anymore. Let's start your titration." I woke up that morning feeling the best I had felt in years and wanted to take a CPAP home with me that day. The next two weeks waiting for the doc and the paperwork and the insurance and all was miserable.

I know some people don't like sleeping with a CPAP, but I'm the opposite--you'd have to fight me to take it away from me.
In mine they didn’t bother to wake me up. When I asked the next morning they said essentially the same thing: severe OSA and no need to continue, so they went right into titration. I could have sworn I only got a couple hours of sleep that night but the charts showed otherwise and I felt better that day than I had in years.

It worked, and still works, for me.
As someone who refused to get one after years of complaints from my wife, it has changed my life. Its a super pain in the butt to travel with (the full size one), but I feel it when I can't use it. I'm at about a 99.4% compliance rate in its use, on the odd day when I don't use it or don't meet the 6 hr usage, I surely feel it the next day.

I have tried a travel version (Resmed Airmini) but the darn thing is LOUD while breathing AND it doesn't synch like the Resmed Airsense 10. Its a shame because its so much smaller for packing purposes.
Yeah i went from feeling terrible after 8.5 hours of sleep to feeling amazingly good after 6.5 hours with the cpap. I love it.
Pro tip; put an airtag in your case when you travel. Will make replacing finding it much easier... or so I've been told :rolleyes:
Just think: 20 years ago we had no idea what the H.... was going on....
I think about the difference a CPAP could have made for my dad all the time. He died at 75, and (in hindsight) I'm certain apnea took a few years off, and made many of the years he had kinda miserable.
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It’s sad when people go undiagnosed and untreated. Given the other effects it should be more accessible to get sleep studies I feel but hey I don’t make the rules. I’m just glad you all contributed!
Cpap literally saved me. Zoned out driving to work one day, thinking I was wide awake. Got lucky and didn’t hit any thing

Now I get blissful sleep every night.

The only prep I’ve done for the coming zombie apocalypse is cpap plus solar charger plus battery.