The worst complaints about them were coming from the one-percenters in Menlo Park. I bet that a good percentage of Surf Air's members lived there too!Buncha vultures are rejoicing over the failure of Surf Air...
And it never seems to cross people's minds that the mitigation measures they want are going to shift the noise to somebody else!
The worst complaints about them were coming from the one-percenters in Menlo Park. I bet that a good percentage of Surf Air's members lived there too!
Oh boy yo boy yo boy I can't wait to hear sonic booms again..!!!!
Last one I heard was in '92 when a space shuttle was landing.
And in the Detroit area during the same time frame, out of nearby Selfridge. Maybe a bit earlier actually, I doubt I've heard a sonic boom since 1970.There were several sonic booms in the Bay area and central valley back in the late sixties and early seventies. I'm guessing they were from the SR-71s out of Mather/McClellan/Beale AFB, whichever one it was where they were based...
And in the Detroit area during the same time frame, out of nearby Selfridge. Maybe a bit earlier actually, I doubt I've heard a sonic boom since 1970.
To be fair to the complainers, I do hear more jet traffic than than I used to for whatever reason, but it's not a constant thing, and it's certainly nothing like it was at my first house, where I had to turn up the TV in order to hear it when one would go over.Tons of NIMBYs have been yammering about what they perceive, rightly and wrongly, as NextGen related changes....
To be fair to the complainers, I do hear more jet traffic than I did a few years ago, but it's not a constant thing, and it's certainly nothing like it was at my first house, where I had to turn up the TV in order to hear it when one would go over.
I could see coming up with some method of spreading out the noise impact.
I was talking about the FAA coming up with a plan. I think the principle of sovereign immunity might apply, but if not, it seems to me that the concern you raise would apply more to the practice of routing them over consistent routes than it would if they were spread out.The issue there becomes "So you chose to fly over my house, not because of safety reasons, but because you're choosing to make it MY problem?"
"I'm gonna sue!"
I was talking about the FAA coming up with a plan. I think the principle of sovereign immunity might apply, but if not, it seems to me that the concern you raise would apply more to the practice of routing them over consistent routes than it would if they were spread out.
As far as I’m concerned, noise ordinances and complaints of noise should be abolished. The only ones who use them are whiny, miserable human beings.
I guess I am whiny and miserable then. It is one thing then an operation has to make a certain amount of noise and has taken many measures to reduce it. It is a totally different situation when groups or individuals create excessive noise just for their own satisfaction. I live in a house 75 yards from a 2-lane road. Cars and motorcycles go by that are loud enough to prevent normal conversation inside my own house. I would vote crap like that off the road tomorrow if I could.
Orrrrrr...don't buy within 5-7 miles of a Class C/B airport. What? Personal responsibility? We can't have that.
Or pig farm. Grew up about a mile from one. When the wind was out of the north...wheeeeewwwwww.Same reason for not buying a home in the country near any dairy
Same reason for not buying a home in the country near any dairy
The flies are horrendous, our airport is about one mile from a dairy. If you leave your windows open in your car you will have hundreds of passengers coming home with you.
Chickens and pigs are gut wrenching compared to cattle. Still agree that if you move where there is noise/smell - get over itThread drift (surprise!).
Are dairies *that* bad. My grandparents had cattle and horses and the smell never really amounted to much. Chicken houses (and in particular, when they clean out chicken houses) can be really odoriferous. I assume pigs are the same.
Why did you allow the road to be built in your front yard? Oh, it was there before you bought your house? You should have bought a house further from the main highway. No one forces anyone to by a specific house. Study hard, get good grades, get a good-paying gig and buy smart. You, after all, are your own best advocate.
Ok, I will bite. A guy I used to know had a locomotive horn mounted in his truck. Given the right conditions it could be heard 20 miles away. Would you be ok with him blasting that thing at the end of your driveway 24/7? Thats freedom right? Does his freedom of disturbing the peace around him know no bounds? What if it had a radius of 200 miles?
You're right, slip of the texting thumb edited to make it politi-neutral. Apologies. But, of course, you quoted me for posterity.I thought we weren't allowed to get into partisan politics here.
You're right, slip of the texting thumb edited to make it politi-neutral. Apologies. But, of course, you quoted me for posterity.