Touchdown! Greaser!
The ritual went something like this:
Me: I'd like a Number Six breakfast meal.
Priestess (aka "Counter Person"): What size?
Me: Small.
CP: Sorry, we don't have small.
Me: ... W-what do you have?
CP: We have medium and large.
Me: I want the smaller one.
CP: So you want the medium?
Me: I want the smallest one you got.
CP: Medium it is.
Size inflation. Some places don't have "small" any more, they've renamed the former "small" size to now be called "medium". It's all part of the Supersize Me marketing campaign.
Sometime try asking for just a small burger and soda. They will tell you that a "meal" is cheaper and that if you don't want the fries you should throw them away. That concept drives a friend of mine absolutely nuts.