A few weeks back a friend and I flew around our rural area at 500-600 agl, staying well away from buildings. just looking at the crops and the woods and the streams... We did circle once over an airport outside a small village but did not overfly the village...
After we got back to my field and put the plane away and were shooting the bull with the guys, up shows a State Police Sergeant asking if anyone was flying that morning... Everyone looked at him, shrugged, and turned their backs... So, I engaged him in conversation, handed him a coffee and asked why he was asking...
He said he saw an airplane plane flying illegally low...
How low is that, I asked...
Well, it was barely above the trees and that is illegal...
Where was this?
Right over the xxx airport as I was going down the highway and the plane was not more than 70 or 80 feet high, just over the trees (he was 2 miles away looking out over trees closer to him which will make the plane look far lower than it is)...
So how would planes land or take off or even check the windsock if they have to remain way high?
He looked at me like I was a simple child... "It was too low!" he said with finality...
Maybe not, I said... Actually there are FAA regs which govern that and aircraft can travel at 500 feet above the ground as long as they stay 1500 feet sideways from any occupied dwelling or exposed person, I said with a smile... And within the airport traffic area a plane may fly at any safe altitude for maneuvering purposes..
'Not in my patrol zone' he said and went stomping back to his car...
So, this is the kind of thinking that is being promulgated through the local law enforcement community... The attitude is that being there are terrorists that are a threat, anything he does not like is a threat... Probably your only defense is to download your GPS tracks after a flight and save them...