Perhaps AOPA is trying to protect the privledges of pilots and those active in avaition. Maybe they did mischaracterize the issue. Please provide cite to support your contention.
Ask any pilot who looked down the barrel of the gun if the FAA is an enforcement agency. Perhaps being some kind of LEO yourself (that only means I know you are long time NPS but am unaware of your exact title in your employment) you are quibbling over terms but not context.
Heretofore, the NOAA has had jurisdiction over the navigable waters. We now read this as a broadening of powers to include the air.
Ok, I understand now. Thank you for your explanation.
Oh yes, I do know some altitude advisories have been in effect for some years. Intentionally buzzing a pod of whales or willfull harrassment of sea otters is not to be confused with a 'bust' of 2,000 msl over a designated marine sanctuary.
EDIT TO ADD: IF you know something more than the average Joe, and I think you do, please share that information if allowed.