Finding a woman who will tolerate your obsession (and if you are sufficiently into flying that you joined this group, it IS an obsession) is tough enough. When you start looking for her to enjoy and participate, you are really really really eliminating a large number of potential candidates for a mate. Those that remain are generally aware that they are a rarity, already have a (correct) high opinion of their own worth, and thus a male has to rise to the top of the crowd to be worthy. The GOOD news is that you aren't competing against all other male pilots, as there are many many of them who aren't passionate about flying, or who may not want a partner who is into flying, or other reasons that eliminate them from competition.
In a nutshell, you'll find a good dog a lot faster, but if you want to keep searching for the prize, I expect it will be worth your while, even if you never find her.