Taxi to Parking
Badly wanting an EIS upgrade and with many things to fix in the panel, I mentally tried every way to bring the GI 275 into my G5 world (other than just MFD). This is largely because I'm really satisfied with the G5 stack and didn't feel like going away from them. But in the end, when I added everything up, I decided to drop the big coin for a G3X Touch setup. With the G5(s), GMU 11, GTP 59, and GAD 29B already installed and ready to go, the G3X Touch is the logical upgrade for me.
I was hard set on getting the GI 275 EIS. The EIS system is the same for both GI 275 and G3X Touch (ie. GEA 24). The 10.6" screen adds $4K compared to the GI 275. Add the GSU-25D ADAHRS unit for a little under $2K and a new panel (I was getting a new one either way), and now 100% glass panel and everything is fully supported properly, unlike the G5-GI 275 mixmatch. I think this upgrade is same cost as or less expensive than replacing a G5 stack with a GI 275 stack + EIS. My left-over G5 unit goes into the right panel.
Very sound reasoning, and gets you a jealousy-inducing panel too!
Also, not sure if the GI 275 would count towards the "Technically Advanced Aircraft" definition (61.129(j)) even though it's an amazing unit. The VSI is not primary in it. Although, I saw a pic of a GI 275 VSI as a seperate unit and it looks pretty cool.
Wait... Separate VSI? Or do you mean MFD in the VSI position? What was on it?