judypilot said:
There does hang about this aspect of NASA an air of past interests and exploits that are just that--past. The manned space program hasn't produced anything interesting in terms of science and technology in years; it's just hype.
I'm all for manned flights and doing new interesting stuff. But I have to agree with you on this. It's almost like they keep flying the shuttle in much the same way you see the 105 year old tribal warrior carrying his shield and spear around. Holding onto the Glory Days in any way possible even though those days are long past.
Every time something goes wrong, the politicians point at the moon and say let's go and committee together a planning session in the back halls of somewhere where it never sees the light of day. Dispicable behavior.
Yes we do need the station and the up and down ability to go to the moon and beyond on a regular basis. Problem is I don't honestly see manned moon flights ever happening again. IMO it's at best a Rutan type program if it's ever done again. It won't be done by the gov't unless something drastic happens. There are groups like Rutan that would do it in a second, problem is the public that funds the gov't operations don't even know what the dots in the sky are on a clear night when the city power go out then proceed to call the local observatories in a panic for reassurances. (NOT a joke BTW)
judypilot said:
In fact, NASA has done some pretty terrific stuff in the past 10-15 years in their earth observation program. Although I'm more right leaning than not, this is one of the things I disagree with the current administration on--they need to be pumping up that side of NASA and leaving this manned space flight thing for the future when we decide we really need it again. I think it's the wrong challenge for the times. The earth observation program, unlike the shuttle program, has produced real discoveries that are influencing how we look at the world.
Good point. Manned flight just doesn't have a real goal right now.
The problem with eliminating manned flight for a while or 100-500 years is that we loose the ability to do it then you have to relearn the skills from scratch. Think of the moon flights as an example. We have two Saturns laying on their sides as museum pieces and the plans and all the paperwork etc that got us there in 1969 readily available. However I seriously think that if we said GO today with a 5 year target date that we could not do it even using the proven 36 year old cheat sheets. There would be tiny Saturn pieces all over Florida if they tried to fly one 2 years from today. It's not that we can't. It's that we just don't have the experience to fly that monster anymore.
We need to loose the wishy washy political motivational clips for popularity points. Choose a goal and actually stick with it. Don't committee it in the back sub basement closet. Draw it up on the big wall for everyone to see and start building the stuff to get there right now and don't back off until you're there. Bring back the Glory Days or get out of the way and let someone in there that can.
The shuttle limping into low Earth orbit, hopefully without blowing up, with no bigger realistic goal in sight is kinda BORING. I'm just not seeing the inspiration. It's real annoying holding ones breath on every launch and sighing relief when it doesn't blow itself to smithereens.
I'd love to see someone stepping onto the Moon 5 years from now. Disappointment year after year is annoying. For now I think I'll stick to the really exciting stuff of radio controlled robots driving into untouched unknown ground and finding sedimentary type rocks and nobody knows what else on Mars.
For the first time in 4.5 BILLION YEARS we FINALLY have the ability to actually do something really really interesting...We, right here, right now, won the super triple points power ball lottery and we're too lazy to cash the ticket in... TOTALLY SHAMEFUL.
This is something that really torques me off.
Rant of.